I quit my job

About a month ago, I just stopped going to work. I ignored all messages and calls from my boss and coworkers. I don't have any reason, any incentive to keep going. I don't have any incentive to look for a new one, either. There's a black pit, in my mind. An empty hole when I consider the future. I cannot force myself to care, and if I don't care, why would I bother holding a job? I used to attend virtual therapy sessions. I told the therapist I was going to switch to seeing a different doctor. I lied. I just don't want to talk to him. It's not helping. I was prescribed medication. It hasn't helped either, so I stopped taking it. There's a pressure behind my nose, pushing up on my brain. I don't care enough to worry about it. My blood feels like curdled milk in my veins. There's been an increase in deviant thoughts, intrusive thoughts, suicidal thoughts, and so on. I can almost hear my thoughts audibly. I see shadows out of the corners of my eye that vanish when I look at them. And it doesn't matter. I don't care. I type this in a brief moment of lucidity. I'm frequently told that the things I say and the things I type make no sense, that I'm making up words and saying gibberish, but it's all crystal clear. Sometimes my thoughts interrupt my speech, or interrupt other thoughts, and I'll start a sentence on one subject and finish on an unrelated one. There's this constant, low level mental pressure at all times, even while I'm asleep, I'm aware of it. I can feel the normal passage of time while I sleep. For a while I thought I wasn't sleeping, but I am. I'm just aware of the complete movement of time as I sleep. It feels like it's been years but it's been weeks. Time stretched like liquid glass, spun on an iron rod. When I speak out loud, on few occasions, I can't recognize my own voice. This is all so tiresome.
Before anyone responds, I'd like to say that just a few hours after writing this, I came to a full stop of my suicidal thoughts. I don't know why, but I do know God is the reason. I prayed and asked for forgiveness, and it's like an enormous weight just melted right off of me. It's not going to be easy, but I'm going to give my absolute best effort to get better. I know God is in control.

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