Cant freaking take it anymore!!!

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Senior Member
I had all I wanted and I fucked it up. :cry:
Everything I ever wished for. :cry:
She hates me now and she has all right to. :cry:

Why am I like this? :cry:
Why am I still trying? :cry:
Why couldn't I be better? :cry:

It's so easy to end it, it's less then 5 seconds and I'm done. :cry:
Everything will be over. :cry:


Senior Member
She trusted me of all people and I messed it up. :cry:
Now she hates me and everything is destroyed. :cry:
It's all my own fault. :cry:


Owner Emeritus
You're not stupid. You're human. Screwing up sucks, but we've all done it.

Don't give up though. She might be disappointed, but maybe after a while you can approach her again.


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
Hey Jehuty,
Why not work on improving yourself and then contact her and talk to her but you also have to listen..It can't be a onesided conversation.. Once she see's your trying to improve yourself maybe then she will come back to you...


Senior Member
I was about to do it last night. :cry:
My girlfriend stopped me from doing it when she talked to m.e :cry:
I don't know what to do anymore, I can't take it. :cry:
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