avatars??? Why did you pick yours

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Well-Known Member

If I get water on me I multiply, If eat after midnight I turn in to a less cute looking gremlin and oh sunshine kills me. :huh:



Well-Known Member
Mine is cause Its Superboy and im superBO lol.. and I really like superman and superman related things and superboy is my favorite super hero


Well-Known Member
mines actually a pic of tarja when she was in nightwish. i just like it because she looks like shes hiding and a lot of the time i just want to hide away from the world


Senior Member
You're not allowed to have pictures of you on SF!
why not?

the dharma initiative is the organization that used to run the island in the tv series "lost" THE BEST SHOW IN THE FREAKIN WORLD!!!

WARNING! Do not try to debate this fact. You will lose. :biggrin:

does that explain why i chose it? :laugh:


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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You can't post self pictures because most people like to remain anonymous because of the nature of the forum, and to protect and the members,it is a rule that no self pics are to be posted.


Senior Member
yeh? well... see my avatar? thats what my face looks like.
all hexagonal like....

...or octogonal. whatever.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, by the way, that's Paul Who Is a Ghost [and therefore not alive]. It's from Pictures for Sad Children, a webcomic that takes a very odd, sort of depressing, sort of uplifting, take on life, depression, and apathy. It's a good read. "It is difficult to be alive" is a very good descriptor of what I'm feeling right now, and it probably applies well to everyone. It's not easy just being here...

worlds edge

Well-Known Member
It is Hollywoodized image of one of the last kings of the Crusader Kingdoms, Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, also known as "the Leper King." I generally tend to keep my politics off the board, but I feel Western Civilization is going to the same way as these kingdoms did, sometime in the next century or two. So that part is apropos re: my feelings on that matter.

The image itself is some sort of screenshot from the movie Kingdom of Heaven. Which I haven't actually seen yet, but plan to.

There's actually no historical evidence pointing towards Baldwin ever having worn a mask, but, meh, its a cool picture.
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