Cafe Wednesday Oct 2nd

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Mr Stewart

Well-Known Member
Re: Cafe Tuesday Oct 15th

Had similar issue, buy "blackout curtains" from walmart or any where basically. Put a blanket or two on top, makes it really dark all day :p
Yes, I think I will do that. For now I just sewed some velcro patches on an old towel and stuck it to the window frame. It certainly doesn't look pretty but it's effective. Will get something nicer soon. :)


Staff Alumni
Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

morning out there.. how's it going today??? john with Katie tonight.. guess I am just tired tonight.. hard to stay out of bed.. guess need some more coffee and some hard driving music.. not a lot got to get to today. glad of that. back to couch now..

hope is a good day for you.. tc, Jim

Melissa etheridge and come to my window...


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

Good morning! It's Wednesday, already...:scared: :D

Star and I have enjoyed our routine breakfasts and Star is catnapping now. I'm awake for the long haul. I went to bed super early last night...Bed can be such a comfort :) Ended up dreaming about being stalked by thugs (I don't know where that is coming from at all!). In the dream, I ended up in a room with some of the thugs and we talked about books. (Wow, just wow - so bizarre! Am I beyond help and hope?! :D ) It's supposed to be a drizzly day here, so will find indoor things to do, I guess.

Jimk, glad you don't have much on your must do list today! Put your feet up and crank up the music!

Wishing everyone a happy Humpday! :)
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

Good afternoon all, today I am not feeling well, my stomach is upset but U'll live. I am partly excited after getting a call back from a job I applied for monday night. I got a call back yesterday afternoon, so I must be decent enough for one person to call back. I am rather hopeful on getting through to an interview (should hear before the weekend if I do have an interview)

Not got much planned for the rest of the day. Lazy day methinks.

Hope Everyone has a good day



Owner Emeritus
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

"Excited Squealing" I got a phone call I got a phone call eeeeek! Interview Tuesday 12 noon :D go me! Oh my!
:yay: I am so glad for you! Doesn't matter what happens at the interview - now you know you are not invisible and it is possible to be considered. You certainly have been due a break. You earned it as well as the interview!!

Mr Stewart

Well-Known Member
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

morning coffee forums,

Congratulations on the interview get, Hope! Best of luck on it.

Day off today for me and only one thing I have to do. Must bring the car out to the shop to have the winter tires fitted back on and oil changed. New battery as well. I'm not precisely sure how old the current battery is. It was installed before I bought the car. I have had car for three years and four months, so it would be anywhere from that to maybe about five years old. Anyway, I don't want to chance it this winter so new battery is going in.


Well-Known Member
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

Good "morning" all~

Not much today, get busy packing my room at least. Had a deep 12 hour sleep, it was nice after all these 4-5 ones :)

Just gotta get packed up :(
Then move :mad:


Antiquities Friend
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

Heyroo all!

Jim: Have a good with your music and coffee! Damn the cursed Marlboros! You can lead yourself out of it!

Acy: It's bright sunshiny here, except it is cold. Hope you find something fun to do inside. How is your bingo volunteering going?

V: Woohoo!!! Excited for you! You are a good person! Don't feel invisible. We all know you exist! Again, congrats on the job interview.

TE, and NYJ: How are you both??

Stewart: I hope the 'winterization' of your car goes well.

Lorax: I hope you are doing OK with the move. Where were you going again?

As for me, Tommy Tom and I are going to go back to sleep possibly. But, he's in the window sunnin. We'll have to see.

tc everyone!

Tommy Tom says Heyroo!

:hug: to all!

-Jason and Tommy Tom
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

Thank you

I am so looking forward to this interview, if it werent for having nothing to wear for it...

heres a little poem for you all to enjoy, about how I feel and changing rooms

As I suck, squeeze and breathe in
to fit within these size eighteens.
To the sound of zips splitting,
and my horror, fabric ripping.

(Like I said its only short, and I thought of it on my way home with nothing)


Antiquities Friend
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

Not really morning here, so I'll say Good Afternoon instead.

This morning I met with my oldest child's first grade teacher for her parent teacher conference. Her teacher gave me a glowing report. She is already testing out on her reading ability to the highest level they test to for first grade. The teacher said she may be reading well above that level but that there was no way for her to measure it. She believes that oldest is likely a candidate for the gifted program when they test for that at the end of second grade. She is excelling in every subject and has exemplary behavior too. The only thing she needs to work on is her handwriting. Her teacher said she thinks she gets to thinking faster than she can neatly write and that less than stellar handwriting is not uncommon in children who are gifted. It did my momma heart good to hear how well she is doing in school. Tomorrow I meet with my other school age child's teacher. It will be interesting to see how she is doing.

As for me, the intense dark cloud that has been suffocating me the last several days seems less heavy today. It is still there keeping me from wanting to eat, sapping what energy I have, and making my thoughts still turn to things that I know aren't good for me in any respect. I had a nap in the early afternoon while the baby napped too, but I still feel like I could sleep for a year or two. Mood-wise, on a scale of 0 to 10,my depression today is at a 7. One of the goals my therapist and I set a while back was to try to get that number below a 5 on a consistent basis. It hasn't been lower than a 6 at all in about three months. Ultimately, the goal is to get that number down to mostly 0 & 1 (0 is no depression, 1-3 mild, 4-6 moderate, and 7-10 severe). For now though, it would be great to see the number in the moderate range.

Tonight is choir practice. I'm not looking forward to it. :( Have a good rest of your day.



Staff Alumni
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

((Ana)), glad your kids are smart like their momma.. Though in your case smarts can be a double edged sword.. The platitudes and words of encouragement get a rebuttal.. Ana, your family loves you very much!!! Keep trying to get a handle on this blood curling depression.. With some good help it can get better.. Speaking personally I promise..
Re: Cafe Wednesday Oct 16th

Do we serve any drinks in here that are sugar free? lol Ive hit that phase where i only drink energy drinks. Jimk - im shocked that you listened to Miley Cyrus, infact im so shocked that im speechless :D

You should be dancing round to OneRepublic and counting stars at least....


Staff Alumni
Cafe Thursday Oct 17th

morning good ppl.. how's it going today???? john sleeping soundly atm.. I been awake hour and half now.. seems up for the duration now.. thinking we do shaves, baths, shampoo for zoomies today.. prep for his caseworker's visit tomorrow.. I got to get to 711 and stock up on the amenities. later day we hit safeway for few things.. going to try to leave tomorrow morning for a little pickup on last minute cleaning and straightening for Heidi shows up..

should have all of the above done by noon and then little restarting car driving game on xbox. made it thru to end the other day. another user on xbox will restart from scratch.. some more of last disc season one of mentalist..

just going to work at not going crazy in advance for this visit from the state.. remember this jimbo!!!

hope is a good day for you.. tc, Jim and JOhn

Alison Krause and gravity..
Re: Cafe Thursday Oct 17th

Double Hot choc Mocha with mint aero please!!! :D

I cant open my curtains again this morning, the huge bug is still on them. We have an understanding - the bug can stay on the curtain as long as it stays away from me, then everyone is happy.

Im on a roll today - ive washed my hair and cleaned the plates that were stacking up in the sink - yay me :P

I hope everyone else is having an ok kind of day today :D


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Re: Cafe Thursday Oct 17th

Good morning, everyone! :)

Am starting on my first coffee of the day and Star is having her wet food. She'll be coming to ask for her kibbles any time now...Need to beware of that so I still have ankles today! :D Not much going on today: Appointment, visit Dad, run some errands.

Jimk, glad you're got a plan for getting all you need done - with time for some relaxation in it too! Have a good day!
Endeavour, you are kind and generous with that bug! I would not be as nice a landlady - I'd evict it (not smush it, just get it to leave :D). I hope it moves off the curtains so you can open them!

I hope everyone finds a smile today! :)

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Re: Cafe Thursday Oct 17th

had a coffee and some cheerios and now i worry about ei benefits not able to get on for over a week now called so many times and the taxes have not be readjusted that has been going on for months now since july getting notices interest to be paid when we don't even have our dam readjustment yet im tired going back to bed
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