lost my grandma

I lost my grandma last year to alzheimers she was 87 i hadn't seen her in 7 years too chicken to visit her after she got ill, used to stay with her every weekend after grandad died, mourned her while she was still alive i know weird..do you think her death triggered my suicidal images:hiding:

no point

Well-Known Member
I lost my grandma last year to alzheimers she was 87 i hadn't seen her in 7 years too chicken to visit her after she got ill, used to stay with her every weekend after grandad died, mourned her while she was still alive i know weird..do you think her death triggered my suicidal images:hiding:
I'm sorry about your grandmother. I think her death might have triggered your suicidal images. I know when my grandfather died, even years after, I was suicidal. I just thought that I would be with him when I died and wanted to die to be with him.


Well-Known Member
It could have triggered you tbh. I'm sorry for your loss though :hug: I only saw my grandad once after he became ill, I was also too scared to see him, mainly because he looked a completely different person and you couldn't talk to him or anything. I doubt he even knew I was there...I know the feelin though hun
Im really sorry you had to go through that.
But dont torment yourself about not going to see her. My nan died of a version of Alziemers and i wish i had of remembered her as she was, rather than as a disease.
thanks hun, I am okay with it now I guess and this is gonna sound heartless I was glad when she died as she was suffering for 7 years, I did my mourning for her mostly before she died. Though shed a tear at her funeral.:mellow:

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