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Antiquitie's Friend
IM feeling low Im at the edge I just really want to die so what else is new IM sick of being depressed Im tired I want to tidy my room I want to think clearly I want to stop crying. I want the voice inside that tells me Im a failure to stop I just want it ALL TO STOP


Well-Known Member
hi biggie,
i know just how you feel. i spend most of my life telling myself that i'm a failure, even though everyone around me tries to convince me that i'm not. I think theyre only saying it because they think it's what i need to hear. what's been going on with you? if you need to talk pm me any time


Antiquitie's Friend
I find it so hard I have a string of failed relationships problems at work and a really big social phobia. I am so angry. Right now but I feel helpless and have no way of dealing with that anger this is confusing I know but generally I feel low


Well-Known Member
i can definitely relate to the social phobia - as much as i can talk to people on here or online - people who don't see me and won't get close to me, i can't get out and talk to people in the real world. what's been happening at work and what do you do? do you do anything outside work? i play a bit of football and it's my escape from everything - the only time that i can really forget everything and be myself, feeling like nobody's judging me.

do you have family you can talk to? xx


Well-Known Member
do you see a counsellor or anyone? i find the people closest to me the hardest to talk to about how i'm feeling. seems like i spend my life pretending to be someone else, putting on a fake front just to keep everyone else happy, thinking that i'm ok.
what are you angry about?


Antiquitie's Friend
yes im in therapy and have a pretty cool gp .Its just I find it hard to deal with the lethargy I feel. Are you getting ne professional help?


Well-Known Member
i'm on meds but i'm not sure how much theyre helping. just changed to zoloft so need to give it a bit of time and see if it works out. lethargy is something i find hard to cope with too. i always used to be out doing something, but it's as if i can't be bothered any more. i've just gone back to work though so maybe things are looking up.
i know there's hope, as everyone keeps telling me. it's just hard to see that sometimes though isn't it?
what sort of stuff do you enjoy doing?


Antiquitie's Friend
I have a twisted sense of humour I like to read but thats been tough lately. I try and go to the gym as well.I like science fiction and watching soccer. u?
I love watching soccer too! well, football as i'm an english girl too ;) don't really support anyone but ive been to quite a few games and i love watching england play!
love reading too, but i haven't made enough time for it recently. actually it's been a while since i read anything. maybe i'll get into bed now and start reading something new. read anything recently that you'd recommend?
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