Fuck i'm fat

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Well-Known Member
So I started college, what 4 months ago?
I've put on two stone during that time period, I'm upto 14 stone 8 pounds, and I'm aware that's not a greatly large weight, but it's upsetting.
I'm aware that I don't actually have any eating disorders as such, I just comfort eat, a lot.
I'm too overweight for my liking, my aim is to be 11 stone by the end of the year. Any tips on losing the weight?

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Just exercise smaller meals and don't eat anything after 8pm eat healthy snacks fruits Join a gym if you can or go to the one at the school hugs wish you luck :hugtackles:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Total Eclipse.
I'm halving portions from now on. There's going to be no fizzy pop, I'm going to exercise daily. My school doesn't have a gym and I cannot afford to join a gym. However, we have a treadmill here at home, and I have a weights set. So the exercise part should be easy.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Hey i find going for a walk just before heading to bed helps too it burns off some more calories before sleeping I too am trying to loose weight as my blood pressure too high these days. hugs let me know how you do okay


Well-Known Member
I'll document my progress in my Diary in the Let It Out Section weekly.
Let me know how you're doing too. It'd be nice to see how someone else is doing too, might make losing weight easier for me :)


SF Supporter
I've lost quite a bit of weight myself these past several months. To me getting the mental part right has made it pretty easy. You can't knock off all the weight tomorrow, but you can become a healthy person tomorrow. If you have an image of yourself as a healthy person, you will do the things that you need to do to be healthy. And the weight won't come back later, because you will still have your healthy mental image.

My first suggestion is to start with something easy everyday that allows you to tell yourself, "I'm a healthy person now." My second suggestion is don't feel guilty if you miss a day of exercising or eat more than you wanted to. Do healthy people never miss a workout? No. They miss workouts too. But they usually make their regular workout. Do people that are at their ideal weight never eat big meals? They eat big meals sometimes too. But they usually eat appropriate helpings of the right things.

As far as the practical stuff, I think that's easy if you have the right mindset. I use the not eating after a certain time (9 PM for me) and staying away from carbonated beverages rules that have been mentioned in this thread already. I don't really set a limit on how much I eat or anything. I've broken every rule I have except the carbonated beverage rule at least once in the past four months. But for the most part I stick to it.

Anyway, best of luck with everything and have fun.

Prinnctopher's Belt

Antiquities Friend
SF Supporter
No food three hours before sleep.

Exercise (a 45-minute walk is fine or whatever physical activity you choose) in the morning right out of bed and on an empty stomach (better than exercising and having it all wasted burning calories you just ate, you'd instead burn actual excess and stored fat).

Lift some weights at least 3 times a week.

No soda, extremely limited artificial and refined sugars, junk food, etc. Even juices you have to read the ingredients label carefully to be certain it is 100% juice, as in straight from the fruit, and not sugared-down water and "flavors".

Don't think about it when you wake up, just do it.

Eat smaller portions (with more proteins like egg whites, tuna, fish, chicken) at least 5 times a day. It's not so much of how much you eat, but what you eat that matters more though (you can't eat enough apples for them to be bad for you).

Hope this helps.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for all the tips guys, it means a lot to me. I'll be sure to do my best to stick to my plans, and take in all this advice :)
Hey I found this article on eating disorders, thought it may help, take care. You do not sound fat that seems average how tall are you in height?

Eating disorders explainedHow do you get one - and what are they anyway? Learn the basics about eating disorders.
What is an eating disorder?
An eating disorder is an illness that stems from both emotional and psychological distress, and results in an obsessive relationship with food in terms of over- or under-eating. Having the ability to control the amount and type of food consumed makes sufferers believe that they are coping with their problems and offers them a way to block out painful feelings.
What are the different types of eating disorder?
Anorexia: A psychological disorder in which sufferers have a distorted view of their own body shape and weight, leading them to deliberately starve themselves of food.
Bulimia: Bulimics fall into an abusive cycle of gorging on food until they are sick and get rid of all the food they have eaten. Many will also use laxatives to induce diarrhoea.
Compulsive eating: Again, this involves binge eating, but unlike bulimia, these people are unable to purge themselves.
Who gets eating disorders?
In a word - anyone. Generally, they are most common among young women aged 15 to 25, but that doesn't mean that older women, young girls and men are completely exempt.
People with stressful lives and high expectations placed on them often focus on food as a way to divert their attention away from these strains. Likewise, traumatic events such as bereavement, bullying and family problems will also act as a trigger.
Whatever the cause, some things are certain about eating disorders: they are not just a 'teenage phase'; they do not develop as a result of rebellion or defiance; and they are not something that sufferers can just snap out of. To understand more, here's a true account of one girl's battle with anorexia.
So how can I help someone with an eating disorder?
People with eating disorders may try to hide their condition. If you know there's a problem, the most effective thing you can do is offer your support and encourage them to get help. Here are some of the signs to watch out for:
Skipping meals or becoming obsessive about calorie content;
Sticking to very low-calorie foods;
Sudden loss or gain in weight;
Behaving defensively when asked about food consumption;
Wearing loose clothes to disguise body shape;
Disappearing from the table straight after meals (to make themselves sick).
How can I help myself?
Eating disorders can be overcome. Recovery is possible even after years of illness. But no one can force you to get help. First, you have to accept that you have an eating disorder. It might help to:
Talk to someone you trust - a family member, a doctor, friend or a trained counsellor;
If your doctor can't help, find another doctor or contact the Eating Disorders Association;
Ask to be referred to a dietician, or therapist;
Be prepared that you may be offered counselling. Treatment tends to combine dietary control along with counselling to help deal with underlying problems.

Take care :hug: x


Well-Known Member
Young Violet

I am 6 foot 2, I've worked out my BMI, and it states I am overweight. My legs aren't fatty, my arms aren't fatty, above my shoulders is not fatty. They are quite frankly muscular. Everything goes to my abdomen


Banned Member
Young Violet

I am 6 foot 2, I've worked out my BMI, and it states I am overweight. My legs aren't fatty, my arms aren't fatty, above my shoulders is not fatty. They are quite frankly muscular. Everything goes to my abdomen
Hi Matt. If you're accumulating fat around your abdomen, it could be caused by excess cortisol hormone, which is caused by excessive stress. It's weird to think that stress can actually cause someone to put on weight, but it's true. Try hitting the gym and eating good protein and whole wheat carbs too.
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