How Are You Coping With Covid19 Risk?


Well-Known Member
I'm really anxious about this coronavirus, and I'm wondering how others are coping, and what they're thinking. I'm wondering (probably stupidly) how this is impacting other's mental health. Maybe we could offer each other support related to this?? Or maybe I'm the only nutjob freaking out. I'm in Alberta, Canada. The current recommendations here are social isolation, and of course, the usual hygiene practices. I spoke to someone at one of our local mental health lines, and apparently the official recommendation for everyone is complete social isolation. Not leaving your home unless it's an emergency. Not even going for short walks. They were somewhat upset by the fact that I'm seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow, provided the appointment does not get cancelled. I told them at the very least, I probably need a new prescription. Anyway, just thought I'd put this topic out there. Hope it's okay that I'm posting this.


Works during the day, doodles at night.
By staying calm.... I don't only follow the crowds to join in global panic but still stick to mental health wellness and there are several things we can do during this time of isolation if we're stuck at home. Its only thing we can do. Sure, I'm sorry that there are no stocks, schools shutting down etc but what can we do about it? Since we don't want to be effected so much by the coronavirus. Think staying at home is fine by me. I'm sorry you're panicking about it too.


Works during the day, doodles at night.
Good to hear your opinion! I think, that if all of us as individuals take preventative action, there might be hope. Crossing my fingers and praying. Really hoping I can get my bf to follow appropriate protocol. Or else he's toast. I have to protect my own health.
Yeah, we continue seeing doctors and continue practicing self-care. Self-care is an everyday thing, its not just during global panic. There'll be hope. I mean, we don't expect it to be the end of the world still right? Lol. *hug Please keep on staying calm.


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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Hi @Angie74

Or maybe I'm the only nutjob freaking out
You are definitely not a nut job, its a pandemic, everyone is scared especially the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. It took me 1 hour and a half just to get through to my doctors surgery yesterday, so a lot of people are freaking out but try and stay calm as possible.

I told them at the very least, I probably need a new prescription
If you need a new prescription talk to the doctor over the phone if the appointment does turn out to be cancelled, i'm sure that should be no problem.

Keep talking to us here *hug*hug xxx


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
I did some groceries on the weekend and some today. On the weekend, it was a zoo and it was the aggressive, less socially integrated folks on the loose. Line ups went around the store, some shelves were empty, angry customers raised their voices...not fun. Today, it was quieter. Still low stock for some things, but had most of what was “essential” on my list. Don’t plan to go back for a while now.

I think that as the government here puts protocols and rules in place, things will settle down in some ways. Social distancing, hand washing, and proper sneeze/cough hygiene are way up on the list, as is “stay home if you’re sick; make arrangements to see doc; don’t panic.” The Government has asked businesses to arrange as much work from home time as possible for employees.

Government is working on financial aid plans for people who cannot work because of quarantines/self-isolating. I have been laid off temporarily because of the close interpersonal work I do with a developmentally delayed adult. She isn’t quite up to par on self-care and hygiene, even with caregivers. She’ll do best with her mom for this situation - she is more likely to do as mom says than what we mere workers suggest.

Many things are now closed here for a while: Take out food is fine, sit down in restaurants, not. Grocery stores, pharmacies, and liquor outlets (eek) are open. Recreational services (gyms, spas, libraries, swimming pools, team sports, cinemas, etc. are closed for a few weeks, as are schools, universities, places of worship). Residents are being asked to stay in unless they must go out, and if they do go out, stay about a meter away from everyone else.

I think the government and health professionals are trying to set out a way to slow down spread and contain the virus. Let’s hope it works. :)

In the meantime, I am reading, listening to music, can go out for a walk if I stay a meter or two away from other people. Reading and music are great pastimes to get lost in. I might even pick up my pencils and watercolours during this enforced quiet time. We’ll see.

Listening to the 24/7 barrage of news is hard on my spirits. I am going to pick a couple of update times to listen to each day and not get sunk into it otherwise.

It will take some time for the virus to spread and give enough people immunity so that it’s less of a problem. And there will probably be a vaccine in the future. Our tasks, as citizens anywhere in the world is to be part of the solution to slow down the spread. So wash your hands well, stay home as much as you can, cough sneeze into a tissue that you then bin, stay home if you don’t feel well.

Find little things to do to keep a few moments of the day as “good times”. I have some comedy reruns to make me laugh, some good books to read, some indoor household projects to work on.

If I start to buy into the doomsday vibe, someone please come and shake me out of that. :) We can and will get through this.

Virtual hugs to all! *grouphug


SF Supporter
I did some groceries on the weekend and some today. On the weekend, it was a zoo and it was the aggressive, less socially integrated folks on the loose. Line ups went around the store, some shelves were empty, angry customers raised their voices...not fun. Today, it was quieter. Still low stock for some things, but had most of what was “essential” on my list. Don’t plan to go back for a while now.

I think that as the government here puts protocols and rules in place, things will settle down in some ways. Social distancing, hand washing, and proper sneeze/cough hygiene are way up on the list, as is “stay home if you’re sick; make arrangements to see doc; don’t panic.” The Government has asked businesses to arrange as much work from home time as possible for employees.

Government is working on financial aid plans for people who cannot work because of quarantines/self-isolating. I have been laid off temporarily because of the close interpersonal work I do with a developmentally delayed adult. She isn’t quite up to par on self-care and hygiene, even with caregivers. She’ll do best with her mom for this situation - she is more likely to do as mom says than what we mere workers suggest.

Many things are now closed here for a while: Take out food is fine, sit down in restaurants, not. Grocery stores, pharmacies, and liquor outlets (eek) are open. Recreational services (gyms, spas, libraries, swimming pools, team sports, cinemas, etc. are closed for a few weeks, as are schools, universities, places of worship). Residents are being asked to stay in unless they must go out, and if they do go out, stay about a meter away from everyone else.

I think the government and health professionals are trying to set out a way to slow down spread and contain the virus. Let’s hope it works. :)

In the meantime, I am reading, listening to music, can go out for a walk if I stay a meter or two away from other people. Reading and music are great pastimes to get lost in. I might even pick up my pencils and watercolours during this enforced quiet time. We’ll see.

Listening to the 24/7 barrage of news is hard on my spirits. I am going to pick a couple of update times to listen to each day and not get sunk into it otherwise.

It will take some time for the virus to spread and give enough people immunity so that it’s less of a problem. And there will probably be a vaccine in the future. Our tasks, as citizens anywhere in the world is to be part of the solution to slow down the spread. So wash your hands well, stay home as much as you can, cough sneeze into a tissue that you then bin, stay home if you don’t feel well.

Find little things to do to keep a few moments of the day as “good times”. I have some comedy reruns to make me laugh, some good books to read, some indoor household projects to work on.

If I start to buy into the doomsday vibe, someone please come and shake me out of that. :) We can and will get through this.

Virtual hugs to all! *grouphug
FANTASTIC POST...Vacine is at least one year away according to profs latest yesterday.


SF Supporter
As sinking ships go this is the most positive lifeboat i have seen got a place for me. I might look up knitting some thing i always think i missed out on a nice sweater lol.


Has a frog in the family
Safety & Support
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because of my age and health conditions i'm being cautious. that being said i'm not going to panic. the people that deliver my oxygen said i should stay in my house and not go out at all until this is over. there is no way i'm going to stay in my house for at least 1 to 3 months and not drive my dodge at all. there is caution and there is overkill. i am trying to stay safe but i won't isolate myself that long if it's not neccessary...mike

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