Failed At Suiciding - survived damnit - My story

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Okey, so I was all depressed and tried to cut myself
over it but it just wouldn't let go! So I decided to go
to this waterbuilding, xxxxxxxxxx.

landed in about
30 cm of snow and survived without any injuries.
I have a video of it if anyone of you guys wanna see.

I just don't get it, xxxxxxxxxxxx to
atleast break some of my bones or maybe kill me?
It sounds so stupid, I'm all fine now.

From now on I'm gonna face my problems and
try and see who else is struggling and try and help them instead
of watching them sad all by themselves.

That's my story, was I lucky? Or is it normal to survive a fall like that?
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Well-Known Member

Welcome to the forum.

If it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be.

What's led you to feeling like this? What has led you to want to die?

Have you got history of problems, do you see anyone?



Well-Known Member
Just wanted to send hugs... not great to feel so desperate, I know but glad you're ok. Maybe you can vent, get help and find support here... you deserve to feel better and ending it is so final, you can find happiness yet!
Hang in there! Hope todays a better day for you.

Ditsy x
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