Food For Thought 2

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New Year Greetings

The Candle

‘There is not enough darkness in the whole of our world to put out the light of one candle.’ Robert Alden​

Have you ever sat in front of a burning candle and stared into its flame for any length of time? If so, did you become aware of the feelings of warmth and comfort, of wellbeing and somehow being at home that radiate from it? And did you notice how the flame of one single candle can light up a whole room?

The candle can only do all these things by giving of itself and allowing the flame to consume its substance. Reflect upon this in your moments of disenchantment, when sometimes after your daily toiling and possibly fruitless strivings you feel as if you had given away every last bit of your strength. When you are in this state of exhaustion and sometimes begin to wonder about the sense, purpose and meaning of your efforts, the time has come for building more quiet moments of reflection into your daily life and that as soon as possible. Create a space where you can be undisturbed for a while and make yourself as comfortable as you can in it. Light a candle, look into it and then ask yourself: ‘Have I burnt myself out by being a light for others, giving them signs and showing them directions for new and better ways of being? How many candles of support am I giving to those around me, every day and throughout the whole year, trying to ease their load and lighten their pathway and through this maybe of our whole world? How about myself?’

Spiritually, light is knowledge and wisdom, and darkness is ignorance. It is true that when a candle gives of its light and warmth it can only do so until its own substance has been consumed by the flame and nothing is left. It is different for us because, whenever we attune ourselves to the stream of the Universal Christ’s consciousness, the source of all life and inspiration, every bit of light and warmth we give by nurturing others is constantly renewed by It and returned to us. The Christ’s warmth and light will never dry up or leave us, and the more of it we send into our world, the more we receive. The laws of the Universe command this. The Christ Star’s luminescence shines through all who are acting as Its channels on the Earth plane. The power of Its blessing and healing energies are constantly flowing into and through them and from there into our world, to be shared by all its lifeforms.

May the small still flame in all human hearts grow ever stronger, until the entire planet is filled with nothing but love and light, healing and peace. Instead of asking for earth- and mind-shattering enlightenments, let us pray that every single day of the coming year and all future ones will bring us and our world a constant supply of small rays of light that renews our whole race’s hope, faith and trust that the Divine great plan of life is unfolding as it should. And let’s give thanks and praise for the goodness of the life the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, so kindly provides for each one of us, God’s beloved children of the Earth.

May raindrops fall lightly on your brow,
Soft winds freshen your spirit and
Sunshine brighten your heart.
May the burdens of each day rest lightly upon you
And the Universe forever enfold you
In the sheltering mantle of Its love.

A happy and prosperous New Year to you and your loved ones.

With love and special blessings,

* * *​
New Year Prayer

O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Thank you for giving us the year ahead.
Help us to live it the way we should,
As each new day we tread.

Give us Your wisdom and love,
So we can help our friends
And grant us the gift of Your strength,
So a shoulder to each other we can lend.

The year ahead is like an empty container.
Help us to fill it with good things
For all Your children of the Earth
So the renewal of faith and trust this brings.

Please give the leaders of our world
The vision of peace,
So that hand in hand with You and the Angels
Warmongering and crime will cease.

Please give to all upon this Earth
A heart that’s filled with love
For wise and gentle ways of living,
With Your blessings from above.

Charlotte Anselmo
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Viewing:
‘Happy New Year Video’

* * *
Wishes For The New Year

At the beginning of each new year, let’s raise our glasses to the renewal of love and hope, faith and trust in our world and that you and I shall be doing our share of bringing this about.

May our battles be few, our pleasures be many and our highest dreams, aspirations and wishes come true.

May the gift of Divine courage and strength help us to cope with any losses that have to be endured and help us rebuild our lives.

May God’s love and peace fill our hearts and grace our souls with serenity. And may tranquil moments spent in communion with the Highest Forces of life bless and heal every aspect of our own being, the whole of humankind and our world.

Wishing you a very happy New Year.
With love and light,

* * *​
The Best Is Yet To Be

The best is never over,
The best has never gone.
There’s always something beautiful
That keeps us struggling on.

There’s always compensation
For every cross we bear,
A secret consolation,
Hidden well, somewhere.

All ends are new beginnings,
As one day we shall see.
The best is never over,
The best is yet to be.

And that’s particularly true for us and our world.

Happy New Year to everybody.

With love and light,

* * *
Recipe For A Wholesome New Year

Take twelve months and bless them,
So that they may be cleansed of all
Bitterness, greed, fault-finding and fear.
Divide each section into one portion for each day,
To make your store last a whole year.
And throughout the coming year,
Every day serve one portion that consists of:

Equal parts of labour, joy and humour,
Three heaped tablespoons of optimism,
One teaspoon of tolerance,
One grain of mirth,
Don’t forget to add a generous pinch of tact
And then pour lots of love over all of it.

When ready for serving:
Garnish with bunches of kindness and attentiveness.
Serve daily with cheerfulness,
A blessing and a refreshing cup of tea.

Katharina Elisabeth Goethe 1731/1808
Mother of the great German poet

Translation by Aquarius

Happy New Year.

* * *
As You Like It

Another Recipe For A Wholesome New Year

Take equal quantities of economy, industry,
Cleanliness, regularity and watchfulness.
Allow them to simmer together
In the vessel called conscience.
When cool, add sufficient spirit of authority
And good humour to taste.
If not clear, add a few grains of resolution.
While fit for use in one year,
It will keep a very long time
And improve with age.

Alice Emily Allen

* * *
Do Not Judge

Refuse to find fault with those who limp
Or stumble along the road,
Unless you have walked a mile in their shoes
And struggled under their load.

There may be tacks in their shoes that hurt,
But are hidden from your view,
And if their cross were on your back,
You’d probably stumble, too.

Don’t sneer at anyone who is down today,
Unless you have experienced the blow
That caused their fall and felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong now, but if the blows
They received were dealt to you
In the same way,
You might stagger, too.

Don’t be harsh with those who sin
Or pelt them with words and stones,
Unless you are sure, yes twice sure,
That you have no sins of your own.

For who knows, if your lower self’s voice
Whispered as sweetly to you,
As it did to them before they went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Wise ones count their blessings
And thank their lucky stars for no longer
Needing lessons of the same nature.
Aware that every one of their
Thoughts, words and actions
Travels round in a circle and returns to them,
Enriched with more of what’s been sent out,
They abstain from judging others,
For they do not wish their vibrations to draw
People with judgemental attitudes
Towards themselves.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

From ‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’

* * *
Someone Special

So many of the things we feel
In our hearts and souls today,
Are there because someone special
Cared for us along the way.

A person who believed in us,
When our faith was running low,
Whose gentle words of wisdom
Helped us decide which way to go.

Someone who could make us laugh
When we were near to tears,
Whose memories still make us smile,
Across the miles and through the years.

Someone who’s done more for us
Than they will ever realise
And who will forever be
An angelic being in our eyes.

Emily Matthews
Edited by Aquarius

* * *
The Nothing People

Have you heard of the nothing people?
They do not lie, but they do not tell the truth.
They do not take, but they do not give either.
They neither steal nor stop a thief.
They do not rock the boat and never pull an oar.

They will not drag you down, but always let you pull them
And if the effort kills you, the tough luck is on you.
They do not hurt you, but they refuse to help
And never volunteer for anything.
They neither love nor hate you.
They will not burn you, but fiddle happily
While you burn.

Do you know what they truly are?
The sins of omission folks.
Spiritual voids, neither good nor bad,
They are standing still and stagnating.
And because they never risk anything,
They neither learn nor grow.

At least, the good keep trying,
And the bad in their own way, work just as hard
Because both are based on action and conviction.
Therefore, please Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all Life,
Send me either a sinner or a saint,
But protect me against the nothing people.
If someone told them that they are in danger of
Wasting a precious lifetime on the Earth,
They would refuse to believe it.
Having the courage to make mistakes,
Willingly owning up to them
And looking for what they can teach us,
To help our consciousness to grow and expand,
Protects us against merely vegetating
And becoming one of them.

Edited by Aquarius

* * *
‘It is neither the critic who counts nor the people who point out how the strong person stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to those who are in the arena and although their faces are marred by dust, sweat and blood, they strive valiantly, erring and coming short again and again, because there is no effort without it. But still they are striving to do their best with enthusiasm and great devotion. These people are spending themselves in a worthy cause and at best in the end they will know the triumph of high achievement. At worst, should their endeavours fail, they have been doing something and dared greatly. Therefore, their place will never be with cold and timid souls who are unfamiliar with victory and defeat.’

Theodore Roosevelt
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.

This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.

And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest...
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.

From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh

From ‘The Sun In Scorpio’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *​
The Unpleasant People

This is an ode to every unpleasant person of our world,
In particular those who, in the course of many years,
Were drawn into my orbit by my own energies.
Thank you, Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
For each one of them, especially my mother.
She taught me most of all how I do not want to be.
Having arrived in the departure lounge of my present lifetime,
It’s easy to see that none of the disagreeable folks I had to endure
Were my enemies, but sent by You to act as my teachers
And that, therefore, in can count them
Among my most valuable friends.

I forgive these people and myself for having created
The unpleasant encounters and situations of this lifetime
In previous ones while I was still unaware of
The presence of God’s Universal laws.
I wish these folks the very best when the Karma they
Have been and in many cases still are
Busily creating in this lifetime,
Returns to them and they find themselves
At the receiving end of the unpleasantnesses
They once so generously handed out
To everybody who came within their reach.

Father/Mother, please forgive all the unpleasant people
Of our world and bless them,
For they know not what they are doing
To themselves and the whole human race.
I look forward to meeting the ones I encountered,
In due course in the world of light,
So I can get to know their real selves.

In the case of the mother of my present lifetime,
We shall come towards each other not as parent and offspring,
But in the spirit of friendship and love,
As beloved children of God,
Who both have grown into spiritual maturity and
In whose life there is no longer room for anything else.
I imagine that the unpleasant people on this level of life will
Reveal themselves in the world of light
As the most agreeable folks imaginable.

For as long as they are still taking part in earthly life,
May our spirit friends and helpers provide them
With the courage and strength to overcome
The lower aspects of their nature,
The same as I have had to do,
With their help. To each one of them
My grateful thanks.

Recommended Reading:
‘The Law Of Karma’
‘Healing Prayer For Parents And Children’
‘Forgiveness Prayer’

* * *
Healing Prayer For Parents And Children

Forgiveness From The Heart

Christmas is a time for families and for healing the karmically determined and therefore often stressful relationships between parents and their offspring. The present year has been one of many new beginnings on every level of life. In contrast to this 2018, the year ahead, is going to be one for transformations of many different kinds for us as well as our whole world. For the whole of the year Saturn will not only be contained in its figures 8 = Saturn, the planet will also be in its own sign of Capricorn, so that its influence will be felt with particular strength. It’s always much easier to bring forth a planet’s positive characteristics when it is operating in its own sign. Therefore, the year ahead is going to be a particularly good one for working on the self-mastery and self-discipline we and our world so badly require.

Naturally, these energies can be used beneficially by everything that is taking part in our world, therefore all human relationships. It makes no difference whether someone we would like to make peace with is in our world or has already moved on into the spirit realm. Because on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything, forgiving and healing that relationship through making peace is always possible. It probably works better from a distance and in our thoughts than face to face. Here are some suggestions of how to approach the matter.

O Great White Spirit, Mother/Father Creator,
Grant me the gift of Your Divine wisdom and forgiveness,
So that I may pardon each and every one
Who ever hurt or wounded me, including myself.
Help me to forgive every cruelty and unkindness
That was ever done to me by anyone, in word, thought and deed.
With hindsight, I can see that all who treated me this way
Supplied me with a special service and were my best teachers,
Because they all helped me to become the one I am now,
And for that, Great Spirit, I truly am thankful.

Thank you for showing us that each one of us is Your child
Whom You have granted the gift of another lifetime on the Earth,
So that we should learn and grow some more,
Each through their own experiences.
Thank you for the Angels, Masters and guides who are
Protecting us and lighting the way back home into the oneness with You.
I rejoice to know that we are all children in the great school of life,
Which You so lovingly have created for us.

I pray for Your forgiveness for the mistakes I have made,
Throughout this whole lifetime and all previous ones.
Help me to draw the learning from them,
So that I may bring forth all that is good and noble within me,
Finding wholeness and healing through becoming
Ever more like You and being closer to You.

As the road of this earthly life is long and difficult
And strewn with many kinds of temptations
Which my earthly self finds hard to resist,
Assist me with being strong in my determination to overcome them.
Help me to accept and love myself the way I am,
Safe in the knowledge that Your great wisdom and love
Created me – and everybody else – in Your Divine image,
And that you love us all totally and unconditionally.

To break the vicious circle of acting against my own best interests
And of being my own worst enemy,
When it comes to solving any problem, help me
To listen to Your help and guidance that comes
From deep within my own heart, where You dwell.
Help me to stop finding fault with myself and those around me,
But to love and accept myself and them they way we are.
Whenever I encounter difficulties, especially in relationships,
Grant me the gift of the ability to first look to myself to resolve them.

Now that I understand that the purpose of life on Earth
Is growth and evolution that leads each and every one of us
To ever higher levels of consciousness,
And knowing that all my experiences only ever happened
Because they meant to teach me something,
I let go of all resentment and grudges I ever
Bore against anyone, including myself.

Help me, Great Spirit, to love wisely, the way You do,
Myself and everything that comes my way,
Knowing that it is part of Your Creation,
That it has been prepared by Your great wisdom and love.
Help us all to dissolve the chains and shackles of Karma that
Have bound us to each other, for so many lifetimes,
So that we may set ourselves and each other free
From the bondages that were created
By the darkness of the ignorance of our true nature of past Ages.

Help us to free our world from all hatred, resentment, envy and greed,
And to fill us and it with Your Divine Wisdom, Power and Love.
My soul yearns to make peace with You and all life,
Because I now so much better understand
You and the processes of the life
You created for us.

* * *

Help me to forgive the mother of this lifetime for any unlovingness
She has shown towards me, knowingly or unknowingly, especially . . .
[Now pour your pain into God, who understands the way of all things]
Help me to forgive her for the times she failed to provide me with
The deep and fully satisfying Mother’s nurturing
That only You, my Divine Mother, can give to any of Your children.
Help me to forgive myself for expecting
Such love from someone who is merely human,
Like myself and who is, therefore, but one of your children,
On her own pathway of evolution and therefore still imperfect.

Help me to forgive the father of this lifetime for any unlovingness
He has shown towards me, knowingly or unknowingly, especially . . .
[Now pour your pain into God, who does understand]
Help me to forgive him for the times he failed to provide me with
The deep and fully satisfying Father’s love,
Forgiveness and understanding that You alone, my Divine Father,
Can feel towards all my efforts.
Help me to forgive myself for expecting
Such love from one who is merely human,
Like myself and who is, therefore, but one of your children,
On his own pathway of evolution and still imperfect.

Help me to forgive my partner for any unlovingness
S/he showed towards me, during the times You have given us together,
Knowingly or unknowingly. Especially . . .
[Now pour your pain into God, who does understand]
Help me to forgive her/him and also myself for
Any hurt and pain we ever caused each other,
For misunderstandings and abuse of any kind,
For not entering into the deep and fully satisfying
Relationship that is only possible between You and me.
Help me to recognise that it is folly to expect such
Perfect love and understanding from a mere human being who,
Like me, is Your child, on her/his own pathway of evolution
And therefore still imperfect.

Continue with this prayer until each and every one,
Who has ever hurt or wounded you, has been forgiven.
Finish off with:

Help me to forgive myself for all false expectations I ever hoped
Could be fulfilled in any of my human relationships,
When this can only be found in You, my Divine Mother/Father.
You are the Divine lover, who is alive in each one of us,
And You alone have the power to know and fulfil all my needs.
All those around me and with me are but outer manifestations of You.
And each one who has ever shared my life with me,
Is Your child and constantly searching the perfect loving relationship
That we can only have with You.

Help me to forgive my children for being [or having been]
Unable to fulfil the unrealistic hopes and dreams I once nurtured,
And that made me long and yearn for them,
Ever since I myself was a child who had to endure the suffering
At the hands of parents and other adults,
Who as yet failed to understand their own true nature and Yours,
And the reason why they were here.
Having no idea about the purpose and meaning of this life,
How could they understand me?

Thank You for allowing me access to the knowledge that
The children who came through me are not my children but Yours
And that they are in this life to fulfil their own Dreams
And reach their own Highest potential, not mine.
Like me, they are hoping to re-learn to walk
Hand in hand with You and the Angels, the way we all once did.

Help me, Great Spirit, to forgive myself and all those
Who ever hurt and wounded me for the suffering we,
In the ignorance of our true nature,
Inflicted upon each other, in the course of many lifetimes.
Help us all to set each other free.

Hand in hand with You and the Angels,
I release all those who have ever shared my life
From the Karmic chains and shackles of all lifetimes,
I forgive each and every one and set them free, now.
May the bonds that exist between us be transmuted into those of
True siblinghood, friendship and love,
For You, each other and the world You so lovingly
Brought into being for us, and re-create anew each day to our joy.

With my whole being, with all my heart and soul,
Mind, body and spirit I thank You for the gift of this life.
May the blessing and healing Power of Your Spirit
Now freely flow through me and all those mentioned in my prayer.
I love You with all my heart and soul and my whole being,
And I trust the blessing and healing power of
Your Divine Fatherly/Motherly wisdom and love
To bless and heal the wounds of all lifetimes in me and all life.


From‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’

* * *​

White is the colour of innocence.
But what does that mean?
It’s an inner quality that enables us
To recognise beauty in the darkest of souls.
This gives us the strength to tame the beast
Of our own and other people’s lower animal nature.
It’s a Divine gift that has to be worked for very hard,
But once gained, it never leaves us.

Recognising God’s true nature and our own
Provides us with the kind of faith and
The inner vision to look for and
Find alternative remedies.
This conscious joining with the highest harmonies
Enables us to understand the way of all things.
Their energies have the power
Of restoring human hearts and souls,
Our own and also others, through us.
They have the power of bringing about
Healing miracles that have never
Been experienced before in our world.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *
Is There Any Need For Praying?

Part One

For a long time of our earthly existence the inner connection of our lower self with the spirit realm with its many different levels and the highest one of God is blocked. This is our true home from which we emerge at the beginning of every new lifetime in the material world and to which we return at its end. There is nowhere else for any one of us to go. The inner world individually and collectively influences everything in our world, including you and me. But during many lifetimes we are so thoroughly cut off from it that we have no idea of its presence, the role it plays in our life and the powers it possesses.

This is the place in which every one of us first emerged from the heartmind of the Great Father, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, as a creative idea. At that stage of our development we were merely a spark of the Light of the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother. Even though we were but a tiny speck of light, we had been programmed that in the fullness of time we would evolve into a perfect human being. Perfect in this context means all aspects of our nature integrated and harmoniously working together, the way they are doing in our Creator.

That’s why every human being will eventually have grown into someone who is half human and half Divine and, like the legendary Jesus, a spiritual Master who is whole and therefore holy. And whether someone is aware of it as yet or not, this is the ideal every one of us has been striving for from the moment of our creation because that is humankind’s evolutionary goal.

When we have spiritually matured sufficiently for our superconscious faculties to rise from their slumbering state, we discover to our astonishment that Heaven and Hell never were places anyone goes to. They are states of consciousness every earthling frequently enter into in earthly life. Isn’t what you, through your addiction(s), are presently going through proof enough? Every experience, good, bad and indifferent ones alike, leaves an impression behind in the memories of our soul. And this has been happening ever since we came away from our spirit home. Each earthly lifetime, and there have been many of that you can be sure, has created another layer of memories that has been stored on top of our recall about our oneness with our Creator and the spirit world.

The effect of this piling up has been that we gradually became completely cut off from the source of our being and our true home. When the turning point of our earthly education has been reached and we are homeward bound, the time for removing these layers, down to the very last one. And that may take many years of working our way through what feels like mountains of emotional/spiritual debris that has accumulated in the memories of our soul, as I can tell you from first hand experience.

For this purpose we are bringing with us into every new lifetime the soul memories that have been stored up to the point of our most recent departure from it. They are stored in the cells of our physical body and the soul is part of our water body, which in turn is part of our physical body, the outer shell and vehicle for getting around in our world. The soul eventually needs to shed layer upon layer of its memories, down to its most unhappy and traumatic ones, and that means reaching ever deeper into our lifetimes of the past. This process can be likened to the peeling of an onion; it’s the emptying out that has been known to the mystics of all ages.

At the beginning of it, when the going gets particularly rough and we are feeling lost, lonely and frightened out of our wits, the need for praying overcomes us for the first time. Our spirit friends and helpers are quietly observing our suffering, but they are not allowed to come to anyone’s help unless it is asked for. Our prayer is their signal that our Christ nature is ready to wake up. The baby in the manger in Bethlehem is a symbolism of this development that takes place in every one of us as soon as we have reached the evolutionary point that our journey home can commence.

None of us is ever left to their own devices during any part of it. Angels and Masters and countless groups of other spirit guides and helpers are constantly with and around us. It’s just that for a long time we are not allowed to know of their presence, as that would interfere with our earthly lessons. Even though they are invisible to earthly eyes, they have always been observing, guiding and protecting us whenever things are in danger of getting completely out of hand with us and our world. And when we are in danger of getting to far away from our predestined pathway, something happens to us that nudges us back onto it. That’s the work of our unseen friends.

It comes as a great surprise to us when we first find out that God is not somewhere in the Heavens above our world and that finding and connecting with our Creator is an inner experience. The physical world is the outermost edge of the whole of Creation. God is the highest level of life and surprisingly this means its deepest innermost point. And during our quiet times of prayer, meditation and reflections on the purpose and meaning of our existence, our earthly mind tunes itself into the frequencies of the higher and eventually highest levels.

Although for a long time we may not feel any response to our prayers, the first one has been the messenger who knocked at the door of our inner consciousness and got the connection between us and our spirit guides going. By the way, every one of our prayers is heard, but sometimes the answer has to be ‘No!’ This happens when our karmic debts and the life lessons we are presently taking part in do not allow anything else. Nonetheless, our spirit helpers respond to every call they receive and support us as far this is possible under the given circumstances.

Is There Any Need For Praying? - Part Two

The Mistakes Of The Past

God’s great plan of life always has been and forever will continue to unfold the way it should. We can be sure of this and that it applies as much to our world and all its lifeforms as anywhere else in the whole of Creation. Yet, because we are allowed the freedom to choose how we react to what happens to us, many things can go wrong. They frequently do and there is no need to get unduly upset about it, because the plan provides that plenty of mistakes should be made along our individual and collective evolutionary pathway.

Everything in our world has always worked on a trial and error basis. Without this it would have been impossible for us to learn anything and no progress could have been made from the earliest stages of our race’s development. The Angelic hierarchy is in charge of the great plan and its executor. They, together with innumerable groups of spirit guides and helpers, are our siblings in the great family of all life. All of them are our friends and their task is showing us the way and assisting us – their younger and less experienced and evolved siblings – with the imbibing of our lessons. With their guidance and under their protection, each one of us will eventually be able to do their share of putting things right again, in our own lives and our world. However many earthly lifetimes this may take for each individual, they will be granted.

During the first stage of our earthly education we are allowed to hurt and wound others as much as we like. However, when we have reached the second phase we are finding ourselves at the receiving end of what we once dished out to others. For as long as we are familiar with the processes of life and the existence of the Universal laws, even if we are living a good life and are an example of a citizen, we cannot understand for the life of us why difficult and traumatic things should be happening to us. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

After having tried everything and nothing brought us the relief we were hoping to find, in our present state of ignorance about the spiritual background of our existence, we eventually reach our wits end. It then occurs to us, only seemingly a propos of nothing: ‘Why don’t I try praying?’ This is the most important part of the waking up process of our higher or Christ nature and its superconscious capabilities. German folk wisdom tell us: ‘Wenn die Not am größten, ist uns Gott am nächsten,’ i.e. when our need is greatest, God is nearest. That’s very true! In reality, God is always very close to us because S/H is part of us and we are part of Him/Her, but no help can come to us until we ask for it.

Our first prayer establishes a conscious contact with our friends in the spirit world and every subsequent one strengthens this connection. They are working for and on behalf of the Highest Forces of life, commonly known as God. They have been observing our suffering for quite some time. It has drawn them ever closer and they desperately want to help, but can only do so when the communication channel between their realm and the sufferer at last begins to creak open.

The first prayer also causes something that acts like a chink in the coat of armour that for a long time has surrounded our earthly self. It kept us enclosed as if we were living in a black box whose walls could not be penetrated by the slightest ray of light, in the form of spiritual wisdom and truth. This continues until for us the time has come for our spiritual awakening and the end of our lack of knowledge about God’s true nature and our own. And each time we pray the size of the opening increases and the energies of our spirit helpers can mingle with ours that bit better. This brings us the measure of relief that is right for that particular stage of our development. The more we pray and call for their help on a regular basis, the more of it gets through to us.

If, before this part of my jottings entered your field of vision, did the thought of God’s great plan of life ever set you wondering whether there is any need for praying. Considering that God and the Angels are in charge of us and our world and everything is part of the grand design, including our world evolving into a place where all lifeforms co-exist in peace and harmony, is there any point in it. If we wish that kind of a world come into being, sitting on our behinds and doing nothing will make sure that slowly but surely things on our planet can only get worse because in that case its negative and destructive forces will keep growing more powerful and dominant.

The Age of Aquarius is the period in which humankind’s highest aspirations and most daring dreams are going to come true. And as soon as another one of us decides to do their best to make a valid contribution towards changing our world into the kind of place that could so far only be envisages in our dreams, God and the Angels are happy to respond and do the rest. After all, that’s what they also want because it is written in the great plan of life. The time has come for learning how to work together with the natural forces of Mother Earth, instead of against them the way we used to do in the past while we falsely believed that we could subdue and conquer them.

God and the Angels are the only ones who can show us how to go about it and they do not mind the many mistakes humankind has made in the past, because through them they in their infinite wisdom and kindness and the greatest of patience have been teaching us that conquering and subduing our planet’s natural forces is impossible.

Is There Any Need For Praying? - Part Three

Guardians And Caretakers Of Mother Earth

Through withholding something for a certain time the Universal Forces are teaching us its value. And in the course of six thousand years of patriarchy, it was the wisdom of the Great Mother that withheld the knowledge of Her presence away from us and our world. That’s why it has taken so long to discover that the law of life is love and evolution, evolution through love and that means constantly moving forwards and upwards on the great spiral of life.The evolutionary pathway of every human being, without exception, starts at the point of spiritual infant- and childhood. Because we do not yet know any better, it’s all right for us to irresponsibly exploit, abuse and squander Mother Earth’s precious resources during this stage of our development. However, in the course of many lifetimes every one of us learns through their own experiences and through them slowly grows into spiritual maturity and adulthood. Realising our mistakes of the past, we are then able and willing to make good where we once sinned and seriously work on redeeming ourselves as one of our planet’s guardian and caretaker.

On the inner level we are all one and there is no separation between anything. The ultimate goal of our earthly education is to evolve into a healer and bringer of the spiritual light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, so that the Highest Forces of can use us as one of the channels through which it can flow into. This how, with the passing of time, ever more of the darkness of ignorance of our world dissolves. And that’s how every one of us in the end develops into a saviour and redeemer of ourselves, our race and our world.

This is necessary because all of us are not only responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions and our own spiritual wellbeing, but also of that of those around us and our whole world. Should that sound like too much of a burden to carry and downright scary to you, bear in mind that each one of us is a young God in the making, who is serving their apprenticeship on the Earth. The material wellbeing of every lifetime rests in the hand of God and the Angels because it is decided by the Karma we brought with us from previous lifetimes and the life lessons we have agreed to take part in.

Be that as it may, the great plan for the development of our race provides for every eventuality. And anyone who has evolved sufficiently is ready for the role of caring for our planet. Its first requirement is living as a good example that others may wish to follow. This means refusing to make excessive demands on Mother Earth’s precious resources and recycling as much as possible. Another part of it thinking of ways that help those around us to grasp that exploiting, robbing and wasting her treasures is no longer part of humankind’s earthly curriculum.

Everybody eventually reaches the point when they are required to make good where they once sinned against our planet and doing everything in their power for its healing. I hope I shall be forgiven for using and paraphrasing my favourite quote from Ecclesiastes: ‘In earthly life everything happens in its season and fulfils the wise higher purpose of teaching us something. And in the fullness of time, they – God and the Angels – are seeing to it that all things in our world that to this day are evil and dark, ugly and wrong, in our view, evolve into something that is good and right, beautiful and filled with light.’

As Mahatma Gandhi once said: ‘The Earth has enough for everybody’s needs, but not everyone’s greed.’ The more of us are doing their share of making our dreams of a peaceful world a reality right here and now, the sooner the spending of endless millions on weapons of destruction stops and they are used for feeding the hungry.

Is There Any Need For Praying? - Part Four

Nobody Is Without Flaws

For those who wish to reach the end of their earthly education behaving the right way and in particular not sitting in judgement over anyone is just as important as praying, in some ways even more so. The more highly evolved we become, the more important it is to practise tolerance with our younger and less experienced siblings and be patient with them. Of course they have their flaws, but so do we. And when we see them struggling on their road home, let’s remind ourselves that everybody is walking the same pathway and pursuing the distant goal of being released from the duty of taking part in earthly life for good.

Aware of these things, wise ones never judge anyone. Remembering only too well how difficult it has been for them to come as far as they have helps them to realise that people and things cannot help being the way they are. The only thing that’s the matter with many of them is that they are still in the earlier and earliest stages of their development and learning the earthly lessons that every one of us has in their crude unevolved state has to take part in.

Counting their blessings, these sages bear in mind that with the passing of time, every human being slowly but surely becomes more highly evolved, the same as they themselves are at present. That’s why they merely observe their younger siblings in the great family of humankind – even if they have reached a ripe old age – with interest. Lovingly they think to themselves: ‘This is how I was, the good Heavens alone know how many lifetimes ago. Fancy that! I can’t imagine it, but that’s the evolutionary pathway for everybody, therefore also for me.’ That’s why they smile and refuse judging anything and anyone.

Knowing that, because of God’s Universal laws, whatever anyone sends into the Universe in thought, word and deed, is bound to return to its sender like a boomerang and that in somewhat strengthened form, wise ones carefully watch what they think, speak and do. This helps them to avoid attracting small and narrow minded people into their orbit, who have nothing better to do with their valuable time and energies, which the Universe in its kindness makes available to every one of us in earthly life, than looking for what’s amiss with everything that’s around them.

The whingers and moaners of our world could not live without having something to complain, so leave them to it. To their heart’s delight and content they constantly indulge in this futile and dangerous pastime, blissfully unaware that we can only recognise in others what we are carrying around in our subconscious. What they are doing is known as projection, more about this theme in a moment. Wise ones, however, when they observe something that disturbs them unduly to the point of upsetting them and making them angry, realise that they are projecting one of their own shortcomings onto that person.

This knowledge enables them to spend their time and energies more constructively and profitable by working on their spiritual development, maybe thinking: ‘Okay, we all have everything within, the things that touch me so strongly must be in me or they would not disturb me when I notice them in others. Even though I can’t see this part, I embrace it and ask God and the Angels to help me let go of it. Then I will continue to focus on what’s good, right and beautiful already and leave the unevolved parts in the hands of God and the Angels. In the fullness of time, no doubt, they will transform them, too. It’s not my task to carry the world on my shoulders. And that sets me free to work on overcoming the lower aspects of my nature, so that next time I encounter them in someone, my feathers will remain unruffled.’

To paraphrase St. Matthew 7:3-5: Why do we frequently notice the flaws in other people’s character make-up and are blind to our own? How can we say to others: ‘You have to drop this kind of behaviour, when we are carrying the same around on the subconscious level of our being. After all, everybody has everything within.’ Wise ones know this and that the world around us acts like a mirror that reflects back to us what we are on the subconscious level. That’s why they courageously accept the things that irritate and annoy them in others. Acceptance moves them into our conscious awareness, so that from there they can released once and for all through making the firm decision never to act them out again. This is the best way of removing the flaws from our character make-up and they no longer bother us unduly when we observe them in others. And that, in a nutshell, is the meaning of projection. See the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

A thin veil of consciousness separates our world from the spirit realm, even though in truth they are one. When things are in need of putting right on our side, doing the practical work involved is our job. But we don’t have to face these sometimes more than somewhat difficult tasks on our own. Large numbers of spirit guides and helpers on the other side are always ready to assist. All we have to do is ask. They are in charge of and conducting all earthly procedures and when their help has been requested they are always willing to show us intuitively the best ways of repairing any kind of damage that is in need of our attention.

Is There Any Need For Praying? - Part Five
A World Of Dualities

Our world is one of dualities and consists of two streams of thought or consciousness that are in polar opposition to each other. One is of goodness and light; the other one is of darkness and destruction. Both are equally creative and are manifesting themselves in our world in many different ways as good and evil. As co-creators with God, through every one of our thoughts, words and actions we are constantly in the process of creating something. Our thoughts create our reality and are incessantly feeding either into the stream of goodness and light or of evil and darkness. Even the smallest contributions increase their power and strength.

Every good, kind and loving thought, word and action adds to the constructive positive good or God stream. Each one is a valuable contribution towards strengthening and increasing its power. And that gradually enables it to absorb more and more of the stream of darkness and ignorance’s contents into itself and transmutes them into blessing and healing energies. This is how every human being sooner or later acquires the power of contributing to making the new golden age a reality on the Earth.

As sparks of the Divine and chips off the old block, all characteristics and powers that are in God are also in us. With their help we brought our world to its present state. But for quite some time fresh spiritual knowledge has been flowing ever more freely, from the wise ones who are in charge of our world on the highest levels of life, into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. And that is the instrument God and the Angels are placing into everybody’s own hands for empowering themselves. This comes about when we change our habitual thinking and behaviour patterns into positive and constructive ones and using them for making the world of our dreams a reality right here and now.

On the inner level we are all siblings in the great family of humankind and every one of us is on the same evolutionary pathway. God and the Angels are with and part of everybody and that ensures that in due course all of us are going to be beautiful and perfect, i.e. whole and holy. The awareness that everybody has the cross of their earthly personality to carry and, when we give them half a chance, have an interesting story to tell opens our hearts to the suffering of others. An overwhelming urge starts to fill our whole being to somehow help those who are spiritually homeless to come to terms and make their peace with the pathway of their present lifetime, and that they themselves once chose it.

Everybody needs to understand that life is by no means a one-off thing but an ongoing evolutionary process that constantly moves every one of us, together with our whole world, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. It’s the highest time for a general more spiritual approach to life and getting rid of the illusion that we are separate beings from any one of our fellow creatures. Knowing this opens us to loving them just because they ARE and the way they are. It’s a love that understands the other person’s needs and absorbs their pain and sorrow into itself. This love would never dream of taking anything away from anyone and is happiest when it can keep on giving without restraint.

On the inner level we are all one great family and there is no separation or difference between anything. That is why every single thought, word and action affects life in the whole of Creation and whenever we hurt someone, ultimately we are hurting ourselves. And that applies as much to humankind as it does to Mother Earth’s other kingdoms and everything they contain, trees, bushes and every blade of grass, flowers and vegetables, sunshine and rain, wind and clouds. The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life, the throne of God, are in charge of every form of life throughout the whole of Creation. Naturally, this also includes us and our world. For a long time they have been working hard to raise humankind’s consciousness into understanding that we are an integral part of the Universal siblinghood of all life.

That’s why increasing numbers of us are already capable of perceiving the whole of God’s Creation as one vast family unit in which the atoms of every being are inseparable from all others. Everything is held firmly in the grasp of the will and power, wisdom and love of the Divine Trinity of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light, the Light of all lights and Sun of all Suns. From Its radiance everything in the whole of Creation was brought into being.

If further questions about whether praying is necessary are coming to your mind, as undoubtedly they will, follow the advice of the Bible’s St. Matthew 7:7-8: ‘Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Everyone who asks receives, the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks, the door is going to be opened.’ Without knocking at the door to our inner world in some way, gaining access to it is impossible. Prayers and meditations are the keys for removing the bolt that for a long time has been protecting it against intrusions from our earthly selves.

Working and praying unselfishly for the highest good of our whole world is the best way of using this key. God and the Angels are placing it into the hands of those who are ready to receive it. Gaining access is of particular importance now that the sad chapter of around six thousand years of patriarchy and warmongering are over. The wisdom and love of the Goddess’s energies for quite some time have been re-establishing themselves in our world. And through the ever increasing awareness of God’s true nature and our own caused by it, humankind’s spiritual rebirth is unstoppable. Hallelujah!

Let’s do our utmost never to hurt anything that is part of Mother Earth’s kingdoms. We are creatures of love, from love we have come and to love we are now in the process of returning. Bearing this in mind if something has to be said that could be hurtful to another, make an effort to think of kind and loving words to do so. To save and redeem ourselves and our world, with all the love that’s in our heart let’s send nothing but good, kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into our world and not forget to be thankful for every blessing that is ours, every moment of each day.

It’s entirely up to us whether we wish to behave like a wise one or a fool. Foolish ones, through their endless whinging and moaning are busily adding to the power of the dark ignorant stream of consciousness of our world. At the same time they are piling ever more karmic debts into their spiritual account that will have to be redeemed in future lifetimes. Wise ones are careful to avoid this because it would mean needing further earthly lifetimes, maybe several, to redeem them. As ever, the choice is ours.

God speed on your personal healing journey. Like any other one it begins with one step and that, in your case, consists of deciding to make this move. If this is the direction in which you want the river of your life to flow from now on, but you have no idea how to go about it, don’t worry. Ask God and the Angels by praying something along these lines: ‘O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, please grant me the gift of Your help and courage, strength and wisdom to succeed with leaving my addictive behaviour patterns behind, so the can be replaced with positive and constructive ones.’ It will not take long until you will be able to see assistance coming towards you and that from many different sides.

Do Not Judge

Refuse to find fault with those who limp
Or stumble along the road,
Unless you have walked a mile in their shoes
And struggled under their load.

There may be tacks in their shoes that hurt,
But are hidden from your view,
And if their cross were on your back,
You’d probably stumble, too.

Don’t sneer at anyone who is down today,
Unless you have experienced the blow
That caused their fall and felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong now, but if the blows
They received were dealt to you
In the same way,
You might stagger, too.

Don’t be harsh with those who sin
Or pelt them with words and stones,
Unless you are sure, yes twice sure,
That you have no sins of your own.

For who knows, if your lower self’s voice
Whispered as sweetly to you,
As it did to them before they went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Wise ones count their blessings
And thank their lucky stars for no longer
Needing lessons of the same nature.
Aware that every one of their
Thoughts, words and actions
Travels round in a circle and returns to them,
Enriched with more of what’s been sent out,
They abstain from judging others,
For they do not wish their vibrations to draw
People with judgemental attitudes
Towards themselves.
Only being able to ever see one side of anything they observe and that beyond a shadow of doubt everything that happens in our world is part of the redemption of someone’s karmic debts and life lessons, frequently of many people, wise ones refuse to judge anything at face value. They know that the things that are ugly and evil are manifestations of their unevolved state, and that each one of them is on its way of slowly but surely – and that may take many human earthly lifetimes – being transformed into something that’s good, right and beautiful.

This is why these sages have no need for wasting the precious energies of the lifeforce within them on complaining, whinging and moaning, getting angry and upset about the present state of our world. They prefer to spend it on looking at and contemplating on the many things and people that have already reached much higher evolutionary levels. Aware that this assists their own spiritual development as well as that of our world, wherever they are they are doing their best to bring more of it into being.

As ever, there is more to this than meets the eye. Our world is one of dualities and consists of two streams of thought or consciousness that are in polar opposition to each other. One is of goodness and light and the other of darkness and destruction. Both are equally creative and in our world their manifestations are good or evil. As co-creators with God, through every one of our thoughts, words and actions we are constantly in the process of creating something. Our thoughts create our reality and are feeding either into the stream of goodness and light or of evil and darkness. Even the smallest contributions increase their power and strength. If we are among the lamenters who can only see the dark side of our world, our thoughts as well as written and spoken words of complaint about its state are dragging us further into the dungeon of depression. It acts like a quagmire that pulls those affected ever deeper into the dark side of themselves and our world.

The resulting darkness, if left unattended and unresolved, is stored in the memories of our soul each time we leave our physical body behind at the end of another earthly lifetime. The lower self has no idea that its soul is calling out ever louder that it is in need of healing. Suppressing depressive symptoms with the products of the pharmaceutical industry merely delays what is truly required. With the help of these chemicals we are going to bring the darkness, that is entirely of our own making, with us into every new lifetime. When depression hits us then, we cannot understand for the life of us why this should be happening to us.

This is bound to continue until we bravely face our depression and seriously get to work on it. And that’s an extremely scary enterprise, but we do not have to do this on our own. Far from it! God and the Angels are part of us and with us at all times. Not only are they aware of our suffering, they are suffering with us. All we have to do is ask for their help. It will never be denied to anyone who requests it. So why not get on with it, now and see what happens?

And that’s why wise ones at all times look at the bright side of things. They concentrate on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world and the good that is in every human being. They know that even if it may exist only in seedform in someone so far, it is there. The evolutionary law of life will see to it that it wakes up when the time is right for this to happen. Such kind and loving thoughts and words are feeding into the stream of light and adding to its strength. They also have the power of igniting the Divine spark in those around us and assist their awakening to come about more easily than it would otherwise have done.

The Legend Of Pandora’s Box

The background to the story of Pandora’s Box is the Titan Prometheus’ resistance to the law and the commands of the King of the Gods, Zeus. In Greek mythology Prometheus, whose name means forethought, was one of the Titans. He was a culture hero and a trickster figure who is credited with the creation of man from clay. He defied the Gods and brought them the gift of fire to the Earth, so that progress and civilisation became possible. Prometheus was known for his intelligence and as a champion of humankind. After either having got away with or having paid the price for one of his misdeeds, Prometheus kept going back for more. Zeus, however, was very crafty in the way of handing out punishments to those who refused to obey him.

As Prometheus’ penalty Zeus gave him Pandora, the first woman. She was a very different creature from man. Having been created in the forge of Hephaestus, she was as beautiful as a Goddess and very beguiling, thanks to traits bestowed upon her by Athene and Zeus himself. Athene was the Greek Goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilisation, law and justice, as well as warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts and skills. Zeus presented Pandora as a bride to Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus, who was only capable of afterthought. Prometheus had the gift of thinking ahead and expected retribution from Zeus because of his audacity with the fire, so he warned his brother against accepting any presents from their king.

When Zeus handed Pandora over to Epimetheus, she brought with her a box that carried a label with a warning that the box should never be opened by anyone. Epimetheus was so dazzled by his bride that he forgot his brother’s advice. He thought they were supposed to hold the gift his bride brought with her in safe-keeping for Zeus. Blissfully unaware of what kind of a present it held in reality, Epimetheus insisted that his wife followed the instructions on the box.

But then one day he had to leave Pandora on her own for a few hours. She had been gifted with curiosity as much as with all the other attributes her Divine parents themselves had. For Pandora the box was a present and therefore not merely something to be kept in trust, without ever looking at it. What business did Zeus have to tell her not to open it? Possibly she had listened to her brother-in-law’s tales of tricking the king of the Gods or maybe she saw nothing to fear in the box. What if she just had a quick peak?

No sooner said than done! Making sure that no-one was watching, Pandora opened the box just one tiny crack. As she did so, unpleasant ghostly forms started to gush forth from the opening. Without being aware of what she was doing, Pandora thus unleashed all the ills that subsequently had to be experienced and endured by our race, so that we should learn from them and grow in wisdom and understanding of the true purpose that lies behind our existence on the Earth plane.

In the end, Pandora’s gift with a difference would teach each one of us to discriminate and differentiate between good and evil, darkness and light. The sacred fire of the Gods hidden in her gift would eventually show us that what Prometheus brought us was merely showing how to make fire and how to use it wisely on the Earth plane. Precious though this was, Pandora was given something much more valuable. How else could it have been when it had its origin in the superior intelligence of her father, the King of the Gods, and the wisdom and love of his feminine counterpart, the Goddess Athene?

And so it came about that from Pandora’s appearance onwards, human beings were no longer allowed to lounge around all day. They now had to work very hard for their living and from time to time some of them succumbed to many different kinds of ailments, too. When Pandora thought that just about every one of the unpleasant things must surely have left the box, at its very bottom she discovered one more item. On closer inspection, lo and behold!, she found that it was not something evil, but that she had also unleashed onto our world the most precious gift of all and that was hope.

Built into all individual and the collective soul of our world with this gift was the instinctive/intuitive knowledge that things would always improve and better times would be just round the next corner, that progress was constantly being made by us and we were forever moving onwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Inspired by and dedicated to my friend Pandora,
who passed into the world of light in October 2014.

We’ll meet again,
Don’t know where,
Don’t know when,
But I’m sure we’ll meet one sunny day –
In the world of light.
Until then,
God bless you and keep you safe, always.

With love and light,

What Is Hope

When things go wrong, as they sometime will,
The optimist thinks: ‘They’ll come right again!’
When times are hard, positive thinkers say:
‘They will get better and become easier again.’
But the pessimist grumbles: ‘It’ll only get worse!’
And although this may take a while,
Because our thoughts and beliefs create our earthly reality,
Such forecasts invariably come true.
And then, each one in keeping with their perception of life,
Nods sagely and says: ‘I told you so!’

But what is hope?
It is not the closing of one’s eyes to
Difficulties and obstacles, risks and possible failures.
It is an inner trusting that knows:
If I fail now, I shall not do so forever.
If I get hurt, I shall be healed.
If I make mistakes, I shall learn from them,
And when I’ve learnt enough,
I will be allowed to move on
To lessons of a different nature.
What could be better?

Hope is the awareness of our innermost self that
Life is good and that the power of love
Is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation
That can straighten crooked corners and move mountains.
If we but ask, this force at all times is willing
To guide us through our most traumatic encounters,
And to help us heal every aspect of our whole being
As well as all relationships,
Especially the most difficult ones.

Hope is an inner knowing,
A steadily increasing certainty
That in God’s time, not ours,
All things in earthly life will eventually
Be made good and come right.
Our present existence is like a great stage
And one fine day we are going to
Step in front of its curtain,
Behind which we for so long have been acting,
Into the world of light, our true home.
We shall be received by the friendly audience
Of the Angels and Masters,
And all other spirit friends and helpers,
To take our bow.

Earth life is a tragicomedy of errors in which
Every participant eventually feels the need
To nail the desires of their lower self to the
Cross of consciousness of the Earth.
Those who have matured into spiritual adulthood and
Willingly submit themselves to Saturn’s demands
Of practising the restraint of self-discipline
And self-mastery in all their relationships,
At the end of their present lifetime
Will only leave good and healed connections behind.
They are presented by God and the Angels
With a leaving certificate that shows that
Earth life can teach them no more.

The teachers, in this case the Angels and Masters
Of the higher and highest planes of existence,
Move these students of life on to lessons
Of an increasingly elevated nature.
And that’s how every one of us in the fullness of time
Is going to take their final bow
On this side of the veil of consciousness.

United in friendship and love at last
With those who walked this way before us,
We enjoy the applause that greets us
On the other side of the veil,
Eager to find out where
The Angels may wish to take us next.
And in the shelter of God’s mighty wings
We shall forever serenely venture forth,
Safe in the knowledge that we shall
Never be frightened or feeling lonely again.

‘I will abide in Thy tabernacle forever;
I will make my refuge the shadow of Thy wings.’

Psalm 61:4

From ‘Leaving Addictions Behind’

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