Nothing Lasts


stars can only keep me company for so long
I don't know why every happy moment is so short lived for me. Like a matter or seconds, at most hours. I'm so happy and then I get crushed, by my own thoughts or others. I wish it wasn't like this. I am unhappy all the time. So when something happens that makes me happy it is almost instantly ripped away. I'm not sure how to feel and then I'm just numb until the overwhelming sadness comes back.
I need to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry... i know how you feel sadly most of the time this happens at night befor going to bed (with me at least) and it is really as if those thoughts want to crush ur last happy part. But dont let!
You achieved something grate today! You got ur friend back or to be more close to him. And you should feel happy about that ;)
If you ever want to distract urself from bad thoughts when beein here come to my "happy place" will tag you. Maby i can put back a smile into your face ;) and there are many others who feel the same.
Hope you get a good night rest :D


Well-Known Member
I'm working on "replacing not repressing" right now. Not shoving down bad thoughts into subconscious hibernation, but acknowledging them, accepting them and finding their positive counterpart. It can be so exhausting just puzzling through the way we think and why.
Is that advice ...? I'm sorry if I just did this thread wrong.
I feel you, that's all I mean.


stars can only keep me company for so long
I don't mind it, that's really good advice actually. I like the idea, I just have to get myself to do it I guess. I'm glad that works for you though and I hope you can feel better


Well-Known Member
I feel poorly most of the time. I had open heart surgery when I was one then I had to go to school when I was five and be around more normal children who didn't understand words like that. It was very traumatic. Now I am around adults who don't understand things like that and recently I had a fight with my sister and I told her I didn't want to talk to her. My grandpa used to beat my mother and that caused her to be kind of mean and a long time ago she said she forgave it but I don't think she has completely. My mother left us children alone a lot and once my sister waved a knife in my face when I was 12. She gets her way all the time and I don't think I want to be around someone like that, but after my mother passes away, I have no one to help me. I will probably end up being homeless or in a homeless shelter. I remember reading "The Boxcar Children" where the children ran away because they thought their grandfather was mean but it turns out he was a rich nice old man and they lived happily ever after. What am I supposed to do when I am old, live behind an abandoned building and eat grass just because I have surgery issues? Who would help me move? No one. Who would help me if I ran out of money? No one, not even my siblings. I may not have to commit suicide because society would do it for me, pretty much.

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