last time you cried

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Did you know that crying is actually good for you?

The Healing Properties Of Tears​

Nothing could be further from the truth than to assume that weepiness is the sign of the onset of some kind of illness. My own life’s experiences have taught me that quite the opposite is true. The ability to weep indicates a state of emotional and spiritual well-being. We are emotional beings, and it is important that we have some good emotional outpourings, at least once in a while, because they cleanse and purify our system. If you have ever tasted your tears, as they roll down your face, you are sure to have noticed how bitter they taste. Not for nothing does St. Matthew 5:4 tell us: ‘Blessed are those who mourn [and weep], for they shall be comforted.’ But how? I see weeping as God’s/the Universe’s/Nature’s way of comforting and healing those whose feelings and emotions have been hurt and wounded. Delete the words that don’t appeal to you, they all have the same meaning.

The great wisdom and love of our Creator reflects itself in the wonderful way crying can rid our physical bodies of salts and toxins. Not letting them flow freely on a regular basis can lead to arthritic conditions later in life. It is hardly surprising that rheumatism and arthritis are so rampant in our world, when there is so little awareness about the true nature of tears. If you do not believe me, ask your great-uncle Tom or someone like him, who has been suffering from one of those conditions, for a long time. Go up to him when he is warming and nursing his arthritic joints by the fireside. Surprise him by asking: ‘When did you last have a good cry?’ The likelihood is that he will laugh into your face: ‘Me, cry? I never cry. Haven’t cried since I fought in the trenches in the First World War! Don’t bother me with questions like that, I’ve got me arthritis to see to.’ He’ll never believe you, but if he’d had a good cry, once in a while, he’d still have his mobility. And if you act upon what you know now, you’ll never lose yours!

But that’s not all! During crying our body releases an anti-depressant, which our own glandular system produces. That is why one feels cleansed, refreshed, restored and comforted, after a good outpouring. With infinite wisdom, God created us to be emotional beings so that we could experience the world of our feelings, and also gave us a natural outlet for them. The wise ones among us act upon this knowledge! Should you want to understand better what happens to our bodies after crying, take a good look at the countryside after a downpour. See and feel what nature is like, try to become a part of it, when it has been freshly scrubbed, and everything is green and wonderfully vibrant once again!

Weeping clearly is not an illness, unless we make it into one by believing that we must be ill because we are so weepy, if you see what I mean. I have explained the process in such detail in the hope that, from now onwards, you will rest safely in the knowledge that there is nothing wrong with you for feeling the way you will be doing, a lot of the time. However, a word of warning should not come amiss! If you would like to avoid being considered a nuisance by the world around you, who does not understand what you are going through, you would be well advised not to fall into the trap of acting out the downside of Cancer, the sign that deals with home, mother and the past, ruled by the Moon.

Those born into the water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, suffer from high emotional sensitivity and their feelings get hurt all too easily. Because of this they are frequently in danger of feeling excessively sorry for themselves. Especially people with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Cancer are well advised if they take care not to allow themselves too much to wallow in self-pity and on the look-out for a shoulder to cry and lean on. It’s astonishing how unaware they can be of how trying that is for those around them to cope with.

Needless to say, that’s not what transformation is about! It’s about coming home into and healing – each their own inner home! What’s at stake here is the re-discovery of our own inner centre. This is the place from which all true strength comes and the only place in the whole wide world where we can find true peace through re-establishing our inner connection with the source of all life, our Creator Father/Mother. As some truly ancient soul memories are stirred up in this process, unpleasant though it frequently is, it is not surprising that while one still looks at things too superficially some of these memories seem to want to overwhelm and haunt us. These experiences are not meant to exacerbate us, but come to us for the perfectly good and sound purpose of releasing them, once and for all, so that the past can be blessed, healed and forgiven.

By far the easiest way of doing this through coming to terms with the fact that life on Earth is not our true reality but a place of learning. Like in any school each one of us has to take part in every lesson Earth life has to offer, because they alone can help us grow and make progress in our individual evolution and that of our whole world. I hope and pray that being aware that you are likely to be unusually sensitive and touchy whilst undergoing your personal transformation will assist you in being as kind, gentle, compassionate, loving and patient with yourself, as you would be with a small wounded child, who does not understand the world too well, as yet.

After all, that’s what we all in truth are, certainly in the eyes of God. Therefore, create your own nurturing space and go into it as frequently as you can. This will help you to find your own inner strength, which you will discover and be able to tap into through the healing of your inner connection with God. Once it has been established, you will discover that you will never feel the need to lean on others or yearn for another shoulder to cry on, because you will prefer to draw upon your own inner strength, which is the purpose of the whole exercise.

Having mentioned the therapeutic value of crying, I would like to draw your attention to one or two more things. It is good, right and important – especially for the male of the species – to indulge our feelings when we feel sad and lonely, and in need of a good cry, because all the pain that is within us can then flow out. As this is a cleansing and healing process, we ignore it to our detriment. It is alright to let it happen, but not all the time! We must also be willing to be helped and to help ourselves. How much truth there is in the saying: ‘God helps those who help themselves!’ If we sit around doing nothing but cry, we are guilty of wallowing and drowning in self-pity. Such a lack of self-discipline will get us nowhere!

Spiritually, each one of us is a small child of God. For a very long time, we are unable to understand the difficulties we have had in the past and/or are experiencing now. Why did and does everything happen to us and why are we hurting so much? It is our birthright, at all times, not only when we are going through a difficult patch, to reach out for the hand of God, to bless and heal us, as well as for the helping hands of our spirit guides and Angels. When we do this, the channels of communication between us and them open and they can draw ever closer to bring us all the comfort and healing we need. Without asking this would be impossible and if we deny ourselves our crying and calling out for help, no healing can take place within us.

From ‘Healing Corner for Parents and Children’

With love and light,

Re: Did you know that crying is actually good for you?


Hey Aquarius, I'm really hoping I could find time to read your post. It has really been a stressful life and I'm just dropping by on SF right now.
There are times in our lives when we are particularly prone to bursting into tears - to our annoyance often for no apparent reason. If that is happening to you be patient with yourself and keep on telling yourself: 'This too will pass, as all things must!' And I promise you, in due course it will.

With love and a big healing hug,
'There's plenty of ways to die, but you have to figure out a way to live. Now, that's hard....'

You’re sick of the game? Well, now that’s a shame.
You’re young and you’re brave and you’re bright.
You’ve had a raw deal!’ I know – but don’t squeal,
Buck up, do your damnedest, and fight.
It’s the plugging away that will win you the day,
So don’t be a piker, old pard!
Just draw on your grit, it’s so easy to quit.
It’s the keeping-your chin-up that’s hard.

It’s easy to cry that you’re beaten – and die;
It’s easy to crawfish and crawl;
But to fight and to fight when hope’s out of sight –
Why that’s the best game of them all!
And though you come out of each gruelling bout,
All broken and battered and scarred,
Just have one more try – it’s dead easy to die,
It’s the keeping-on-living that’s hard.

From: ‘The Quitter’ by Robert W. Service
‘Rhymes of a Rolling Stone’

From ‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’

With love and light,


black orchid

Well-Known Member
'There's plenty of ways to die, but you have to figure out a way to live. Now, that's hard....'

You’re sick of the game? Well, now that’s a shame.
You’re young and you’re brave and you’re bright.
You’ve had a raw deal!’ I know – but don’t squeal,
Buck up, do your damnedest, and fight.
It’s the plugging away that will win you the day,
So don’t be a piker, old pard!
Just draw on your grit, it’s so easy to quit.
It’s the keeping-your chin-up that’s hard.

It’s easy to cry that you’re beaten – and die;
It’s easy to crawfish and crawl;
But to fight and to fight when hope’s out of sight –
Why that’s the best game of them all!
And though you come out of each gruelling bout,
All broken and battered and scarred,
Just have one more try – it’s dead easy to die,
It’s the keeping-on-living that’s hard.

From: ‘The Quitter’ by Robert W. Service
‘Rhymes of a Rolling Stone’

From ‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’

With love and light,

:hug: I love it Aquarius! thanks for sharing that :)
Last time I cried I'd say have to say back around February
Sounds to me like the highest time to have another good outpouring. It does cleanse, purifies and heals the soul like nothing else can. It's just like the rain outside that cleanses the Earth.

With love - Aquarius​
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