how often do you bathe

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Well-Known Member
Its a man who lives in a metropolitan area who hits on women for their horoscopes - and to swap recipes?

And they only 'mate' with other metrosexuals.

Or something like that! :rolleyes:
A metrosexual is a guy living in an urban environment (e.g., a big city) who spends a lot of money on clothes and appearance. I know someone like this. To sum it up, usually it's a man in late middle-age or early old-age who can't accept getting older...

Lately, I only shower if I'm going out, which is about once a week to see my support worker or pdoc. I'll then get groceries afterward or anything else I might need then go and hide again for another week.
Wow, this has been me lately. I'll go to see my therapists, get a few errands done if I'm feeling up for it after, then hide out until next week. Almost like I'm using it as an excuse to avoid it other times. Like, "I'll go after my appointment, I usually feel better then anyway."
Understand that I used to be very preppy and very hygenic. BUt now that I'm depressed and struggling with my life I shower once or maybe twice a week. I don't really shave and I'll often wear a dirty shirt and underwear.

I don't really care and it bothers my mom immensely. It's so obvious that I don't care about myself.

Growing Pains

Well-Known Member
Honestly, it depends on what stage I'm in.

On my lower, lower stages... I admit, I can go days without a shower or a teeth brushing. I just start to neglect myself. I'll reach a point where I'll tell myself "Eh, I'll do it tomorrow," tomorrow comes and I tell myself "I'll do it tomorrow," again. I don't want to neglect myself and do realize personal hygiene is important - but when I'm in those moods, I feel like it doesn't matter, anyway.

Then, when I'm in my better moods or whatever you'd call them (idk, heck, I haven't seen a doc in a while, all I know is what I was diagnosed with a while ago), I get to a point where I become obsessive about it. I'll feel completely and utterly disgusted if I don't shower and will shower obsessively for several days and my teeth will start bothering me even if I've already brushed them twice in that day and I'll have to brush them again.

Really, my personal hygiene habits fluctuate.

ETA: Also, I can't remember who made the comment about the car wash... but it made me laugh so hard that my dog looked at me as if I'd lost my mind.

morning rush

Well-Known Member
on my bad days, it can be weeks without showering...yeah I'm really ashamed of just so hard to even get up or go out or clean around the apartment...

on my good days, I wash twice a week, brush my teeth every day, wear a bra and clean around the apartment...

I wish everyday was a good day...and I'm thankful that I don't smell bad when I haven't washed for a while...
Sometimes I get obsessively clean - I think that getting a shower or bath - washing my hair - shaving and dabbing some aftershave on - running a comb through my hair and cleaning my teeth for two minutes (brush has a timer) and spraying some anti antiperspirant on - I feel so much better - always.

I did camp out for a while once with a woman and there was no showers or anything for a couple of weeks. We did wash in a river for the weekend when we went to pubs - spending the rest of the time living wild. Probably did smell a bit - but you grow used to it.

Did brush the teeth though - I have to do that after every meal - and use mouthwash and pick my teeth - should use floss.

So after the routine I go out.


Forgot my clothes!

And clean clothes I like but have old clothes for sitting about indoors - tracksuit bottoms with burn holes - a t shirt.

Anyhow - do try and keep clean - it will lift you a little - force yourself to do that routine. :biggrin:
I try and shower every other day, however it's a struggle. When I'm really, really unwell I can go weeks without showering :shy: I do try, but when I don't feel like living, everything seems pointless.


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Mostly have a bath every day. If I am going through a bad patch it can be days before I have a bath.
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