Suicidal thoughts are comforting.

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Does anyone else find suicidal thoughts comforting?

If I find myself in a bad mood or having a rough day I default to suicidal thoughts. It's always comforting for me to some extent. The thought is typically a <edit mod total eclipse method>and is quite graphic. The thought replays in my mind over and over again. Some days I "die" in my head over 100 times.

I've been a threat to myself for at least 6 months. I have attempted once and spent time on suicide watch twice. I'm not sure what's going to give first; Snapping out of my debilitating depression or following through with one final act. At this point I don't care which happens to me.


A man who thought he escaped these feelings.
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total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
I think many of us default to those suicidal thoughts hun as you say it gives us a sense of some kind of control I had to delete the method you posted as it is against rules please when you have time read them ok


Well-Known Member
I found suicidal thoughts comforting the one time I was suicidal. It made me feel like I had finally found a way out of my struggles.

Think about how incredible it is that you are here right now as a conscious being? Is it not the most amazing miracle? Does it not give you the same warm feeling?

Ai To Hikari.
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