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Well-Known Member
I did do further research, just to expand on what I know. And all evidence, bar that from amateur blogs and websites, is that there is absolutely no proof. Nibiru's existence is only supported by people with little to no valid background in astronomy or any field of science for that matter. It was brought up by some woman in Wisconsin whose first prediction of its arrival failed, only to be recycled by similarly anonymous groups who just shifted it to 2012. Nobody within the respective field of astronomy - be they in NASA or some independent organization - has found this thing to exist.

The internet is full of people who make all sorts of claims. Anybody and everybody can do it, which is why one needs to sift through quite a bit of dubious material and be very careful of what they find. The interesting thing about predictions is that they are often times very vague; I can predict that there will be rain, then a dry season, where I live and that wouldn't necessarily be remarkable. Now if I were to be extremely specific, that's a different story. Unsurprisingly, most prophets tend to be cryptic and vague with their prediction, or keep low and anonymous profiles so as not to be ridiculed when their predictions fall through.

What perturbs me is how so many people seem almost eager for these sorts of things to happen. No matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, there is this morbid fetishism on the web - and within religion in general - for believing that the world is going to end. Why not worry about the problems that are certain and real? Poverty, injustice, immorality, pollution, etc. Why obsesses and waste resources on hypothetical occurrences? This is more a rant in general, not necessarily directed at you by the way.


Well-Known Member
Technically, there's a possibility that a cataclysm could occur at any time in any year whenever. So, there's a possibility that death and destruction will happen in 2012, or in any other year for that matter. So yes, there's a possibility there will be death and destruction in 2012.
I can accept that pragmatic take on it. The problem is when such a possibility is deemed an undeniable fact.


Well-Known Member
The world could end in 2012. It's possible. Just like it could it end tomorrow or the day after that. For the record, if a second sun-like planet were in our solar system we would know about it and if it hit the Earth in the past, we wouldn't be here today. The 'experts' providing these websites and information are, to put it kindly, a fucking joke. If the world really is going to end in 2012 by collision with a mystery planet covered up by the big bad government, where are the astronomers saying 'Yes, this is true'? Where are the physicists, the cosmologists? There are none because it's horsesh-...it is baloney.

White Dove

Well-Known Member
for those on here who do not fully believe in a 2012 end, just how sure are you that nothing will happen?

I know i myself seem kind of weird, or dumb or whatever, lord knows the names i have been called before but really and truly and honestly this world is coming to an end for sure.. not only have i seen it in my own visions but it is like i been through this whole thing before. it is like i am repeating my life over and over again until i can get it right.

get this = i knew about a shooting that would take place at a church in their parking lot, maybe i was supposed to save the lady and child that got killed and if so well i failed again. i fully knew it would happen and even told the minister, only thing was i thought it was me, and i was wrong. i told the minister about 2 or 3 months before it actually happened. in my vision i seen myself get shot and crawl under a car/truck etc.. that did happen exactly like i seen, after she was shot she crawled in under the truck and the guy pulled her out from under the truck and shot her in the head exacution style.. so i assume i was supposed to save her but failed.

this 2012 will happen.. it will be huge and it is a sun like planet. just like da javou i seen it and know 1005 without a doubt it will happen, in fact i even seen it already in the night sky. it is too far away for me to take a photo and it to show up but one can fully see it with a telescope.

now, why does the goverment not tell everyone about this? think about irt.. what good will it do to tell everyone here, that an ELE event will soon take place, if that was told, no one would go to work, etc.. their would be panic in the streets, people would do all kinds of things and the goverment is greedy, they want all they can get so they keep it hush hush until they are no longer able to keep it hushed.. right now they are building a huge telescope in the antartica.. because they need to view it much more.. they have thought about using nuclear to break it up but to do so it would cause not one huge thing coming at us, but several large things in a row and we really don't need that either.. heck even after i posted several things on another site that was based over seas like SF here i soon had several black helicoptors going over my house with infered lights on only.. you could hear the sound of the huge chopters but seen nothing.. so i shut off my computer and all.. they want to keep it hush hush as long as they can.. right now they are debating it and all, they do not fully believe it as called nibiru, they are thinking it's an huge ort cloud headed our way with several brown dwarf stars, and at least 3 of them are thinking it is nemesis or UB313 ( unknown if that is the right number or not ) and still others are not sure what it is, rather it is a huge spaceship, meteror, etc.. they know it's out there, they know it's headed our way, but they don't know what to do about it... and then there is one guy who thinks it is something the goverment sent up that is on it's way back and they will use that as to bring about a world goverment..

but like i say and like i post, no one believed noah when he said it would come a huge rain and flood the whole earth, they ignored him, made fun of him, etc..well you all can ignore me, make fun of me etc.. but as GOD is my witness above and to say this as a fact upon my mother's grave.. 2012 is a huge thing. it is really going to shock people. at first i was not so sure but after seeing the record flooding in this state ( and i did mention there would be a record flooding this month and it was posted on a local site ) i now know what i am here for.. but still getting others to believe is not going to be easy...

okay, what is next....

exteeme drought in tennessee, months of june, july, and august.. plants will die because of lack of water/rain.. from arkansas to as far west as nevada, there will be a huge breakout of tornadoes in june.. it will destroy thousands of homes and about 180000 people will be killed in these storms that all will take place in one weeks time frame

california will be hit with huge fires that will break out as the tornadoes are effecting the middle united states area, it will be huge and be fueled by high winds coming in from the pacific, LA will be hit with fire that will destroy parts of hollowood areas and wilshire areas of california, over 65% of the state of california will be burnt up by these wildfires.

2 weeks after the wildfires and tornodes have struck, the volcano in hawii will erupt causing huge lava to destroy honolulu and kawaii in the isands..

in july, the hurrican will hit the outter banks of eastern united states, and at least 50000 will die, at the same time another hurrican will hit in the south.

earthquakes will hit 5 of them that will cause at least 7 tusnamies these are the places that will be devastated


for the remainder of the year= you really do not want to know..

when these things above happen...

will you believe me then about 2012? or will you ignore me like those who ignored noah in his days...?


Well-Known Member
I second Fawkes' question.

Even if it's not the case, you clearly want to believe in these terrible things regardless of evidence or lack thereof. Therefore, I see no point in debating this.
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I don't want to appear like those who have posted before me regarding your last statement and I actually believe in some of what you say.--" but it is like ive been through this whole thing before. it is like i am repeating my life over and over again until i can get it right."--

I feel exactly like this sometimes, but it is important that we always take an objective view when dealing with science on all the information that is put before us.

Your post seems very informative, it is inundated with many 'facts' most of which could confuse, disorientate or even scare those who are unfamiliar with the terms being employed here.

I however am not, I wouldn't say I was an expert on the subject but I have studied it, not only for my university degree but also for my own curiosity.

There are many sites, books and even educated people giving talks on this subject and the 'facts' they inundate you with can seem overwhelming.

You must take an objective view when dealing with anything, especially of a scientific nature as most often the overall popular beliefs, which where well substantiated at first are often proven inaccurate and even far fetched.

Many of the places offering information on this subject where created by amateurs, most of whom have interests in conspiracy theories.

If you collect all the 'facts' from one site to another and create a 'log' you may find all the numbers are different. You May find all the 'ideas' are different. You could find all the 'theories' are different.

remember, a theory is a theory until there is proof, then it becomes a possibility.
The problem is there are so many possibilities out there.
I think 2012 will be very interesting. End of the world? Maybe, however, very cataclysmic things will happen. I don't want to repeat anyone but a lot of truth has been said in this thread.


Well-Known Member
for those on here who do not fully believe in a 2012 end, just how sure are you that nothing will happen?
There is no absolute certainty in anything, however I have substantially more reason to believe that the world won't end in 2012 than reason to believe it will. Although the human race is tending towards self-destruction, the world as whole has been doing just fine for billions of years and suffered worse than humans in its time.

I know i myself seem kind of weird, or dumb or whatever, lord knows the names i have been called before but really and truly and honestly this world is coming to an end for sure.. not only have i seen it in my own visions but it is like i been through this whole thing before. it is like i am repeating my life over and over again until i can get it right.

get this = i knew about a shooting that would take place at a church in their parking lot, maybe i was supposed to save the lady and child that got killed and if so well i failed again. i fully knew it would happen and even told the minister, only thing was i thought it was me, and i was wrong. i told the minister about 2 or 3 months before it actually happened. in my vision i seen myself get shot and crawl under a car/truck etc.. that did happen exactly like i seen, after she was shot she crawled in under the truck and the guy pulled her out from under the truck and shot her in the head exacution style.. so i assume i was supposed to save her but failed.
Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe you do have some power but keep this is mind: in a large study people were shown many pictures from their youth and asked to remember the time it was taken, but one photo of them was photo-shopped with a carnival in the background instead of whatever it was before.

A very large portion of the test subjects said they remembered when that picture was taken, some even remembered events at the carnival like riding the roller-coaster of what have you. Your memory is open modification, especially when you are trying to remember something specifically.

this 2012 will happen.. it will be huge and it is a sun like planet. just like da javou i seen it and know 1005 without a doubt it will happen, in fact i even seen it already in the night sky. it is too far away for me to take a photo and it to show up but one can fully see it with a telescope.
A sun like planet? While a technicality is that it isn't a planet unless it's in orbit of a star, so I think you mean an asteroid. If you do, I'll tell you that there just aren't any asteroids the size of the sun. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter looks like tiny little dots compared to Mars or Jupiter, and Mars and Jupiter are tiny compared to the Sun.

Let's say you're correct - there is a sun sized asteroid on the way, and it can be seen with a telescope. If something that large were that close, it would send the solar system out of wack. Its gravity would pull on everything and the Earth's orbit would take longer, or quite possibly we could be pulled out of orbit altogether. If that were the case, we would notice that the Sun would not always rise is the East and set in the West, it would change at least a bit every day, the moon would not be as consistent as it is in orbit of the Earth as it is if there were the added gravity from the asteroid. It would also send the tides into a tizzy.

now, why does the goverment not tell everyone about this? think about irt.. what good will it do to tell everyone here, that an ELE event will soon take place, if that was told, no one would go to work, etc.. their would be panic in the streets, people would do all kinds of things and the goverment is greedy, they want all they can get so they keep it hush hush until they are no longer able to keep it hushed.. right now they are building a huge telescope in the antartica..
Do you know how many amateur/professional astronomers there are? Do you know how easy it is to get information out there these days? Not only the internet, there are HAM radio operators listening in and you can broadcast through repeaters and not be found. There's UseNet, which is about as anonymous as you can get, and there is of course the fact you are posting this here. I can believe that the CIA could have, but did not, prevent JFK getting shot (JFK was going to cut CIA budget) because it makes sense, and because it would relatively easy to contain because only the boss and maybe 3-5 other guys ever would have got info about the assassination attempt.

Something coming at us from space is not something 1 or 10 or even 100 people are privy to; there are tens of thousands of people with telescopes that regularly look around in the night sky, many civilian observatories have massive telescopes. It simply isn't plausible to say that the government not only has the ability to keep all of them quiet, but that they also would want to spend all the resources it would take to do so.

they have thought about using nuclear to break it up but to do so it would cause not one huge thing coming at us, but several large things in a row and we really don't need that either..
If the asteroid were Sun sized, even the entirety of the human nuclear arsenal wouldn't leave a mark on it.

heck even after i posted several things on another site that was based over seas like SF here i soon had several black helicoptors going over my house with infered lights on only.. you could hear the sound of the huge chopters but seen nothing..
How did you know it had infrared lights? There invisible to the human eye. Why would they use helicopters? Do you have any idea the amount of maintainence a helicopter needs? It simply isn't practical, and making them all black would be stupid if they were going for a stealth approach. Area 51 has had run-ins with the black chopper, and I'll believe that because all black lets the government have plausible deniability while still screaming "We're watching and you know it, so turn around." Deploying black choppers into residential areas would alert everyone, and that would also mean that the conspirators would have to keep EVERY airport and ALL of NORAD's radar guys in on it to keep them from talking about these aircraft in report or maybe even having them intercepted by the military.

The only semi-plausible way to mass-spy on people would be unmarked, average looking vans.

so i shut off my computer and all.. they want to keep it hush hush as long as they can.. right now they are debating it and all, they do not fully believe it as called nibiru, they are thinking it's an huge ort cloud headed our way with several brown dwarf stars, and at least 3 of them are thinking it is nemesis or UB313 ( unknown if that is the right number or not ) and still others are not sure what it is, rather it is a huge spaceship, meteror, etc.. they know it's out there, they know it's headed our way, but they don't know what to do about it... and then there is one guy who thinks it is something the goverment sent up that is on it's way back and they will use that as to bring about a world goverment..
You can't have a cloud with a star-sized asteroid and a few other stars roaming around - they would collapse into each other rather quickly!

Anyways, how would something that would ultimately collapse the solar system and therefore kill everybody help anyone with anything, never mind forming a new world government?

Better question: why are conspiracy theorists always against a world government? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the inane squabbles of the human race are quite often because of nationalism and politics. One world government could do a lot for the human race.


Well-Known Member
but like i say and like i post, no one believed noah when he said it would come a huge rain and flood the whole earth, they ignored him, made fun of him, etc..well you all can ignore me, make fun of me etc.. but as GOD is my witness above and to say this as a fact upon my mother's grave.. 2012 is a huge thing. it is really going to shock people. at first i was not so sure but after seeing the record flooding in this state ( and i did mention there would be a record flooding this month and it was posted on a local site ) i now know what i am here for.. but still getting others to believe is not going to be easy...
Let's say the story of Noah and the Ark is literally true - which is quite a leap.

Everyone was right to tell Noah to screw off. There are simply too many people making too many claims to believe anyone about anything without a good amount of evidence. Faith doesn't cut it when there exist those that deceive to profit. As Carl Sagan said, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

exteeme drought in tennessee, months of june, july, and august.. plants will die because of lack of water/rain.. from arkansas to as far west as nevada, there will be a huge breakout of tornadoes in june.. it will destroy thousands of homes and about 180000 people will be killed in these storms that all will take place in one weeks time frame
Not to sound too inhuman, but The US doesn't know anything about drought and 180 000 people dying isn't a lot on the global scale. Tens of thousands of people die wordwide from hunger daily. that doesn't include murder, suicide, accidents, war, illness, etc. North America is just drowing in water compared to the people trying to live in the Sahara or Kalahari deserts.

california will be hit with huge fires that will break out as the tornadoes are effecting the middle united states area, it will be huge and be fueled by high winds coming in from the pacific, LA will be hit with fire that will destroy parts of hollowood areas and wilshire areas of california, over 65% of the state of california will be burnt up by these wildfires.
This fire will just come out of nowhere then?

2 weeks after the wildfires and tornodes have struck, the volcano in hawii will erupt causing huge lava to destroy honolulu and kawaii in the isands..
There are rather well-studied precipitants to a volcanic eruption, and although I don't have the gall to say they could see it coming two years in advance, I will say that all of the volcanoes are being watched for signs of activity 24/7.

If by 'destroy' you mean it will level all the structures, that's not completely true really. Lava is really slow and once it hits the water it's going to turn into rock, so only the island on which the volcano is located _could_ get totally leveled, but even that is pushing it because lava cools a lot once it's out of the volcano and may very well turn to rock before it gets to the end of the city. The real danger of volcanos is not the lava, it's the falling pumice and toxic fumes it spews.

in july, the hurrican will hit the outter banks of eastern united states, and at least 50000 will die, at the same time another hurrican will hit in the south.
Again, if that comes true it wouldn't be a huge disaster on the global scale.

earthquakes will hit 5 of them that will cause at least 7 tusnamies these are the places that will be devastated

Earthquakes happen because two tectonic plats are hitting each other. For all those countries to get totally destroyed at once would requires the tectonic plates to spontaneously increase in size!

It's also interesting to note that until now, you only mentioned the USA. Why would that be? The USA only has 350 000 000 of the 6 800 000 000 people on Earth! It's only one small part of the Earth!

for the remainder of the year= you really do not want to know..
when these things above happen... will you believe me then about 2012?
If they happen I'll call you up and say 'Sorry man, but you can't blame me for not believing you seeing as you fielded no evidence.
"so i shut off my computer and all.. they want to keep it hush hush as long as they can.. right now they are debating it and all, they do not fully believe it as called nibiru, they are thinking it's an huge ort cloud headed our way with several brown dwarf stars, and at least 3 of them are thinking it is nemesis or UB313 ( unknown if that is the right number or not ) and still others are not sure what it is, rather it is a huge spaceship, meteror, etc.. they know it's out there, they know it's headed our way, but they don't know what to do about it... and then there is one guy who thinks it is something the goverment sent up that is on it's way back and they will use that as to bring about a world goverment.."
I've done a little research on the subject over night and came across this http://tinyurl.com/28a2dzj, I've used the site tinyurl since the adress was so long.

Its basically a book outlining a few scientific facts the author has come across on the subject. I'm planning on ordering one myself. Will update you guys on its content when I get my copy.

White Dove

Well-Known Member
well lovecraft.. i did in fact have 2 black op helicopters go over my house .. they had no lights on the inside or outside and they had their gun ( yes they had a long gun at the bottom ) on it.. i have 2 street lights in my yard and when they went over i seen the guns on them because the lights shined on them..

it is all cool if you do not believe, that is your opinion on what you think is going to or not going to happen..

and to answer your question as to why no one shows the proof rather they be amature or professional astronimers... well let me ask you this.

Would you?

if you have a telescope and you go out and see something headed this way, would you post and show what you sale, or would you not do anything? If you did post who would believe you? they would always be somebody ready to debunk it, or the goverment ready to stop your info in one way or the other, either by threating you with death, or ??????? then you got to take into count that would you really want everyone else to know about it and scare the hell outta them or just let them continue on their way and in peace?

look what happened at roswell? that did in fact happen.. it was even posted in a local paper that a UFO had crashed but then the goverment had to act quickly and cover the whole thing up, so they made the newspapers and radio tell everyone it was only a weather balloon.. but they had many witnesses.. and even the nurse shortly after telling her friend she was missing then killed.. the goverment will shut you up to keep it secret even if they have to kill you to do it.. so why do they do it? because they want the techknolagy themselves..

did you know that the sun at one time did not rise in the east? it rose in the west and set in the east.. there is scientific evidence that this in fact was true.. remember 2012 is not just a date, the earth itself completes it's 26000 year wobble.. see we are wobbling right now on the axes of this earth and it is slowing down. in 2012 or 2013 it stops wobbling. this happened once before and when it stopped wobbling the sun went down in the east, then it was dark for a while and it then came back up from the east and now it goes down in the west.. do a study on it.. this is no joke the sun did set in the east at one time.. the reason it changed was because the earth stopped wobbling..

so i suppose you think nothing will happen and it will just pass like any other day? if that is the case then why are we having such bad weather and why is it getting worse? el nino, global warming? you might say... bible tells a different story.. like a woman who is about to give birth her labor pains will increase and such this earth will increase in weather patterns, more floods, more tornadoes, more tusnamies, more earthquakes..more hurricans etc.. this will be a time such as has never been seen before nor ever will be again.. and it will not be destroyed by water but by fire... rather we get hit by nibiru or nibiru pulls us into our own sun i can not say.. but the earth and the works thereof will be burned up and the heavens will melt with a feverate heat..

do you even know how the asteroid belt was made? did you know that part of this earth is in fact missing? we have a chip off of this earth and mars has a huge welp in it where something dug in it as it moved over it and caused a huge run in it's crust..

then you got all the religions on this earth all end up with one exact date... so why do they all say that exact date? care to explain it? remember they lived miles apart from each other, you got the hopi indians on one side, mayans on the other side, then you got the china i-ching on another side? then you got the sumaritians, then the bible, etc.. why or how did they all get that one date?

i mean a concidence? i don't think so....


Well-Known Member
id read about nibiru awhile before it was well known on the internet, but then again i was pretty sure the world would end in 2002:mellow::mellow:

i really think the world will have big changes in the next few years, i hope so anyway.....

White Dove

Well-Known Member
pole shifts bible truth!

Throughout history God has used pole shifts as a ways He imposed His will on man.

In Hezekiah’s days c. 704 B.C. Going back of the shadow of the sun (2Ki 20:8-11).
In Joshua’s days c. 1398 B.C. the long day of Joshua (Josh 10:9-13).
In Peleg’s days c. 2669-2436 B.C. the earth was divided (Gen 10:25).
In Noah’s days c. 3200 B.C. the Flood of Noah (Gen 7:17-8:14).
On the third day of creation when the land was divided from the sea (Gen 1:9-10).

scientific evidence with charts at the following site...


2012 will be a very interesting year.. Hope you all stick around to see what happens!

White Dove

Well-Known Member
2012 to 2036 = pole shift 2012, in 2036 the meteror shower returns.. be prepared...

The Stopwatch and Key to the Apocalypse

Before the Signs
The scenario will be presented that will be supported shortly. Immediately before the signs, two witnesses prophesy for 1260 days, then they are killed (Revelation 11:3-13). The sign is introduced

And there came flashes—Meteor streaks. Meteor streaks are sometimes called God’s arrows or spear (Hab 3:9, 11). If these were lightning flashes, the sky would be cloudy and the stars hidden.



Well-Known Member
and to answer your question as to why no one shows the proof rather they be amature or professional astronimers... well let me ask you this.

Would you?
Yes. I'd go to an astronomy forum or whatever and say 'anybody else see the giant hunk of crap that is at <coordinates>'

if you have a telescope and you go out and see something headed this way, would you post and show what you sale, or would you not do anything? If you did post who would believe you? they would always be somebody ready to debunk it, or the goverment ready to stop your info in one way or the other, either by threating you with death, or ??????? then you got to take into count that would you really want everyone else to know about it and scare the hell outta them or just let them continue on their way and in peace?
As I said, I'd just ask if anyone else saw the hunk of crap at <coordinates> and if they did it would become a really big deal in the astronomy community in about 5 seconds because it would be a heretofore unknown type of entity. It simply isn't feasible to trawl the whole web or even just all the astronomy related sites - it takes way too much manpower to be worth it; having to let in all the hundreds of people in on the conspiracy means that there's a few hundred more people ready to break the news.

look what happened at roswell? that did in fact happen.. it was even posted in a local paper that a UFO had crashed but then the goverment had to act quickly and cover the whole thing up, so they made the newspapers and radio tell everyone it was only a weather balloon.. but they had many witnesses.. and even the nurse shortly after telling her friend she was missing then killed.. the goverment will shut you up to keep it secret even if they have to kill you to do it.. so why do they do it? because they want the techknolagy themselves..
I don't doubt *something* happened at Roswell, but there's one simple question that needs answering here: WHERE DID THE ALIEN RACE GO? Their scout ship crashed and they didn't come on down to check it out?

I would guess it was the US government testing a plane prototype. Think back to the 40's - all the people knew of planes were small, t shaped things with a propeller at the front or on the wings. Something shaped like the modern stealth bomber or what have you would look very foreign to a citizen of the 40's. Seeing as tensions were high with the Soviet Union at the time, the US wants to keep their new technology from being discovered, so they hush everything up. Maybe they even thought it was a good idea to hoax or take advantage of the alien scare to make the Soviets think they had alien technology. Just because the government can't be trusted doesn't mean they're part of an impossibly intricate and impossibly well orchestrated conspiracy.

did you know that the sun at one time did not rise in the east? it rose in the west and set in the east.. there is scientific evidence that this in fact was true.. remember 2012 is not just a date, the earth itself completes it's 26000 year wobble.. see we are wobbling right now on the axes of this earth and it is slowing down. in 2012 or 2013 it stops wobbling. this happened once before and when it stopped wobbling the sun went down in the east, then it was dark for a while and it then came back up from the east and now it goes down in the west.. do a study on it.. this is no joke the sun did set in the east at one time.. the reason it changed was because the earth stopped wobbling..
Source it or recant it. Does the Earth 'wobble'? Yes. The moon and Earth orbit each other with their centre of gravity inside the Earth but not at the centre of the Earth so we do move a bit, but for the sun to rise on opposite direction would require the Earth to rotate the other way.

so i suppose you think nothing will happen and it will just pass like any other day? if that is the case then why are we having such bad weather and why is it getting worse? el nino, global warming? you might say
I do say. Really, though, weather isn't extraordinarily bad. It's not like hurricanes, tornadoes, tropical storms, earthquakes, etc. aren't all perfectly natural phenomena and don't really illicit any fears of imminent doom for the whole species.

... bible tells a different story.. like a woman who is about to give birth her labor pains will increase and such this earth will increase in weather patterns, more floods, more tornadoes, more tusnamies, more earthquakes..more hurricans etc.. this will be a time such as has never been seen before nor ever will be again.. and it will not be destroyed by water but by fire... rather we get hit by nibiru or nibiru pulls us into our own sun i can not say.. but the earth and the works thereof will be burned up and the heavens will melt with a feverate heat..
The bible also tells me that you should die.

If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)

do you even know how the asteroid belt was made? did you know that part of this earth is in fact missing? we have a chip off of this earth and mars has a huge welp in it where something dug in it as it moved over it and caused a huge run in it's crust..
Whoever taught you astronomy should be beaten profusely for their trespass. Craters are absurdly common on any solid planet without mountain building phenomena, and not uncommon on ones that do have mountain building. They are caused by collisions with meteors and comets. Those are relatively small things by the standars of planets and asteroids.

The idea that the Earth got chipped and then rounded with gravity to what it is may be true, but it's not proven. The theory is that the chip became the MOON, not the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt could not come only from the Earth braking because the asteroid belt is in the opposite direction of where the gravity would pull the debris, and because the collective mass of the asteroids in the belt is far greater than that of Earth.

then you got all the religions on this earth all end up with one exact date... so why do they all say that exact date? care to explain it?
Simple, they didn't. The Hindus, Buddhists and Taoists Don't believe the world can end at all, in fact. They may believe in cycles and whatnot, but they believe in the concept that the universe is all collectively one entity and that it is eternal. I'm fairly certain the Wiccans and many other neo-pagan groups fall into the same belief system. I'm pretty sure the Shintos or Sikhs don't have any given date. Do the Muslims? I'll assume no. Religions generally don't prophesy exact dates.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Bible never went ahead and gave an exact date for the second coming. If you say it does, please cite it. As for calling it the second coming, the Church of Latter Day Saints would say the second coming came and went a while back and it didn't start the apocalypse!


Well-Known Member
My dad would be very interested in this discussion~!

but I don't really care if the world is going to end now, or in an hour, or in 2012, or 10thousand years from now.

All I know is that the movie 2012 put me to sleep and the dialogue was sub-par. XD
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