• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.

@innocent forever

  1. Kiwi2016

    Jim's Cafe Wednesday April 3, 2019

    Good morning , afternoon, evening everyone...saw the cafe was dark when came in looking for morning coffee so thought would open it up and get some coffee going... and also stopped at the bakery so got some pastries...as all were eaten yesterday... and in honor of Vitamin C day brought some...
  2. 1964dodge

    Jims Cafe October 6 Saturday

    todays theme what is the one thing that makes you the happiest when you're feeling down and please help me with tags
  3. Kiwi2016

    Jim's Cafe Monday July 2 2018

    So as I've only done this once before will need all the help that I can get to open the cafe :) Didn't see another posting so hopefully I am not duplicating a thread---if so for those who know how to do it don't hesitate to merge threads.... So come one and all... did manage to find the...