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penney for my thoughts

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i had a pretty good day off yesterday. and today was doing quite well but when my mother showed up i suddenly got into a really bad mood. i dont know why i am like that i have noticed that i could be in a good mood and then multiple times once my mother shows up i get in a bad mood. shes not even being annoying so i dont know why i get so cranky. maybe i subconsciously hate her. shes visiting at the moment so im looking forward to her leaving so i can be in peace ha. today is my last day off before back in work for two days so today im gonna play some sims (hopefully) and also watch ugly betty. love that show

just my thoughts
I get irrationally angry and irritable sometimes 🤷‍♀️ And it focuses on the people closest to me sometimes 😕

I don't think it means I don't love them, although it does make me wonder why on Earth they love me 🤔 That's just my stuff, though. When others get grumpy with me I still love them...


Back into the wild where I belong. Out of your way
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
It is annoying when that feeling hits. What about trying to look at it in a more positive light. What do you love when you see your mom? Her cooking? Her laugh? Try to remember those moments when that feeling strikes so it does not ruin the moment.


Works during the day, doodles at night.
I dont know why i am like that i have noticed that i could be in a good mood and then multiple times once my mother shows up i get in a bad mood. shes not even being annoying so i dont know why i get so cranky. maybe i subconsciously hate her. shes visiting at the moment so im looking forward to her leaving so i can be in peace ha.
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