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Why do i do this to myself and others. How the heck people can put up with me i don't know. aCtually, people don't put up with me, they can't, because I always drive them away. I annoy them so much they just can't take me anymore and that is the truth. Alone, meant to be alone. Why did i become the person I am today. People are so better off without me, i do believe that. God I hate myself, really, truely, do hate myself. Why do I do this. Why. I am sorry, so so sorry. No one deserves me, I don't deserve anyone. :cry:
Trust me, I don't deserve them. I manage to wreak everything good that comes my way. Thanks to my own stupid insecurities. I feel so low right now.
Thank you, I may do later. That's if I live that long, I am such a fuck up, and I hate it. Anyway, I'll stop whining now. :hug:
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