Cafe Sunday July 1st

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Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

Good morning everyone! I slept, but could have had a few more hours and been quite happy. Oh, well, running on tired as is often the case. :dunno: Small errands today...glad there's nothing major to do. :smile:

Jimk, thanks for the song. One of my favorites. I hope you have a good day running your errands and getting Zoomies ready for Katie. Enjoy your videos, too.
NYJmpMaster, I live in a condo because I cannot face the idea of yard work and gardening...Don't be too hard on yourself about the weeds and untrimmed grass. They are not a measure of who you are. :flowers:

Have a truly terrific Tuesday everyone! :stars: :pinkrose:


Well-Known Member
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

Morning Jim, Ben, and Acy.

Ben, don't feel too embarrassed. I have some weeds in my yard that are nearly as tall as I am (unfortunately that's not even an exaggeration). I know that mowing the yard is vital to keeping up appearances, but I can't bring myself to give a shit what my neighbors think about me. Besides, the weeds seem to be thriving better than I am... what right do I have to cut their lives short? Why does a weed not deserve the same chance to live that we would give a flower? Because it's ugly? Seems incredibly shallow to me.

Okay, so I'm actually just trying to justify my own apathy here by arguing that the world is better off without my interference anyway. Acy has the right idea. I hope to live in a condo or tiny yardless apartment some day. Being a homeowner is overrated. Too much work for me.

Hope everyone else is enjoying their day. Unfortunately I'm having a hard time enjoying much of anything right now.


Banned Member
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

good morning everyone, jimk , NYJmpMaster, Acy, and TheloneWolf, I hope you all have a great day.
only one plan for the day, drink some coffee


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

Letty, I like your plans for the day! :coffee: Makes perfect sense to me. :smile: Hope it makes for a good day for you!


Well-Known Member
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

It's been raining for several hours where I live now. Strangely, I love the rain vs. a sunny day. There is something calming to me about the rain or cloudy days. It feels like there is less expectation on rainy days and that time just moves slower. I know that sounds strange but I've always felt happier and more productive on rainy days.

I had a pretty bad spell last week with my thoughts and emotions, but I'm sort of on the rebound now. I've opened up a little more to my parents about how I have been feeling. It may not have made me immediately feel better but I think it's progress. I'm starting to look into the option of therapy again and just looking for ways to reorganize my life to remove some of the stress.

I've really enjoyed this site and the people here. It's been very helpful so far.

- J


Well-Known Member
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

It's been raining for several hours where I live now. Strangely, I love the rain vs. a sunny day. There is something calming to me about the rain or cloudy days. It feels like there is less expectation on rainy days and that time just moves slower. I know that sounds strange but I've always felt happier and more productive on rainy days.

I had a pretty bad spell last week with my thoughts and emotions, but I'm sort of on the rebound now. I've opened up a little more to my parents about how I have been feeling. It may not have made me immediately feel better but I think it's progress. I'm starting to look into the option of therapy again and just looking for ways to reorganize my life to remove some of the stress.

I've really enjoyed this site and the people here. It's been very helpful so far.

- J
I have to agree with you, about the rain.

It's good to hear you're on a rebound. I'm going through a bit of a bad spell right now, so hopefully next week I'll be on a rebound.

I'm glad you're enjoying the site and that it has been helpful to you. Welcome to the cafe, by the way.


Staff Alumni
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

hi again everyone.. jv3 glad the webiste is helping you some.. wolf hope things get better for you soon.. ben the frigging darn lawn will be there when and if you get to it. sorry bout that.. stones are great.. older than like them even more cause of

got back to sleep and going to ber able to hold it to a pack of the cancer sticks today.. john slept in and had to go wake him up finally.. music did not rouse him today.. we got safeway done well.. shaves, baths and clean clothes taken care of.. just got back fromm pharmacy and pills were there.. john and i just going to have a leisurely day at this rate.. time for last cup in pot and a marlboro.. still seems a bit twisted to reward doing withotu cigs by having a bloody smoke.. lol better to have it than not still..


Antiquities Friend
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

Heyroo all...

Was dragging yesterday... had my pdoc appt yesterday... I was the 1st appt, at 7:45, and I was delayed by nearly an hour. They had a tragedy over the weekend. Apparently, one of the therapists there killed herself, and all I could think of was 'Cool!'. I didn't say that to my pdoc, or I would probably be in the hospital right now.

It appears to me that I still have a long way to go.

I feel absolutely no sympathy or empathy when it come to tragedies like this. I am actually entertained by stuff like this. Call me psychotic. That's fine because I probably am. I can never tell anymore.

Tommy Tom is hanging out on my lap. He's just lovin on his dad.

Anyway, we are off!

-Jason and Tommy Tom
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Staff Alumni
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

Guess it is about time do dig out the stone's greatest hits CDs and crank up the volume and just lose myself in it all.. Past

Yes Jason probably wise to keep those thoughts away from the professionals.. TC

Mr Stewart

Well-Known Member
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

good afternoon coffee forums,

I received an email this morning from university ops department detailing plans to repaint the decorative big arch that spans the main entrance to the campus. About time. That thing is currently a mix of brown paint and brown rust. I think they are going to make it bright red. Good for them. Not sure why they've scheduled themselves three entire weeks to get this job done though. Seems like a day or two should be enough to paint a big strip of metal?

Day off today. Plan is to go to grocery store to resupply on peanut butter, leave a note for landlord asking to please let me know how much I owe for utilities this month so I can write the cheque right away, watch more obscure olympic sports on the online streams. Maybe buy a mountain bike. I keep going back and forth about pulling the trigger on that. Need to exercise.


SF Supporter
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

Good afternoon all, hope you're doing well. I'm just feeling like a pathetic and bad person today, and don't think I deserve to be here. Hopefully that feeling will pass soon.


Sim Addict
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Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

So today is pretty much over for me. I had a training day at work today, not very exciting. Struggled through all day as I am not feeling very well. Throat is on fire again, have a UTI, and stomach is very unhappy, aswell as other more embarassing problems :( . I am back at the clinic on friday for my HIV, got a lot to discuss and will probably get some antibiotics for my problems and a referral to gynae :( No doubt the vampires will drain me of a few vials of blood as per usual :laugh: Feel so yucky, my stomach wants to explode


Banned Member
Re: Cafe Tuesday July 31st

lexi I am sorry you feel so sick i can identify hang in there too, i hate those vampires, thanks for your help
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