A part of my recovery from depression, with which I've had a suicide attempt, isolation, cutting, and more, having a routine was easily the biggest factor in my recovery. For awhile it (routines) felt like I was pretending to be someone I wasn't, forcing a smile, or that it was just a temporary coping mechanism which would eventually fail, but with it has brought tons of benefits to my life. I had to force myself to do anything for the first several weeks, but it more and more started feeling like second-nature; like muscle memory. At first I felt very hateful at myself that I couldn't do such a "simple task" as washing dishes, but soon it became feelings of pure pride, which washed away my self-hate and emptiness. I'll be blunt: if I hadn't done so I would definitely be dead by now. It helped my procrastination by disabling the thoughts from even being able to occur as it was primary instinct to "Just do it!". It also made me love/grateful for life in of itself.