Has anyone witnessed a suicide? TRIGGERING

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Well-Known Member
Has anyone here ever witnessed a suicide? I saw the body of someone who had committed suicide but not the act. I was working at a Texas prison. We got a call over the radio for the A response team to response to an inmate not breathing. I was on the team and on the other side of the prison from the incident. I was very pregnant as well. I got half way and was told that I wasn't needed. I caught my breath be for going back to my building. They brought the body just before I walked away. I found out later that day he had overdosed on horded medications to commit suicide. Any similar experiences?
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total eclipse

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Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide? TRIGGERING

i witness the aftermath of my brothers suicide i saw them wheel his body past me while i was sitting with my daughter who also had overdosed. I sat with my daughter on two occasions while a vent breathed for her i sat for 2 days watching her struggle and wondering if she would live It changed me inside i am not as strong as i once was
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Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide? TRIGGERING

Nope. I've heard of videos on the internet of people committing suicide, but I do not want to watch anything like that. I don't like watching people die. It was weird enough for me hearing the news that my grandfather had committed suicide. I'm not sure that's something I'd want to see. I'm not afraid of death, but it's not exactly something that I romanticize, either. Even though it's something that I've sometimes wished for, death is kind of disturbing.
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Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TRIGGERING

I heard lots of stories of inmates committing suicide. Course prisons have a higher rate of suicide then the outside world.
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Well-Known Member
Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TRIGGERING

I heard lots of stories of inmates committing suicide. Course prisons have a higher rate of suicide then the outside world.
Can't say I blame them. I'd probably attempt too if I was facing a lengthy prison sentence.
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Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TIGGERING

I did not see my son commit suicide but saw him before the police took him away..

I will never, ever get the memory of him stiff and cold, in a body bag on a gurney, not a pretty sight and not like the son I knew and loved.
I died that day with him and am just waiting for the day i can be with him again :(

a parents worse nightmare is to bury their child and even worse to lose them to suicide..
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Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide? TRIGGERING


As a nurse my next door neighbour called me when he found his room mate. I tried to resuscitate him while H called the ambulance but it was too late, not sure how long he was down before his mate got home. He used to greet us in passing. I had nightmares for months and months. As a nurse I was familiar with death but this was different somehow and trying to resus him on my own...

Then my son tried to commit suicide (seriously) when he was 10, he was seeing someone as the bullying at school was intensifying but he wouldn't talk to me, I had no idea it was so bad, it came out later that he didn't want me to get upset so he kept it to himself. Ironically the Head Teacher said he couldn't understand it as it should have been the best week of his entire school career due to all his achievements that week, but behind the scenes his sucess made him more of a target and the redicule and literally Booing got to him. Thank God my H walked in on him so we got to him in time, but Drs said how close it was... a few minutes later would have been too late.
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Well-Known Member
Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TRIGGERING

Sorry. I will revise the title. I didn't mean to trigger.
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Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TRIGGERING

In answer to your question, yes. I witnessed my first suicide at the tender age of 3. Many will argue that we don't remember well at that age. Trust me. I remember. I didn't know exactly what was happening at the time, but undestood the finality and felt the impact. At 16,I found a friend within minutes after he suicided. He was still alive when I reached him, but I couldn't help him and saw the light go out of his eyes as death lay its claim. At 17, my best friend took her life and that of her unborn child. I was with her in her final moments. At 20, my ex husbands best friends little brother ended his life. While I did not witness his death I was there when the ambulance arrived and placed the sheet over what remained of his face. There have been others that I cannot say circumstances of without mentioning methods. I was not in their physical presence at the time, but was in contact with and unable to change their mind. This is not an easy thing for me. Death is difficult in its own right, but death by suicide has far greater impact and the effects are much more devastating and wide reaching than one can imagine. It impacts even those that did not know them.


Well-Known Member
Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TRIGGERING

People will not admit to watching a suicide because that literally says "I was there when that person commit suicide and I did nothing to help prevent it" which of course would paint them in a very very bad light indeed.

So the only time people would admit such thing is when there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop such event or the event has occurred to such a stage where death is unstoppable.


Well-Known Member
Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TRIGGERING

My friend did. He was a train conductor. His train hit a 15 year old boy. He watched the boy the whole time and at the last minute he said the boy new he made a mistake. He saw it in his face and eyes but it was too late. This boy's death haunted my friend. My friend developed PTSD and became an alcoholic. He also lost his wife and two kids. His life was ruined because that kid choose to kill himself in front of my friend.
Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TRIGGERING

I was standing on a train platform opposite my the womens refuge I lived in on the 10th of November last year. I feel so guilty now admitting that I was going to jump. Maybe I was too wrapped up in my own misery. Maybe she just wasn't outwardly showing signs. We were both near the end of platform, away from the waiting areas, just the two of us. One of those Virgin cross country trains went flying through the station so fast and I saw her jump, it was like in slow motion I just saw her run the last few paces to the edge of the platform and then she was gone, the train was so far away when it finally managed to stop, I ran off the end of the platform but well there was nothing I could have done, nothing anyone could have done. I don't want to be too graphic but she just wasn't recognisable as a whole person by then. I went back there a few times after that, I laid flowers for her and went up there at night, and crazy as it sounds I talked to this woman I didn't know, I prayed for her and told her I hoped she was at peace now. I can't forget it, I will NEVER forget her face right as she left the platform and I will never forget seeing her afterwards, the horror I felt at the same time as this sickening relief that it wasn't me. So much guilt fills me now, I can't believe I was so selfish as to be glad it wasn't me in that moment, and guilt that it wasn't me who went first and stopped her from doing it. I still see her in my dreams sometimes and I have nightmares of her afterwards on the tracks but with my face. This is the first time i've told anyone I was up there, I ran away down the track behind the platform I couldn't look at her anymore. I watched the police and the coroner come and pick her up in different body bags from my flat. I'm really sorry I couldn't save her, i'm really sorry I was to wrapped up in my own stupid problems to stop her. I really hope she is at peace.


Well-Known Member
Re: Has anyone witnessed a suicide?TRIGGERING

Wow this is so sad. As awful as it is...thanks for posting. I think for most of us who are sad, our hearts go out to others who feel that way, because we wouldn't wish it on anyone.
I witnessed a suicide. I just drove up to this stranger just before the act. It terrorizes me, it has changed me. Not sure what I can do to be myself again.
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