Do you come to SF everyday?

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Antiquitie's Friend
I don't always post, but i'm here most days, not sure if that is a reflection on my social life.:blink::unsure::blink:

While i'm alive, i'll be here.


Well-Known Member
im not the only person who is fucked up
Harsh words to use, imo, when refering to everybody here? I'd say I'm "not quite right in the head" to be more precise.
But really, I expected this thread to go unanswered. I don't exactly "keep tabs" on the SF population and even the mods have to have a day or 2 off which is why there are many of them. Appearently though :sf:


Well-Known Member
"Do you come to SF everyday?"

Yep. Can't miss a day. lol I always have some forum adopted as home and this is it right now. :smile:

I've belonged to forums since the mid-nineties--sometimes long (3 years once), sometimes but for blip in time. I've seen them come and go. I watched one large one, iconic on the 'Net literally self-destruct. It "reformed" but was never the same.

I've seen a lot; probably amassed 30,000 posts over time.

I'm a "standing" member at (I hit it up occasionally lol), but it is one highly academic site.

Highly challenging for me. I've learned volumes there through a strong interest to learn, but damn. It's work; it's like a "class"!

SF... SF is entirely different. It's an endlessly revealing study to me of human pathology--which I participate in, because I'm pretty "off the charts," too!! :screwloos

But there's no denying that one glimpse into this joint is like peeking over a really sharp cliff that has no bottom. It's an abyss into the lives of people who reject life itself.

I think you have to be very careful, very selective, very protective, not to just fall headlong into it ya damn self. lol

A loner, hopeless eccentric, and lover of writing, I defo come here to find community and support myself. Just because I am not depressed now doesn't mean I don't belong.

Good topic, WMW. :thumbup:

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