April healthy lifestyle and weight loss/ exercise challenge...feel free to join in...


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How is everyone getting on? I've not had a very good week. I've been really busy at work designing new learning courses which has meant I've been stuck in front of the computer, haven't done much exercise and have been eating rubbish. I need to do better next week.
Hang in there, @Woowoo! I've been doing okay. My nutrition could be better. Struggling to make sure I drink enough water. Exercise is going well. I'm one pound away from my monthly goal to lose 5 pounds.
Hey, This looks like such a good idea! Sorry I'm a little late to the party but I do have some goals for the month (unfortunately I have had the same sort of goals each month for a long time now!)

I'm a big person - I need to lose around half of my weight - which I have daily struggles with. My legs hurt when I too much but I am trying to push past that.
Since the start of the month I have been making sure I head out for 2 walks a day. Not really far but in a circuit (so i know i can get home!) I record my time and try and beat it.
I also have issues with drinking.. not alcohol, water! I don't drink enough. I can go days of suffering with dehydration symptoms. I just dont always feel thirsty and dont think to drink.
So my April goals are:
To end the month walking at a 3.0mph (currently at 2.7)
To have at least 5 glasses of water per day
To lose around 3-5lb per week (I already lost 3lb this week

This is such a good idea, Thank You!
Good luck with all your goals!
Clare x
Welcome to the thread ! It's good to see you came up with realistic goals :)
I have a bit of a problem drinking these days as well. I don't feel thirsty and suddenly after a while my throat aches. I'm pretty sure I drink more than a liter and a half per day though...
Don't hesitate to keep us updated :D

Ooh I just weighed myself and I'm down some pounds. Can't say exactly as I've been too afraid to weigh myself but probably down 3-4 pounds which is the amount I think I put on in March. Good start to the month. Now just to keep it down. Went for a walk yesterday for 20 mins. Will go for a walk again tomorrow and hopefully walking will become a regular activity for me. It's good for you.
Congratulations Bloop :D Way to go !

How is everyone getting on? I've not had a very good week. I've been really busy at work designing new learning courses which has meant I've been stuck in front of the computer, haven't done much exercise and have been eating rubbish. I need to do better next week.
I'm going decently, mood is not sky high but I'm doing healthy. I have a bicycle now and I'm riding it everytime instead of going by the train. I think I'm in better health than ever.
Just baked a cheesecake with an apple layer. Super neat. My sleep schedule dramatically improved as well. I stopped sleeping in my bed and I sleep in the couch now. Because of all the weight I lost, the mattress is way too firm now and I'm not well supported. Keep that in mind, apparently it's a common issue for people losing a lot of weight.
I know how it is to be stuck in front of a pc all day long. I can only recommend the pomodoro technique, it's important for your eyes (and your mental health !). It's also very good to do some stretching regularly. Sitting 4hours straight is not great...


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I had such a good start to April, but I let it slide :(I was super motivated, eating healthily, doing plenty of exercise and I lost 3 pounds in the first 2 weeks. However, since then I've been in leave from work, eating rubbish, drinking too much and not exercising enough. Consequently I've put the 3 pounds back on. I need to do better this month.

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