sanity score

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Well-Known Member
have any of you every taken sanity score ( what do you think of the results, accurate? do they match your official diagnosis? i've never been to a shrink so i have no basis of comparison, but it seems to be right on.


Well-Known Member
I just took it and it does seem to be pretty accurate. I might even print the results out to show to a doctor when i eventually get round to goin.


Staff Alumni
I think this is BS... either that or I'm a bigger freak than I realised as it said I have 11 areas of serious concern, including phobias, ocd and DID!!! :dry: I don't think so!


Well-Known Member
115 for me.

Seems quite accurate for me. Poor coping skills, anxiety, very low self esteem and a fair few borderline personality traits.


Well-Known Member
#10 really fucked up then...

-life events
-general coping
-self esteem
-eating disorders
-mania and bipolar disorder
-relationship issues
-technology issues
-obsessions and compulsions
-borderline traits


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't take this test seriously. Some of it is based on the main-stream. For example, how long you stay on the internet. The duration of which you stay browsing on the internet doesn't effect your mentality or your sanity.


Well-Known Member
the time on the internet doesn't affect your sanity, but it could be that maybe someone spending a lot of time on the internet could be a symptom of something else


Well-Known Member
It was interesting though. I have a friend who is a therapist. And, not often but sometimes, i'll talk to hiim. And he reckons i suffer from schizophrenia. But the test said i dont. Think i'm more inclined to believe the therapist on that score.
^ I agree, I don't like how that test is scored. People with multiple minor problems can have much higher scores than people with a few serious problems.
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