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Well-Known Member
oh god my hands are numb am i really here, is this really my life
i feel so disconnected ive never felt like this before when i think about it it
seems like the only answer this is the closest ive ever been i think this might be it everything seems unreal i dont know what i might do the counsellor at work was useless she was a FUCKING IDIOT who compared depression to something caused by being blacklisted, stupid **** what does she know about this pain, if she had to live with this for eight years it would destroy her, christ i dont feel like im here anymore i feel like a shade, a vague memory just lingering on, i dont even know if im posting or not, am i do you see this DO YOU SEE THIS or am i just a lie, a figment a bad memory to be tossed aside oh fuck its all blackness i am so dead inside nothing but ashes and rot im broken but i cannot pick up the pieces anymore my hand are so numb


Well-Known Member
:console: Not sure I can offer any helpful wisdom but if you wanna chat or just rant and rave for a while sling me a PM.
I guess you should find another counselor to help you deal with this. You're still here, honey. You exist and you are far more significant than you can imagine. I pretty understand how you feel. Been lonely for a few years too. Just here if you wanna talk.
This is exactly how I've felt for so long...though I can't say it's really a 'feeling'...I question whether I have feelings too much to call it a feeling.
It's just complete unreality everything I see. I do not think I am really here, either.

We must be more than words. At least we have those to prove our existence! Don't stop using them :)

Yeah, I say try a new counselor. I've been dealing with the same kind of nonsense; she doesn't understand and she is too angry and irritated whenever I don't seem to be moving forward at the rate she wants me to go. This isn't a helpful response to anyone's pain, it doesn't motivate, it just makes us feel more hopeless. Find someone who really is in a position to help you.



Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
A good therapist will let you proceed at your own pace..Sounds like the one you are with isn't experienced enough.Keep searching there is one out there.. It took me three before I found Gina..
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