Help need to talk


Well-Known Member
I am in a really dark place right now. I attempted to take my own life last Sunday but obviously did not succeed. I feel really conflicted and tempted to try again. Just don’t see much reason to go on right now.


woman overboard
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Try to take some deep breaths. If a lot is going on, that doesn't mean you have to deal with it all at once. Right now the important thing is to just keep breathing, to hold on so things can calm down.


woman overboard
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter

For those appointments I write it on a paper and put in pants and just hand to doctor. It’s easier to start. I dont have Psychologist but getting recommendation next month.
Yeah, I have to write stuff too. I'm less likely to chicken out that way, or to wait until 5 minutes before the end of the session to manage to bring it up.

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