Damn, why is it so difficult to resist the pain

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Well-Known Member
I just woke up yet i feel so tired
i got this weird feeling in my chest, feels like something is stuck in my lungs
when i breath the air feels weird in the way it goes threw my lungs
I know it is a side effect of my depression but damn, why is it so hard to force
myself to do things?! I got plans, i want to live, but it is so difficult!
I must keep fighting it, i must!!!
I will do it! i will go out today and keep working on finding a job!


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
You have my support. I know how much you have gone thru. I have read all your posts and replies to others and I can tell the difference in your attitude...The pain in your lungs is probably from anxiety. You have been isolated for a while and you are about to take a big step..Good for you!!!


Antiquities Friend
hey hun... you sound really strong. i love to hear that fighting spirit in you. . . . keep listening to THAT voice. . .
and know we are all here for you - don't ever forget that.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the kind words
but seems like im back to square one, as i dont have the strengths to move
forward, im just sitting at home, resting


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
Take it one step at a time...Maybe just get out of the house and go for a walk each day for a little while. Then go a little further each day..Hopefully it will help with your confidence. If you still find it hard to take that step to actually start looking for a job then try volunteer work for a little while. That way you only work as long as you feel you can..Try an animal shelter, they are always looking for help walking the dogs and bathing them...Theres options you just need to think about it!!Take care!!
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