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lots of people i know says it works if you use the essential oil on something nearby - but don't have direct skin contact with neat essential oil!


Well-Known Member
I've heard that it works very well, but my grandmother has a lavender bush and I was always dosed up on sugar as a kid when I went there, so it gets me all mentally hyperactive.

If lavender doesn't work for you, try teabags in your pillow. This may only work for caffeine junkies. :)

Mr Stewart

Well-Known Member
tea bags huh? I might try that. Even if it doesn't help with sleeping it will still leave me with a pillow smelling of chai. I can get on board with that.


Well-Known Member
The BEST way to make your actual bed more sleep-able is to 'air' the blankets and pillow.

Change your old sheets - use some freshly washed sheets (change maybe once a month) but I always sleep better when I have aired my main blanket - I only have one 'eiderdown' not with actual down - just a synthetic one.

Even so - if you air the eiderdown and BEAT it whilst its on the washing line - you notice lots of dust escaping - loose fibres but your own skin also - plus various living things so small we cannot see them.

Often as not you find older blankets not washed for a while collect more dust and mites and it makes sleep harder. When you wash and air the eiderdown and beat it - you kill off lots of stuff and get your bed smells not of some fake detergents attempt to smell natural but actual freshly aired blankets - with a faint aroma of the washing up powder - but that real fresh smell and touch - plus the comfort of knowing it is clean.

Some people have allergies to the mites and dust - so freezing the blanket in a freezer for 24 hrs is another way to kill off the baddies before you beat it clean of any surviving eggs.

Lavender will help promote sleep - but be careful you dry the stuff as you do not want any insects or nasties making a nest in your pillow.

Sleep easy.

PS do this treatment to the pillow also.
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