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A week ago I went to my doctor with a light pain in my left testicle. He sent me to a ultrasound. I went, and watched the nurses face change from polite interest to worry and concern - then finally to fear. She told me to dress and see a specialist.
The word cancer was mentioned, be her and by my doctor.
Right now I am waiting to get an appointment at a specialist who will take a cell sample and see.
In the meanwhile I am losing my mind.

You wouldn't know, but I am a former drug abuse who has suffered chronic depression - dysthymia - for five years. I've been close to suicide many times.
NOW, I am facing the fact I might have cancer and want to live more than ever.
I start seeing the beauty of life, the entire history of mankind and the tiny piece I get to witness.

I don't want to die. And I'm scared.
I know that if I do not have cancer I am ready to truly live. To truly seize life.
But I might not get to.

This is either the best thing that has never happened to me, or the worst.
In the meanwhile I am in limbo.

Guess I just need some comfort, some help, someone to listen.



Owner Emeritus
I hope you get real news and soon as opposed to being stuck waiting. In the worse case testicular cancer happens to have a really good response rate to treatment in general and having had a friend that got it very young (he was early 20's) can tell you that after treatment (even surgical removal) everything will still "work" - take it seriously and go with the Dr's recommendations or 2nd opinion if you have any doubts about what the Dr says and and try to stay positive. :hug:

Sea Sparkles

Well-Known Member
I've been through cancer and had ultrasounds. (I can tell you that stuff on ultrasounds are normally just growth that gets removed) It can be anyplace from a hernia, to puss build up, in it... (I know someone who had had a hernia in their). I wouldn't think of the worst.. Have you had labs write ups? The labs are the more important aspect of things.

Please keep us updated... I know the waiting anxiety is a lot... but things will be ok **hugs**
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