Anger replaced by fatigue.

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I used to rely solely on anger to get me through the bad, then I relied on my family. Now I am just completely, entirely tired. Tired of fighting, tired of living.. I've made promises to people close to me, but my strength is thinning out. I'm getting worn down, slowly but surely, and I don't even want to stop it anymore. I'm not sure what I can do to get my strength back either.. I guess it's like I'm in a train about to crash, and I'm becoming the trainwreck...


Well-Known Member
The fatigue takes over me too. It's time to get some extra rest. Don't worry that it may take several days of extra sleep. Try to eat good foods.


total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
yeh you train is running out of juice it is. I go to my doctors when i am that low somehow doctor able to bring the anger out in me thus getting me to have some energy to go on. Anger is a good tool to keep one going but one also has to know when to reachout for help NOW is that time okay NOW is the time to say have nothing left someone help me just until i can recharge right Please reach out for help until you can get some of that juice back in you okay
Thanks, I'm already on a lot of anti-depressants but they just aren't doing what I need them to. I am starting on a new medication soon though. :)

And I'll try to rest up some and see if that helps. :) Thankz. ^_^

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
glad to here you started on new meds i hope these ones help it will take at least a week though up to 6 weeks to really kick in so hang out here okay we will tallk to ya keep you calm and safe.
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