my depression/bipolar cure

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Last thing,ok i had 1 small mania episode in that whole year.It was fascinating tho.I had something to be depressed about and i let my brain go back in that dierection for 2 weeks.I had stopped taking supplements and i started eating icepops(hey it was hot out)as i said sugar is an enemy plus letting my brain go back towards a familiar pattern of depression and pain.Also not eating much and going without food skipping meals.Well i was laying there one night,before i fell asleep,it happened.It was HARD,it was like something fracked a light switch.It was unbelievable the hard shift and my brain literally changed the way it operates.The way bipolar brain operates is not the same as someone without it and that i get,even alot of my thinking thats normal for me is considered non-linear or out of the box.that type of thinking is usually considered brilliant.Well the HARD SHIFT instantly and my brain went off in this pressured thinking all without my control.When your stuck in bipolar its not as dramatic but when youve gone whatver it was 6 or 8 months clean(lol) its severely dramatic.My brain went off on an issue,it was running through info and calculations trying to solve a mystery of a sort on someones health issue that i know.Whats weird is its almost like it KNEW the answer and had to run through all this just to get me to get the answer into my conscious aware brain.It actually latched onto things in the environment then used that magical/religious thinking almost in reverse to lead to the message.Well i dont know how long it lasted it could have been 5 mins or so i dont know.When it happened i said OH BLEEP to myself and as soon as it ended i was actually gonna get up and eat but decided sleep and go back to supplements and no more skipping meals,yikes


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another thing with high inflammatory hormones/inflammations in the body is cold hands and feet.I had that and that also resolved.From what i understand these inflammations irritate the endothelial system and finer arteries in the hands/feet-sexual organs-the gums and the brain.When this happens in the brain it leads to the nutrient trails being cut off.This is one reason for alzheimers and cognitive decline.i imagine this is relevent to depression also.5htp-aminos and omega 3 is critical here


Active Member
something else critical for me to come out of depression.You hafta live only in the present of each day.Put all the depression of your past and any worry of the future out of your mind.Its nearly impossible at first but once you get serotonin working it was easy to be happy in the present and somewhere in there some kind of mechanism lets you break from the past.None of this happens on its own.You have to push things in that direction,you cant sit around waiting to be happy.Its just like if you take an anti depressant but dont believe its gonna work or dont want it to work or just sit there waiting for it to work.The way you push things will help drive the production of neurotransmitters.If someone starts a regimen i'd say stick with it 3 months no matter what and see what changes you can make by then,you just may be amazed before you even get to the 3 month mark
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