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Having a routine


Public Access
A part of my recovery from depression, with which I've had a suicide attempt, isolation, cutting, and more, having a routine was easily the biggest factor in my recovery. For awhile it (routines) felt like I was pretending to be someone I wasn't, forcing a smile, or that it was just a temporary coping mechanism which would eventually fail, but with it has brought tons of benefits to my life. I had to force myself to do anything for the first several weeks, but it more and more started feeling like second-nature; like muscle memory. At first I felt very hateful at myself that I couldn't do such a "simple task" as washing dishes, but soon it became feelings of pure pride, which washed away my self-hate and emptiness. I'll be blunt: if I hadn't done so I would definitely be dead by now. It helped my procrastination by disabling the thoughts from even being able to occur as it was primary instinct to "Just do it!". It also made me love/grateful for life in of itself.


Love Cats Love All
SF Supporter
I am so happy for you. I know what courage it takes to do as you are doing. The going is hard at first, but gets better and easier until you feel great. I would like to know more about your routines. Are you using written Affirmations also. You are an inspiration to all. Read my signature to know I believe fully. Love and God Bless.


Public Access
I am so happy for you. I know what courage it takes to do as you are doing. The going is hard at first, but gets better and easier until you feel great. I would like to know more about your routines. Are you using written Affirmations also. You are an inspiration to all. Read my signature to know I believe fully. Love and God Bless.
The routines are actually just basic daily stuff, like having a shower and brushing my teeth after waking up, eating breakfast, studying, thereafter chores, then downtime. I've never really used positive affirmations, to be honest. When I was depressed in a bad mental place; it felt like I was lying to myself, while now I recognize all of the positive things I've accomplished or done for other people, and it went away. While I am still in highschool (14), I think I've gained what my therapist was talking about when she mentioned gratitude/appreciation for life, and it's been the prime mover.

I read your site, and while I do not personally lean too much on the spiritual or religious side, I appreciate what you do for so many people at their worst moments, and it's so much an inspiration.


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I'm glad you've found something that's working really well for you. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

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