Feeling lost

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Well-Known Member
The pain ive been feeling has been to much to take. I thought things were getting better for a while.I stopped hurting myself. But things have taken a turn for the worse. I feel so alone and unimportant. Im tired of feeling like I have to change myself to get along with my friends. I hate having the people who are supposed to care and love me the most tell me what I feel is stupid. I just want someone who understands. I want to be happy.


Staff Alumni
Hi Sweetie...you are right...a good friend will accept you for who you are...yes, there are many things about ourselves we wish to change, but to be in a relationship with someone should not require us to justify how we feel...you are very important and deserve to be happy...please keep sharing with us how you are doing as there are many ppl here who care...big hugs, J


Well-Known Member
hi. i'm soo happy you stopped cutting. that's a big step in the right direction , you should be proud of yourself. secondly, i'm so sorry you're in pain. sometimes people love you, they just dont understand because they've never experienced those feelings or they just don't want to accept it because it hurts too much. that's why this site exists. everyone here understands exactly what you're going through. you can talk to us and know that you are never alone ! :hug:


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
Hi Alyssa,
First of all you are a good person.. Don't let anyone take that away from you.. I'm sorry your family doesn't have a clue to how your feeling..Have you seen a therapist?? They will listen and teach you coping skills.. You will always have us too..Rant and vent all you want.. It helps to get it out.. Thats what this forum is for.. To get your frustrations out and get support from others who have been where you are now.. Take care and stay strong..


Active Member
The pain ive been feeling has been to much to take. I thought things were getting better for a while.I stopped hurting myself. But things have taken a turn for the worse. I feel so alone and unimportant. Im tired of feeling like I have to change myself to get along with my friends. I hate having the people who are supposed to care and love me the most tell me what I feel is stupid. I just want someone who understands. I want to be happy.
talk to me i can relate, for real
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