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Mental trauma can cause facial asymmetry?

I noticed something since I lost my mother (and only family) to cancer in 2015. Since then in my pictures you can tell my face is not symmetric anymore.
Before this I was a nice looking person, but after that I really look weird and ugly. You know that mask half crying half laughing repesenting drama?
Well I'm not half laugh half cry but you can clearly tell there huge differences.
I made some frontal shots and put them in photoshop, mirroing each half of my face and clearly is looking like two different expressions. Yeah is me but there is a huge asymmetry in my face.
My question is simple.. Can mental trauma caused me this? I'm still damaged.. I have weird dreams and .. well I can't say I'm suicidal right now but I hate my life.
Thank you and have a nice.. day/night.


Well-Known Member
No....I don't think so...
You're either noticing things you haven't seen before or/and this scientific help will answer you: when we look in the mirror, how we currently feel/care of ourselves affects how attractive we think we are...in short...if you didn't wash your hair and are sad/tired you're more likely to perceive yourself as "ugly" then if you're not....likewise, we usually see ourselves as prettier when we're happy...

Hope this helps.

Mr Pryce

Well-Known Member
I noticed something since I lost my mother (and only family) to cancer in 2015. Since then in my pictures you can tell my face is not symmetric anymore.
Before this I was a nice looking person, but after that I really look weird and ugly. You know that mask half crying half laughing repesenting drama?
Well I'm not half laugh half cry but you can clearly tell there huge differences.
I made some frontal shots and put them in photoshop, mirroing each half of my face and clearly is looking like two different expressions. Yeah is me but there is a huge asymmetry in my face.
My question is simple.. Can mental trauma caused me this? I'm still damaged.. I have weird dreams and .. well I can't say I'm suicidal right now but I hate my life.
Thank you and have a nice.. day/night.
Maybe its because its what happened from getting older naturally. Mental trauma does not cause facial asymmetry, if that were the case i would look like a donkey. I can assure you that i do not. I'm actually quite handsome. I'm not Usher Raymond but i look great.


Well-Known member
SF Supporter
Is it that extreme that other's can notice it as well? The condition that initially comes to mind which may cause this is Bell's palsy. Keep in mind we sometimes see perceived imperfections in ourselves not visible to others and magnify those.


SF Supporter
I noticed something since I lost my mother (and only family) to cancer in 2015. Since then in my pictures you can tell my face is not symmetric anymore.
Before this I was a nice looking person, but after that I really look weird and ugly. You know that mask half crying half laughing repesenting drama?
Well I'm not half laugh half cry but you can clearly tell there huge differences.
I made some frontal shots and put them in photoshop, mirroing each half of my face and clearly is looking like two different expressions. Yeah is me but there is a huge asymmetry in my face.
My question is simple.. Can mental trauma caused me this? I'm still damaged.. I have weird dreams and .. well I can't say I'm suicidal right now but I hate my life.
Thank you and have a nice.. day/night.
Everyone's face is asymmetrical and can be visualized by comparing their left and right sides. I'm really curious about you being able to assign it a specific point in time...without having had a neurological event like a stroke or other diagnosis or some kind of cranial nerve damage. Has anyone else ever made mention of it?


SF Supporter
I noticed something since I lost my mother (and only family) to cancer in 2015. Since then in my pictures you can tell my face is not symmetric anymore.
Before this I was a nice looking person, but after that I really look weird and ugly. You know that mask half crying half laughing repesenting drama?
Well I'm not half laugh half cry but you can clearly tell there huge differences.
I made some frontal shots and put them in photoshop, mirroing each half of my face and clearly is looking like two different expressions. Yeah is me but there is a huge asymmetry in my face.
My question is simple.. Can mental trauma caused me this? I'm still damaged.. I have weird dreams and .. well I can't say I'm suicidal right now but I hate my life.
Thank you and have a nice.. day/night.
I just noticed this post was from February and you were last on site that month......I hope you are doing ok through the past several months, it's the last hours of May today.......


SF Supporter
I noticed something since I lost my mother (and only family) to cancer in 2015. Since then in my pictures you can tell my face is not symmetric anymore.
Before this I was a nice looking person, but after that I really look weird and ugly. You know that mask half crying half laughing repesenting drama?
Well I'm not half laugh half cry but you can clearly tell there huge differences.
I made some frontal shots and put them in photoshop, mirroing each half of my face and clearly is looking like two different expressions. Yeah is me but there is a huge asymmetry in my face.
My question is simple.. Can mental trauma caused me this? I'm still damaged.. I have weird dreams and .. well I can't say I'm suicidal right now but I hate my life.
Thank you and have a nice.. day/night.
Hi TG, i recently noticed a similar change in my face. i thought it might have been a very minor stroke that i did not notice at the time other than the asymmetry.

it is not much but enough for my son to have noticed it. at the same time i did too. its like the muscle for smiling had been damaged or weakened. nothing physical happened to my face so i can’t think of anything physical that might have happened. maybe the meds i take? i don’t know.

i did lose my job recently. i never considered mental trauma but if i had to single out one thing, losing the job would be the major thing that happened in close proximity.

then it seemed to diminish over the months but a few days ago seemed to increase.

i’m sorry, i’m probably wondering as much as you. i see you have not been around since posting. well i’m here and others are too so i hope you visit us again.

i still have a leaning toward a very minor stroke but maybe the mental could do something too.


Well-Known Member
One of the reasons that people get bell's palsy is stress. Happened to my mother. It's not a big deal.
However facial symmetry can also be something serious. Maybe you would wanna consult a doctor if you have other symptoms


Ninja of light
I noticed something since I lost my mother (and only family) to cancer in 2015. Since then in my pictures you can tell my face is not symmetric anymore.
Before this I was a nice looking person, but after that I really look weird and ugly. You know that mask half crying half laughing repesenting drama?
Well I'm not half laugh half cry but you can clearly tell there huge differences.
I made some frontal shots and put them in photoshop, mirroing each half of my face and clearly is looking like two different expressions. Yeah is me but there is a huge asymmetry in my face.
My question is simple.. Can mental trauma caused me this? I'm still damaged.. I have weird dreams and .. well I can't say I'm suicidal right now but I hate my life.
Thank you and have a nice.. day/night.
I’ve never thought about it, but I can see how this can be true.

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