Seriously contemplating suicide . . .

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Active Member
I tell my therapist ALL my problems. Then they say "What are you going to do about all these problems?". Then I say "I don't know. If I knew what to do about these problems I wouldn't be here in therapy." Then the therapist gets upset with me. Apparently that is a bad, wicked, evil answer.


Well-Known Member
Drug addicts go to therapy to deal with their Addiction(Problem). So you telling your therapist you don't know what your gonna do is like saying "I don't Give a Shit about my problem and I am wasting your time"


Active Member

I don't give a shit.

I am wasting the time of all the therapists.

I am wasting your time.

I am wasting everybody's time.

I am a bad person.

The world will be better when I am dead.


Well-Known Member
And that is reason why people get frustrated with you, people here are the example, this site is meant to give you support. But you need to meet us halfway.
Most bad people don't admit that they're bad. So even if you have made mistakes you at least realize it and want to change for the better. You want to grow and that's what we're here for... as painful as it may be.

I don't have more information so I can't say more.

At least you're going for therapy. Many people aren't willing to. I also don't like therapists that ask you/us to do all the work. They're getting paid to be proactive and give US the answers. It's easy for them to sit there and ask questions. You're certainly not bad for not having the answers, you do need a therapist who is hands on. I'm looking for someone like that myself.
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Active Member
I don't know that I want to grow.

I think I want to live in a world where people accept me for how I am.

Once that has happened, then MAYBE I will be able to grow.


Well-Known Member
I would hope for you not to committ yourself to death and live on only to look back and see how wrong you were about yourself.


Active Member
That's crap.

Other people decide everything.

Other people decide whether or not I get a job (ANSWER: I don't get a job)

Other people decide whether I get to have friends (ANSWER: I don't get to have friends)

That's how it works. Really. I can't force these people to like me.
Drug addicts go to therapy to deal with their Addiction(Problem). So you telling your therapist you don't know what your gonna do is like saying "I don't Give a Shit about my problem and I am wasting your time"

Wow. That's so wrong I don't even know where to start.

A lot of people go to therapy because they have problems but they have no idea what in the hell to do about it. They feel overwhelmed by their problems---if they knew how to fix them, and felt like they could on their own, THEY WOULD. If I knew how to fix my problems all on my own, I wouldn't be paying someone $800/mo (PLUS a psychiatrist, PLUS meds) to try and help me do it!

It's not a matter of NOT KNOWING. The therapist is there to help you come up with a game plan, set up a step-by-step plan (even tiny baby steps if you need them). What they CAN'T do is give you the will to do it. (Well..they can help you work on the issues that underly it, but they can't jam the will down your throat)


Well-Known Member
Wow. That's so wrong I don't even know where to start.

A lot of people go to therapy because they have problems but they have no idea what in the hell to do about it. They feel overwhelmed by their problems---if they knew how to fix them, and felt like they could on their own, THEY WOULD. If I knew how to fix my problems all on my own, I wouldn't be paying someone $800/mo (PLUS a psychiatrist, PLUS meds) to try and help me do it!

It's not a matter of NOT KNOWING. The therapist is there to help you come up with a game plan, set up a step-by-step plan (even tiny baby steps if you need them). What they CAN'T do is give you the will to do it. (Well..they can help you work on the issues that underly it, but they can't jam the will down your throat)
..............That Makes So Much Sense, I have no clue what i was trying to do -_-
Point being, talking to someone who is depressed, and in a cycle of suicidal thinking can be extremely frustrating. (God knows how many people I've made want to climb the walls with my thinking over the past year or so...main reason I don't talk to anyone about how I feel anymore.)

But newsflash: It's not any easier for the people thinking it than it is for you to listen to it!


Active Member
Jennifer is probably right, that there is no point in talking to anyone else about suicidal thoughts. Because nobody else will ever understand, and instead they get mad at you for not being able to solve your own problems.
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