Losing the battle and the war

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I think I've done quite well. I've stuck it out for a long time and I tried to think of others as much as I could considering the circumstances. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that voice telling me I was selfish for leaving my friends and family as well as this place and other people.
Hurt myself physically tonight for the first time in over a decade. I'm so lost it's killing me and can't enjoy anything. Even when I seem to be enjoying life I have suicidal thoughts just appearing in my head all the time. I wake up and the first thing that's there after "shit I'm awake" is "should I do it now?".
I tried to tell people but when the dust settles they settle. They don't know how difficult it was to tell them and it won't just happen again. I needed them to make it all better but they have their own problems and they have no answers. It's not their fault.

I wish I did it all those years ago.


We either find a way, or make one.
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Sorry to read about the self harm after so long.

I am working on a theory, introduced to me by a OT. We have suicidal thoughts, they are not pleasant. But we still have em. So why fight them? Embrace them, they are your thoughts. Do we act on every thought we have? Hell no. So do we have to act on a suicidal thought? Hell no. Its ok to have these thoughts, especially in times of trouble/stress/anxiety/depression etc etc.

I have suicidal thoughts every single day, at some point and to varying degrees, but I just refuse to act upon them. I don't block them out, I let them come, because they are a part of what is wrong with me.

Its a different approach and its not for everyone, but it is helping me as I am recovering. Suicidal thoughts I can tolerate, depression is a real biatch that just gets me on that spiral and losing control.


Hello smackh20,

I'm glad you didn't do it all those years ago. I'm struggling with guilt too, I have been selfish and inconsiderate to family & friends. If I think about it too much then I'd be depressed in an instant. Instead I try to remain positive in my head and tell myself that it's in the past and I can't change anything that has already been said and done. I'm sure you can do this too. Don't let bad thoughts and feelings bring you down, fight them with all the strength you can muster. Try to replace bad thoughts with good ones and count your blessings. You've made it this far which shows you can do it.
wouldnt be here to read or reply if i didnt feel the same way , just joined to add my thoughts , been my birthday today ... well yesterday now but in my head it still is ... and spent it alone as usual as i have done for past 6 years , being on the spectrum and other things i lead a sad lonely isolated life and not a pleasant one , all i have to keep me here in 'hell' is my cat , so dont get one if you want to live as its such a strong bond and been my only reason for carrying on , carry on screaming (my fav film) . yeah pushed myself to go out alone on a sat night in e lon yesterday , it as usual reminds me why i hate life and people and shouldnt have bothered but maybe you know the madness of optomism or foolish hope perhaps where you think things might change or you might get lucky or meet someone nice or something good may happen to balance out the tilt of turds , but nah even got hassled and nearly in a fight with a guy as soon as i get off the nightbus just to make the evening and my life even more painful and that was the third incident of unneccessary human effluent id had to deal with in two days . as for getting any help there really isnt any , if you have friends that are of any use you are lucky but maybe this interknot has some uses apart from turning us all into cyborg zombie twats off our facefooks twattering about , nhs are useless , samaritans will listen but ultimately be no real help once you are down and wanna get out type situ . i tried to sleep things off until im woken by nehbore as usual as they lovingly installed lovely laminated flooring and with having misaphonia the sound of furniture being dragged about is indeed a drag , so up again drinking more , i think its a human malaise or some fancy word or term for 'vots going on with the world ' say that like a ventriloquist if you can say neh mind say it , but yeah although there are good things and people in this world , it for me is outwayed by negatives i experience which ticks me off into an atomic bomb of a pyscho or something every day and certainly every time i leave the house f see the news or hear rubbish music or anoying people etc etc insert official diag hypnosis here , wish you were here - are you keeping up with the pink floyd refs ? , i can go on and on ...a list as long as the dna helix about things that are irritants and life killers , things that get to me clearly dont affect the flock , so we as a whole bunch of primate rejects stare at the phones that are smarter than we are whilst we ignore darth vaders advice crossing the road , sheepishly buy n consume n eat n live or some state of life as painful as that may be at times or if you are randomly fortunate something nice probably from nature to remind you of what is good in this screwed up world , for me anyway nature and good music provide some solace but for past two days ive been losing it and missing the point , life is mostly excrement but theres some diamonds amongst those turds . i found exercise helps and so does copious amounts of alcohol and nutrition but only enough to take the edge off and keep me uncomfortably numb . im not going on x -or why bother- factor anytime soon , lifes been painful but had its moments , mainly my two loving cats , you cant change the world and maybe not yourself but that is ultimately the only thing that can ever be in your own hands , what you feel well it may pass as its done for me a thousand times , i see a pretty woman and im conned into thinking theres a point to this charade , gawd i ramble , sorry its my adhd , i remain breakfastly biscuitly wrong and unstable but even broken biscuits and universes are made of cosmic things , maaaan . maybe you need some drugs and i dont mean the nhs kind , or cake , a chocolate one , or a marmite cheese toastie , or a twat like me to stop trying t make light of things and come across like mary berry meets my booky wooky geezy , am i making any sense ? if im making you feel worse i will shut up and drink more cider


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I like your thoughts they are good from all of you. It's just it is so difficult living amongst everyone else. Today surprisingly I felt good. I don't even know if it's mania but I had a lot of energy and just felt alive. I haven't felt like that in weeks/months (who knows). I'm not a whole person and I need help. I think I can be useful to society but really need stabilisers and as an adult who can't talk to people about their issues it's unbearable. I've lived over half my life with depression and anxiety. It's going to take one bad problem to send me over the edge. It could be something like losing a parent or something as insignificant my fridge breaking down but on that day when it's that mood I don't know what will happen. I have always wanted to live and I'm terrified of the thought of death but honestly if it's a case of being cornered I will go out. I'm just scared of how I will go out as it will have to be quick and definite and impulsive. When you live in your mind with a concrete slab pressing down on you all the time and people perceive you as being ok something is going to give. It's not an if it's a when, and when I'm really bad it's a why not right now.
I just wish someone would have done something when I told them what I was going through. They are concerned and scared but they shy away from me and say nothing. They are scared of me. Scared to offend me or push me away. It is not their fault but to be frank if I had a friend who had an infection I would research it to make sure they were treating it correctly. They know about depression but don't do anything to understand it. I bet they will do all the reading up in the world when they lose someone to it and they will be nothing but miserable. I don't want that for them.


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When we tell ourselves the same things over and over again, we end up creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you tell yourself things will never get better you’ll create mental barriers and then subconsciously repel opportunities which could improve things. Instead, tell yourself a different story because the future really is open and yours to make.

Also, you can begin to take control of your mind by grounding yourself every time the disturbing thoughts arise by taking a long deep breath in and out, saying in and out in your head. Next, feel the ground underneath your feet, clothes against your skin, the Sun on your face, birds Even if the thoughts want to drag you away with them, coming back to recognize the breath will give you the control you need to prevent this from happening, and you’ve begun the process of taking back control of your mind and your life.


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I'm trying. I tell myself it's ok. Honestly I think I'm hearing voices but it seems to be my own voice. I tell myself shush it's ok. The same voice them tells me to kill myself. Then it repeats over and over or may change to hurt yourself or starve yourself or something else. Then I have a panic and it says shush it's ok and then it tells me to kill myself again. I'm forcing myself to stay calm but that always seems to happen and I don't get why it happens. I'm thinking it is a reaction to stress or the inability to deal with stress. I'm guessing if I told someone in my life about this they would lock me up.


We either find a way, or make one.
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No one believed me when I told them about a childs voice telling me to kill myself. So I never mentioned it again. Sometimes, the medical fraternity only hear what they want to hear and that can be very very frustrating. So yeah, good luck with that.


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The same voice them tells me to kill myself. Then it repeats over and over or may change to hurt yourself or starve yourself or something else. Then I have a panic and it says shush it's ok and then it tells me to kill myself again. I'm forcing myself to stay calm but that always seems to happen and I don't get why it happens
I think you really need to consult with a professional about this voice as it could be symptomatic of a mental disorder which could get worse without proper treatment. Even the fact that you are experiencing suicidal thoughts is enough to seek professional help. You may need meds, at least until these thoughts stop.
I'm thinking it is a reaction to stress or the inability to deal with stress. I'm guessing if I told someone in my life about this they would lock me up.
I doubt you would be locked up unless you were thought to be in imminent danger of harming yourself, but please consider that if you seek professional help now, you can save yourself from getting to the stage of acting on these disturbing thoughts and feelings. You need to take charge of your own health, instead of letting these thoughts take charge of you!


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Would you recommend telling someone you are hearing some sort of voice? I can detect you didn't have a good experience from it. I'm just worried they'll lock me up and I'll lose everything. Although the other half of me doesn't seem to care. That's likely the bit that's tormenting me I guess.


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Would you recommend telling someone you are hearing some sort of voice? I can detect you didn't have a good experience from it. I'm just worried they'll lock me up and I'll lose everything.
I haven't personally experienced this, but I do know some people who have heard voices and who weren't locked up because the voices were stopped by meds. In any case, it's better to be locked up as you put it if your life is a stake because these voices are telling you to kill yourself. In many cases though, people can be admitted as voluntary patients for treatment and discharged once the voices go away. Try not to worry, doctors are there to help you, not harm you.


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I mean, if I even had the guts to go to the doctors. I can't even do simple tasks for fear of cocking them up. If I manage to get over the perpetual lethargy I will constantly doubt myself. This can be something as simple as ironing clothes. Going to the doctors and sharing my feelings is a chasm.


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Thanks Claire. I know I really need to go to the doctors. I've known for a long time. I just wish the people who I told in my life would have just forced me to go and organised it just to take away the fear. I hope they will never know what it feels like to be like this. I will set an alarm to attempt to make an appointment right not whilst I can think clearly but I reckon it will not happen.


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Hearing voices telling you to kill yourself is a serious matter and you must not deprive yourself of the help you deserve by giving into fear and lethargy. Why suffer like this if there are meds and other therapies that can help? Please confide in a professional asap because imo you need the cause of these thoughts to be properly evaluated at the very least. Keep us updated....as you know we're here 24/7


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Thanks. Luckily my manager knows and is very understanding so I have set an alarm for tomorrow to speak to him so I can get a morning off to build myself up to go to the doctors and get an appointment and see what happens from there. I just hope that alarm makes me speak to him.


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Sorry I've not been here, I didn't make it. I had a week off work and managed to feel feelings I guess you would call normal again. I felt peaceful for a change. The voices subsided and God forbid I felt ok for at least a day but I didn't get to the doctors. I hope you managed to get to the store. The store is a mountain to us and an inconvenience to most.
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