Post your *petty* complaint here


meandering home
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Any one of the potential paths I've identified is going to involve vast amounts of energy which I don't have, due to the rollercoaster of emotions the last few months. I cannot hold still much longer without losing my sanity. The dreams are getting worse, much more violent. I need to get out even though I love it here.


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Every university town pub I ever went to, my uni or others, which holds any special place in my heart has been so radically remodelled as to have no trace of the original and be completely unrecognisable to the point of you questioning if you are in the right place, so that there is no possibility for a nostalgic trip back for old times sake...
(save for one... but they didn't even change for a court order so :P)

I have been meaning to go back to the old haunt of a friend of mine who passed 15 years ago, and I find it on google and it has been so thoroughly changed.. they didn't just stop at a coat of paint, no, they even knocked out some walls, put in new ones and put on an extension. The whole damned building is a different shape. Aside from the name there is nothing left of the old pub. Memories really are just that, memories, as real and corporeal as a daydream.
female staff most of time are better than male staff specially in the medical field, based from my recent trip to the er after going in to anaphylactic shock.
Apparently I was so close to being intubated.

you’d think by 2024, the amount of influencers out there that there would at least be someone discussing about living their daily life with food allergy. All i
got was short clips. I guess they are also introverted
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i’d never been interested in extra curricular activities, like ever.

i go to school, i go home. that’s it.

but now the school is dismayed that my entire year level and the one below us (they have forced them to and they obliged) do not want to participate in other school activities.


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I think having tape on my skin all the time lately is causing irritation, but I need to keep this wound covered for at least the better part of a week yet.
food cravings yet i cant, because i’m allergic to them, honestly last time was the first time i ever went to anaphylactic shock, i never thought i would go that far from the usual hives and wheezing, and yes i already accepted dying at that point but i was also worried for my cats, i know they were waiting for me to come back home. Now i am scared of food and I’m planning to just stay safe and prepare my own food.

i cant even take collagen supplements now that the ones i have left are marine derivative. what will i do with my joint pains
Any one of the potential paths I've identified is going to involve vast amounts of energy which I don't have, due to the rollercoaster of emotions the last few months. I cannot hold still much longer without losing my sanity. The dreams are getting worse, much more violent. I need to get out even though I love it here.
I'm sorry @seabird
Dreams can be the worst
hugs if you want (((hugs)))

i just realized i unintentionally overdosed on a daily medication which can also be fatal, on top of me going in to the ER for allergic reaction

geez, second week i live alone and i unknowingly could have died.


Well-Known Member
People who complain and get frustrated about normal human experiences get me angry a little bit.

I know, working and living an adult life sucks. But you are not suffering so much just because you have an office job.

But if you can't "transcend" your normal human life even a little bit, I have bad news for you.


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Some woman in my area wrote a review talking about how she ordered 63 subs at the last minute, and complained that it took over an hour to be prepared. I'm sorry, but if she didn't order them ahead of time, or factor in how long it takes to make each sub, she really has no right to complain. It's just annoying when people are entitled like that.


Kangaroo Manager
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Some woman in my area wrote a review talking about how she ordered 63 subs at the last minute, and complained that it took over an hour to be prepared. I'm sorry, but if she didn't order them ahead of time, or factor in how long it takes to make each sub, she really has no right to complain. It's just annoying when people are entitled like that.
Her being entitled is bad enough, then add in being stupid. It does bring to me in my mind the saying: Tits on a bull.


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I hurt my wrist several years ago at work. I cant blame work though, my boss told me to be careful or I will hurt myself, I just didn't listen. I massively overstressed my wrist, then it felt weird so I stretched it and something snapped. It has never been the same. It gets stronger over time and care but occasionally something in it will give again and it will be back to being weak and painful.

I lifted some stacks of tiles last week and my wrist popped. I have just dug out the wrist brace again. *facepalm

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