post your major complaint here


i'm sorry that your back hurts so much right now. is it temporary like a sprain or more permanent. either way if it doesn't get better soon see a doctor. I hope you feel better soon..mike...*console*hug
Thanks Mike, just some kind of sprain I think. I stood up while turning at a weird angle yesterday and felt it come on all of a sudden. Hoping it’ll go away in a day or two.

Kinda really makes me feel for people with chronic back pain. I mean, other parts of the body you can usually find work-arounds that at least let you move around the house a little without using the affected part. But this is really limiting. I mean, if I can find an excuse to stay in bed all day, I’ll take it. But this time it’s no excuse, I really don’t think I could do anything else for more than a couple minutes. I mean, if there were a fire, it’d be just about all I could just do to get outside, and then I think I’d have to just lay down on the ground and watch.


Has a frog in the family
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Thanks Mike, just some kind of sprain I think. I stood up while turning at a weird angle yesterday and felt it come on all of a sudden. Hoping it’ll go away in a day or two.

Kinda really makes me feel for people with chronic back pain. I mean, other parts of the body you can usually find work-arounds that at least let you move around the house a little without using the affected part. But this is really limiting. I mean, if I can find an excuse to stay in bed all day, I’ll take it. But this time it’s no excuse, I really don’t think I could do anything else for more than a couple minutes. I mean, if there were a fire, it’d be just about all I could just do to get outside, and then I think I’d have to just lay down on the ground and watch.
yea I've done that. it usually gets better in a few days but takes 2 or 3 weeks to fully heal. so try to be careful not to make it worse while it's healing...mike...*console*hug


Works during the day, doodles at night.
Thanks Mike, just some kind of sprain I think. I stood up while turning at a weird angle yesterday and felt it come on all of a sudden. Hoping it’ll go away in a day or two.

Kinda really makes me feel for people with chronic back pain. I mean, other parts of the body you can usually find work-arounds that at least let you move around the house a little without using the affected part. But this is really limiting. I mean, if I can find an excuse to stay in bed all day, I’ll take it. But this time it’s no excuse, I really don’t think I could do anything else for more than a couple minutes. I mean, if there were a fire, it’d be just about all I could just do to get outside, and then I think I’d have to just lay down on the ground and watch.
how are you today Gonzie 🥺 *hug
This one guy's constantly breathing down my neck and it's getting infuriating.

I can't do anything right around him.

I talk about something with a friend of mine, and he'll complain because he doesn't want to hear the topic, even though I'm not talking to him.
He rudely tells me to use deoderant anytime he smells something, even if I ain't even the guy where the smell's coming from.
Hell...I have to stand about as still as a statue or he'll throw a fit, causing another damn scene. No, literally, I was making small steps for a bit 'cause I get a bit restless if I can't get to work.

I've been trying, especially 'cause he got autism like I do. So I get that certain things can ''trigger'' him so to speak. I understand that, but there's only so much I can do until it seems like I'm out of options and nothing will please him.

I'd have been more tolerant of this behaviour if he was atleast respectful about it, but he just has to insist on causing scenes instead. It feels like I can't do anything. It's always something else no matter how often I correct my flaws.

It just tires me, and with all due respect intended...pisses me off.
I don't want to escalate things but he's really, really crossing my line.

I'm not some kinda scary ass dragon that the brave knight needs to slay so get off my back.
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SF Supporter
Why does it seem like you need to go through an act of congress even to get a menial job nowadays? I don't know what my qualifications are. Do you even need those to stock things on shelves and hang clothes on hangers? If someone else puts down some special skills, does that make them more qualified than me? And this isn't even for a paying job, it's for volunteer work.


Works during the day, doodles at night.
I clearly don’t know who is me anymore... Seriously.. O_O
You’re just you, nice kitty who likes to smile and play and do art, but also has some hard stuff to deal with too. We’re all of the parts added up, not just one thing. *hug
hehe kitty likes this description btw but life not so hard now. comfort wise, kitty is safe. ^^


Has a frog in the family
Safety & Support
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Why does it seem like you need to go through an act of congress even to get a menial job nowadays? I don't know what my qualifications are. Do you even need those to stock things on shelves and hang clothes on hangers? If someone else puts down some special skills, does that make them more qualified than me? And this isn't even for a paying job, it's for volunteer work.


Teddy Bears Rule! 🐻
Staff Alumni
Fucking, stinking medical system. I am just bloody well gonna die. Might as well. Can't get any help. Stinking insurance companies, lack of doctors, imbeciles on the phone when I call.
I gotta have another bloody test before they can determine if I need a stent. Can't do test until 10/31. No openings. My insurance will change on January 1, so don't know what docs I will have access to. Emailed doctor to get his input. His nurse said to call now and set up a followup after CT scan. Have called appointments THREE times. None of them are able to help me. They want me to wait until December. I CANT DO THAT BECAUSE OF DAMN INSURANCE. Nurse wants me to set up the appointment much sooner. Can't reach her either. Have left her a voice mail and sent an email. Am about ready to just cancel the damn test. No point in doing it if I can't get followup care. Maybe if I exercise hard enough tonight I will just drop dead! What a relief that would be.


Has a frog in the family
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@SillyOldBear i know that insurance companies can be a dick. but keep working at getting your appointments in time. either way you need to take care of your heart. what kind of change happens jan 1 and is it possible they'll cover it? I hope you can stop stressing over it so much so you can get better. we need our @SillyOldBear so no dropping...mike..*console*hug


Teddy Bears Rule! 🐻
Staff Alumni
Have no idea what insurance change will happen. Just got a letter that they were dropping our plan, but would offer another. And I can tell you that that the shit ass company I work for has no idea what they are going to do and wont until late December. Can also only hope that if test results show a real problem they will call and make an urgent appointment for me. Thats what they did with the previous tests. thanks Mike, but dropping......just sounds do damn nice.

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