My Brother John


Well-Known Member
My brother John died on Friday may 7th. I feel so bad. His wife nipped out to the shop, she was gone only 20 minutes, when she came back, he was already dead................... 56yrs old, healthy, full of life!
I can't get it into my head! I know it's true but I can't cry because I don't believe it!!!
I am gutted! I feel my depression creeping back. What will I do without my big brother? :cry:


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry for your loss...I understand what you are going through..I urge you to go to your doc and get help ...get some grief counceling as soon as you can..
here if you need to talk...:console:

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
how shocking for everyone i too hope you have support and are able to see your doctor to get help thru this terrible pain. I am so sorry for your loss


Well-Known Member
so sorry to hear about your loss :hug: if you feel your depression coming back get some help off a doctor asap, get help before it gets too bad :hug:


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, I have already been to the docs. Basically she said it's a case of letting the grieving process happen. I have another appointment next week.
It's just sooo unbelievable! I always thought we would all grow old and grey. The last one of us I expected to go first was John, he was always soooo full of life =(

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