Fat and Ugly

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Well-Known Member
I thought i had a handle on the depression, ive come off the tablets and ive been coping.. still depressed but managing to carry on with life etc rather than curl up in a ball crying!

Today i took some photos of me and my 2year old cousin and i realised i am fat and ugly! well, i already knew this but it kind of hit home more today for some reason.

So ive decided to go on a diet starting tomorrow. Ive said this millions of times and never stick to it for long.. but im determined to try!

im never going to be stick thin and mega sexy.. but id like to be thinner.. more of a normal size.. id be happier!

it seems like such a far away goal though.. like its going to take forever!


Well-Known Member

If your target is healthy & you're doing this for the right reasons then it's giving you something to work towards. You've already done well by coming off the medication.

Things won't change overnight but sometimes it's nice to have an achievable goal.

Wishing you all the best xx


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
Hey Buggsy,
I have recently gone on a diet and lost 16 lbs. already..I eat just chicken or pork, either a salad or veggies, and fruit for desert..If I start craving sweets then I eat more fruit..I have done away with carbs altogether..
My idea weight is 225 and Right now I am 309 so I still have a ways to go. But you know I am already feeling better about myself..Give it a try and that means no more Mcdonalds and no fried foods..Good luck!!!
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