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Antiquities Friend
hi friends.

i've been away because i had to leave my home. i wasn't safe and had to go to my mother's or go to the state hospital. i chose my mother's. her computer wasn't working until today when we got everything fixed finally.

i have to go back tomorrow or thursday, but he won't talk to me, so i don't know what will happen when i go back. my mother is driving me nuts -- she yells at me for everything, including things that have nothing to do with me, like if she drops something. i can't take it anymore.

i miss everybody, specially angie, harry, ben, jason, iz, thorn, marie, aaron, and everybody in chat that i can't fit into this list or it would go on and on. :wub: you all

3 blankets are in process right now.

:duck: :hug:


Antiquities Friend
thanks for all the encouraging words!

my computer died and is in the shop and i hope to be back soooooon. i miss everybody soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. making blankets all the time now. :knit:

please spread the word that i miss everybody and that i think of all of you all the time and i will be back as soon as my computer works again.

gobly loves you all, too!

:duck: :grouphug: :wub:
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