So sorry

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Senior Member & Antiquities Friend
That about says it all. For everything to everyone. I cant change who I am or what I am about to do. I'm so sorry.



You have helped me through so much, even when you yourself were hurting. I can never repay you for all you have done for me. Let us help you hun, you are not alone in this. *huggles* stay strong sweety.



~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Itmahanh, please don't give up, try and hold on for just one more day, if you need to talk or just need someone to listen, please PM me :hug:


Well-Known Member
Im new to the forum, and already ive seen how much youve helped people with your advise, the simple fact that you care lifts peoples spirits and morale!!! dont give up that beautiful gift and ability to help people!! :smile:
You owe us no apologies for who you are. You are a thoughtful person whether you agree or not. I hope you are able to use the strength you have shown so many times and find a way for you to stay safe.I know the struggles have been long and difficult. There are good things mixed in as well. Let those have the greatest influence over you. You have lots of people caring and concerned about you and your well-being. Please take care Carla. You are in my thoughts. :hug:


Please Carla don't give up. You've come so far and have overcome so much adversity in your life. Please hang on for yourself, your children and for all of your sf friends. We love you hun. :hug:
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