Dear Ex... *triggering as sin*

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Well-Known Member
Thanks. I guess I just still feel that it's my fault, you know? Everyone sees him as such a perfect person that it's hard to accept it as something he's done wrong...


Well-Known Member
I talked to him last night.

I told him about some of this stuff. He basically said it was accidental, that he never meant to hurt me (although he did acknowledge that he was wrong to do it).

I feel stupid being so hurt by it. Especially now that it's nearly 2 years since the first incident.

I could hear it in his voice that he still cares.

I didn't have any nightmares last night, and I actually enjoyed my bath this morning.

And now I feel like a fake being here :sad:


Well-Known Member
These are your feelings. They aren't wrong, they aren't invalid, they aren't pathetic.

There are two sides to every story, and your side belongs. No matter what outsiders think...

...and my opinion doesn't really matter, but he doesn't sound quite the golden boy people would have him be. (What do I know, though?)

Keep yourself safe. And don't second guess your feelings! Argh... I...

... you deserve better than this pain and uncertainty. Take good care, ok?


Well-Known Member
he doesn't sound quite the golden boy people would have him be.
I think everyone sorta knows he isn't, but because the bad stuff he does is mostly kept private it's completely ignored by most people. In contrast, I'm seen as a psycho cos I had my nervous breakdown in public, and so everyone knows it happened. Amazing how no-one asked what caused it... :dry:


Well-Known Member
Dear Ex,

It's two years today. You told me to have a good day earlier. Thanks, but how am I meant to do that? Even if I forget about the bad stuff that happened two years ago, I've still got to deal with the fact that it would have been our two year anniversary today - it would have been two years of being with the guy I loved. Still love.

You promised me I would find someone wonderful. Instead I've lost people and faced too much stigma on my own.

I'm sorry I can't deal with this anymore. I'll try to fill out these application forms today to keep my mum happy, but that's the only purpose they'll serve. You're the nearest thing I've got to a real life support right now, but I know you're busy, so I won't even text you about it.

You are the only one I've told that I won't make it to my 21st - and I'm sorry I lumbered you with that info - but I guess neither of us saw it coming almost four months before then, did we?

I'm sorry. I wish you could believe that.


sammie i only just read this.. please be okay? :hug: you CAN get through this, let us know your okay
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