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Dealing with past regrets and negative thoughts.

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Lately I've been hit by old memories and thoughts about what I should or could have done 10-15 years ago.
The same old memories on a loop day and night for the past 2 months. Not productive at all. It's really driving me insane, and especially hard to handle with my insomnia. I've tried to "think about something positive", but my brain simply won't let me.
If anyone has some good advice I'm all ears, because this is torture :(


Well-Known Member
Hey Tom, memories can be cruel things sometimes. I've been struggling with my own "bad" memories since last night again, didn't really sleep well because of it. But it usually fades away after a few days for me untill my memories decide to surface again. I have a few things that work for me, but what works for me might not work the same for you.
If you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me anytime. Maybe we can come up with some things together that are worth trying for you. ^^

Evangeline (Eve/Evan)


Active Member
Hi Tom,

I'm sure many people here can relate to being haunted by memories - I know I certainly can. I wish I had a satisfactory answer for you but unfortunately I do not. I struggle with past memories every day and I try and distract myself by listening to music or watching some mindless crap on the television and sometimes that does help to take the edge off. Talking to other people can also be beneficial, do you have anyone around you that you feel safe enough with to talk to this about? Even posting on here is a step in the right direction and I'm glad you have. Are you on any medication? Is that an option for you?

I'm sorry I cannot offer anything more concrete, but I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone, that people do care, and that you can get through this, one minute at a time.

Please take care of yourself.
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