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hi everyone..
I'm new...
feeling very suicidal. took five times more klonopin than I am supposed to. I want to die... a big part of me knows that all these feelings will pass.. today marks my 8 months of
no cutting.. I just want to die. I cant stop crying. I've been dealing with this for seven years.. I'm 19.. I want it to end..
I'm sorry I'm just going on and on.. just venting. I have to be strong and press through all this..

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Hi hun you know the feeling will pass it always does hun so hang out here o kay It is ok to cry hun let the tears out no use bottling them up inside. You don't have to be anything but you hun We understand ok Please if you feel you cannot press through it go get help you deserve okay. Go to emergency and talk to someone in real life hugs


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
I'm glad you aren't cutting..It can leave some terrible scars and you have to live with them as a constant reminder..Feel free to vent all you want on here.. Thats what we are here for..Who knows once you are here for awhile you may make many friends...Please back off the Klonipan.. I tend to do the same thing with my xanax,, Then the end of the month I come up short and hsave withdrawls until I can get them refilled..
everyone is so nice here.. thank u guys.
I am very close to my aunt and told her I overdosed.. we talked for an hour and she helped me a lot. I am thankful I have such people in my life, and god being top priority. thnk u guys so much. today I am feeling better.. I cried a lot out last night. I'm tempted to use the klonopin now.. but I should try to fall asleep without it...
I know this feeling will pass soon.. I am in so much emotional pain... I'm just waiting... it feels like forever. I know i can go on.. god makes me strong. this is just so hard. the lonely nights.. remembering the painful moments, the abuse, the shame, the rejection... I need to stop thinking. I can't cut anymore....

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
ya sleep helps hun let the tears keep falling okay until they don't come anymore i do that sometimes take warm bath okay and just close your eyes crawl into warm blanket hope you sleep soon hun hugs
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