Jim's Cafe Tuesday 20th October 🎃

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🦩 Now a flamingo, not a kiwi 🦩
SF Pro
Thanks for opening @Champagne....

I do so miss a good thunderstorm being in southern California. but given our drought glad that we don't have them as much as they do further north given the wildfires

Alas I live in a gated 55+ community..so no trick r treaters...do miss carving the pumpkins and seeing all the kids dressed up

If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
I think wolverines as they are so nasty towards anyone who invades their territory...if they could verbalize it think would be quite a tirade...

If you could be a fly on the wall, who would you want to listen in on?
Given all that is happening world-wide...would think the back room conversations by all the world's leaders...

What is the worst/most annoying catchphrase?
Let's be sure that we're all on the same page....just makes me want to scream for some reason...lol

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Last time answered natto which is still the worst...but fried tripe off a food cart in Italy was also quite memorable....and not in a good way...lol...

Who's the most interesting person you've ever met?
I feel fortunate to have met many interesting people in my life...who have shared their life experiences with me...so hard to pick just one...

What movie will you watch on Halloween night?
Though not "halloweeny" might watch The Shining...the best horror film in my view...

tagging @begerac @Shadowlands @Lane @mpk @Kira @Sassy the Wonderful Cat @BlueGreen @auburnfrog

dandelion s

RAW, well done
SF Supporter
Hello, guys and girlies
hello! Hello!

Why do some people love an electric storm???
i do because it is so electric! i keep my distance but it... i guess... it puts a little spark into the mundane!!! i like contrast. maybe that’s why these songs are so important right now...

Halloween is nearly here, we wanna know all about your Halloween plans.
Taking kids trick or treating?
Nope! the kids gave that up years ago!
Have candy by the pile lined up? Nope! diabetes here!
Dressing up as FREDDY KRUEGER ??? Nope! everyone still thinks that this👽 is just a mask!

Time for some delicious foods today to help us all feel a 'lil better, a Chinese, Thai and Indian...which meal would you eat right now? i just had breakfast but since you’re offering; how about the Indian?
Feel free to tell us about your plans for the day/ week too... Plans, wishing... then a little hoping... then some honesty to share with my therapist and then psychiatrist... maybe trying to find a few other “slipping away” songs. they carry a sentiment atm. might as well let it be with music. then slip back here...

If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? we all know its people! but maybe its that fly on the wall... no?

If you could be a fly on the wall, who would you want to listen in on? me.... i already know i have a secret but i even keep it from myself... or know it but don’t let it out. of course as the fly, once i heard it, i’d go and tell everyone. see, that’s kind of rude!

What is the worst/most annoying catchphrase? “M...” do you really want me to go political on everyone?

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? ditto...

Who's the most interesting person you've ever met? i have encountered a few people who could fall into that category. i won’t single any one out but of those people the quality they share is that i can see their psychology moving about inside. that to me makes them more real than most others. “interesting” is actually a bad word in most cases but when it is truly used with its literal meaning, then it opens windows.

What movie will you watch on Halloween night? i doubt that i will watch a movie.

let me not forget... 🌞🌞🌞 for all


babaya gayolera
Thanks for the tag @Champagne

If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

What do you mean if they could talk? They talk to me all the time.
There's this rude shepherd dog near my home. I just said hi to the sheep and he went totally insane yelling at me "Leave my sheep alone! You want me to lose my job!? Go away bitch!"
We ignore each other now.

If you could be a fly on the wall, who would you want to listen in on?
I wouldn’t. I already hear too many things I don’t care about.
Besides I don’t wanna be smashed on the wall.

What is the worst/most annoying catchphrase?
It depends in what language. In English that would be "I will pray for you".

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Not telling. I found out in the recent Cafe I eat weird stuff that I thought were pretty common.
Today I had tripe btw. Yummy.

Who's the most interesting person you've ever met?
Me, of course. Ok, seriously, I've met people that appeared interesting at first but it was all some kind of an act and they turned out shallow and boring. When I met my man he seemed a totally ‘normal’ ordinary guy. In a few days I found out he was anything but that.

What movie will you watch on Halloween night?
When is that? We don’t have Halloween here.


SF Supporter
If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Cats

If you could be a fly on the wall, who would you want to listen in on?
The U.S. President

What is the worst/most annoying catchphrase?
It's a lot more nuanced than that

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Frog legs

Who's the most interesting person you've ever met?
My friend A

What movie will you watch on Halloween night? None
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