• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. sisyphus

    Dealing with Depression

    I was recovering but I noticed that 2017 has been a whole down year. I went spiraling back again to my worst of moments and lately it has reached again the peak that leads to the end. But the end is now a problem that it wasn't before: I used to be alone, but while I was recovering, I had to...
  2. Gergin

    Choosing what I love over what was right....

    I joined the Army as a bright eyed and innocent 17 year old in 2011. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and my desire to become. Basic and AIT went pretty smoothly, I found most of the challenges exciting and quickly learned that my gift of easily adapting to pretty much any situation was a...