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Anyone gain Covid weight?


SF Pro
SF Supporter
I gained 13lbs. I might have needed a little weight gain but if course it goes to the wrong place.

I really think it's due to Covid. Anxious or bored eating. I never did this before in my life. Also I'm on a new medicine, to be honest, so that could be it too. But definately covid related too.

Anyone else find they are earing more, stress eating?


🦄🦜🧁Pink Gif Letter X Queen🌈🌝💖
SF Supporter
I might have because I'm usually at home most of the time. But I'm already so fat, it's hard to tell if I've gained more weight. lol


SF Pro
SF Supporter
*rant:mad: You are not fat

yes I gained big time not being able to go to the gym. Also working from home I sit all day long and then I am on SF all night long not good *blue:(*nerves losing weight is so hard to do I am just glad I have my gym again so scared of gaining more.
K, so I'm not alone. Gaining it is easy tho! 😳


🦄🦜🧁Pink Gif Letter X Queen🌈🌝💖
SF Supporter
🤣🤣🤣🤣 no pressure man. my cousin was like “oi. I bet, the bmi measurement isn’t always accurate. i mean, our muscles are also fat... soooo...”
At first I thought you meant you had to lose that much. I thought it was a lot for just a few months. Now I see that's what they want your final weight to be :D
And yeah, it's not completely accurate....but I think I'm more fat than muscle. lol


Works during the day, doodles at night.
At first I thought you meant you had to lose that much. I thought it was a lot for just a few months. Now I see that's what they want your final weight to be :D
And yeah, it's not completely accurate....but I think I'm more fat than muscle. lol
My gynae begged me to try lose weight down to 60kg within the next 6 months when my ideal goal is 50kg. 😹

checkitout haha


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