Thought For Today

Trust The Veiled Hand

‘Trust the veiled hand that leads none by the path their earthly selves would choose to go. Always be prepared for changes, for the Universe’s law is ebb and flow.’ Words of wisdom from the Arabic tradition

The Divine great evolutionary plan shows that the Aquarian age has always been destined for the truth to emerge. The deeper we and our world penetrate into the Aquarian energies, the less need there will be for anyone in our world to believe that the hands of the Highest Forces of life, commonly known as God, were veiled. That’s because whatever happened in our world did so for wise higher reasons. The hands never just haphazardly and at random poured good or bad fortune on any human being who was or still is taking part in life on the earthly plane. The truth why anything ever happened in our world and to this day does, when you realise that the whole of Creation and therefore also our world has always been subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.

This law is a manifestation of God’s perfect justice and nothing anywhere happens without it. It cannot be bypassed by anything and existed long before the beginning of humankind’s appearance on the earthly plane. The law ensured that nothing ever happened in our world, or anywhere else for that matter, perchance or is an accident or a coincidence. That leads us to the next important revelations that every one of us is personally responsible for every thought, word and action we ever released into our world.

And yet, the belief of a veiled hand ruling humankind’s destiny was necessary during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its religions and strange beliefs that an all-male God-head rules the whole of Creation, including our world, and that the masculine forces are superior to the feminine ones. Believing that these things are literally true, never changed the fact that the first, second and third impulses of Creation, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, are one and cannot be separated from each other by anything. They are equal partners in the process of creating life and removing it, as soon as something is no longer required. Lovingly and harmoniously they respond to each other and that will never change. The recognition of this is one of the most important items that the Aquarian age, the age of truth, has already brought to us and our world.

For the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of truth, it was done in three instalments. First the truth was given to humankind. This is why for a long time, people lived together in peace and harmony in the same way as our Creator. Each was then giving of their best for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole community. With the passing of time, this changed profoundly with the second instalment, when gradually ever more of the truth was withdrawn for the length of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. Through this it became possible for all who were then taking part in earthly life to become familiar with the lower and lowest drives and urges of their humankind’s nature. Lying and cheating, warmongering, greed and money-spinning for supporting ever more sophisticated war efforts became the order of each day that passed by.

The patriarchy had to last for this length of time, so that all human beings taking part in this lesson, through again and again spending lifetimes on the earthly plane for taking part in the same lesson, what we learnt sank ever deeper into our consciousness. On every occasion, we piled karmic debts into our spiritual ledger, unaware that in one of our future lifetimes we ourselves would have to redeem them. This would come about through finding ourselves on the receiving end of the suffering we inflicted upon those around us, many lifetimes ago when we were spiritually still as young and inexperienced as our world’s present day troublemakers and scaremongers are. Ignorant of why they are taking part in earthly life and that they are personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions, they enjoy their ability of inflicting suffering unto our world. This is how, since the beginning of human life and this planet, cycle upon cycle and circle upon circle has constantly been opening and closing, and that will forever continue.

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In case you are now asking yourself: what did the invisible veil on the hand consist of? It was the old belief systems’ false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices, which as we would eventually find out, were far removed from what really happens to those taking part in earthly life. These things served the wise higher purpose of creating a temporary blockage of fear. That’s what to this day is stopping far too many in our world from even trying to find out who and what our Creator truly is, who they really are and what kind of a relationship they have always had with God, who is none other than the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light and warmth.

Many lifetimes of believing that the above mentioned things are literally true, in spite of the fact that they never were, piled layer upon layer of fears into the consciousness of all who were taking part in the second instalment of our world’s lesson of teaching humankind the value of truth. That’s why these days, they have to work their way through these layers. One after the other they need to be removed. That can only come about through a) a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of this exercise; b) finding out the truth about who and what every human being truly is; and c) accept the responsibility for what we once did to those around us, when we were spiritually still as young and inexperienced as our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. The greatest help of all is the knowledge that whatever one of us releases into our world, in due course must find its way back to us, with somewhat increased strength.

There is every reason for being grateful to the Highest Forces of life for in this way helping us to appreciate how precious and valuable the truth, and that about everything, is. Being aware of this, we understand why in one of our earlier lifetimes we had to be at the giving end of inflicting suffering upon those around us, and why in this one we are finding ourselves on the receiving end of the same lesson. And that’s what has been happening in our world for quite some time by now. The pandemic as well as another outbreak of war are essential and therefore unavoidable aspects of this lesson.

For painting the picture as complete as possible it has been necessary to repeat some of the major points of the processes that for some time by now have been troubling humankind. I hope you will forgive me for this. This is why I am repeating that every human being on the earthly plane is similar to a dog on a lead. We are the dog, our Karma is the lead and its end is firmly held by a group of Angels known as the Angels of Karma. It’s their task to ensure that every last bit of Karmic debts has been made good and redeemed, by every one of us because without it we shall never be released into the greater freedom of getting to know ever higher levels of the spiritual realm.

The knowledge that’s before you now places the rudder of your own ship of destiny and fortune into your own hands. I hope that it will help you to consciously choose in which direction you wish your ship to move, from now on. The deeper we and our world penetrate into the Aquarian age’s energies, the more of us shall wake up to the realisation of who and what we truly and always have been; and that, in the fullness of time, a high and holy destiny awaits every human being, without exception. With this knowledge it’s no longer difficult to adjust our will and wishes to those of the wise one, the living God within, and follow its intuitively received directions about everything.

There is every reason why there is every reason for loving and trusting the hand, which for wise higher reasons – as we know by now – for such a long time had to veil its intentions from humankind. When the knowledge of the Great Father/Mother’s love for us and our world join forces and in our hearts and minds melt into one, our fears and anxieties of what might still have to happen to us and our world begin to dissolve on their own. Trusting that the Highest Forces of life will forever be showing us intuitively how to go about everything, quite naturally becomes easier with each passing day. What a relief it is to know that we and our world always have been safe and in all Eternity will be! Follow the link below and see for yourself how the evolutionary progress of the whole of Creation, including in our world, has always been part of the Divine great plan of life.

Never forget that for some time by now, we and our world have been penetrating ever more deeply into the Aquarian age’s energies. This is the age in which Divine wisdom and truth will be flowing with constantly increasing strength into the hearts and minds of anyone whose frequencies are tuned into those of the Highest levels of Creation. It ensures that they can receive ever more of what is constantly emerging directly from there.

Updated End of April 2022

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

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From ‘Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life’

The Great Plan Or Book Of Life

The book of life is brief,
And once a page is read,
All but love is dead.
That is my belief.

From ‘And I Love You So’
Don McLean​

• The experiences of all past, present and future earthly lifetimes are written in God’s great plan of life, also known as the book of life. There is a small one for every individual human being and this in turn is part of the Great Plan/Book of life for the whole of Creation and our world. Everybody’s lessons for each earthly sojourn are determined by these books. This shows that we are always in the right place, at the right time and with the right people. That’s how each one of us is always taking part in their predestined lessons, whilst attending to some of their outstanding karmic debts that have accumulated in their spiritual bank account.

• Every human being’s earthly lifetime is part of the progress that always has been and forever will be moving humankind, individually and collectively, steadily forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life. Each one through their own experiences is constantly growing in wisdom and understanding of themselves, the world around us, the true nature of God and our own.

• We are taking part in the earthly school of our own free will. Nobody forces us to do so. Yet, whenever we return to the world of spirit at the end of each lifetime, we realise that the essence of our being is spirit/soul and that they are, like God, eternal and immortal. Once more we know that, if we ever wish to reach the end of our apprenticeship as a young God in the making, there is nothing for it but applying for another earthly lifetime. The experiences of each new one are based on the thinking and behaviour patterns we developed and brought with us from previous lifetimes and the choices we made in those days.

• This is how it comes about that, a long time before appearing once more on the earthly plane, together with the wise ones in charge of us, we look at what kind of a lifetime is going to benefit our evolutionary pathway most. We ourselves decide which one is likely to provide us with sufficient opportunities for spiritual growth through consciousness expanding experiences that help us grow in wisdom and understanding. The many challenges, tests and tribulations that are part of every human being’s pathway through each one of their earthly lifetimes in truth are essential ingredients of these journeys.

• During our times in the spirit realm, humankind’s true home, we appreciate that without difficulties our wisdom and understanding would never expand, the way all of God’s children of the Earth are predestined to do. Nothing enters our lives by accident, happens perchance or is a coincidence. Everything comes our way for the wise higher reason of teaching us something. All experiences appear in a purposeful and orderly manner, as soon as we have spiritually matured enough to be able to cope with them. That’s how every one of us is constantly moving forwards and upwards on their very own evolutionary spiral of life, as well as that of the whole of humankind and our world.

• All who, at any given time, are taking part in earthly life are destined to make their own valuable contribution to the state of our world. Everybody is gifted in some special way and we have been granted the gift of our present lifetime so that, if our special talent has not yet risen to the surface of our conscious mind, with the passing of time it is likely to reveal itself.

• The love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life, together with the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, as well as all other spirit friends and helpers, are constantly with us. Although none of them can be seen by earthly eyes, rest assured that they are there. They cannot do our spiritual work for us, but they are constantly trying to protect and guide us through every experience, as much as it’s sensible for easing our way through the lessons we have agreed to take part in.

• There comes a time in every human being’s development when we realise that the efforts of our friends and helpers on the higher and highest levels of life always have and forever will have only our best at heart. This is also true for the whole of humankind and our world. Therefore, when problems arise let’s not look for purely personal solutions. First consider the Divine principles that brought them into being and why things are happening, what wise higher purpose they might be serving.

• All earthly minds are receiver/transmitter stations for ideas from the Highest levels of life that are constantly flowing into our world. Reflections of this nature tune our mind into their frequencies and a solution may come to us intuitively that is fair and just not only for life on the earthly plane but everything that exists in the whole of Creation.

• All together let’s sing the praises of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. S/He is the highest Star and the brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Sun behind and beyond the Sun in the sky above our world. Every human being contains a spark of this light, even though at first only in seed form.

• All glory, honour and praise be to You for creating the visible and invisible parts of every human being, in both part of our world. The essence of our being is spirit/soul and they are eternal and immortal. Like You, they can and never will die. O wonder, every cell and atom of our physical bodies, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, was brought about by You, O Great Father/Mother of all life, from this Great Light.

Each time our earthly existence has run its course, the essence of our being, our eternal and immortal spirit/soul, goes home for rest and recuperation from the stresses and strains, tests and trials of earthly life. The earthly personality we have developed up to that point we leave behind. It has been but a mask behind which our true higher nature has been hiding. We strip it off similar to a costume that was only meant to be worn for one particular role in that lifetime.

Every rebirth onto the earthly plane is the beginning of another role we have agreed to play, because it will help us take part in the lessons we most urgently need. Unaware of what we are doing, we pick up our old personality up and get going. Each new lifetime is influenced by our environment and that is constantly adding something to our old character traits. Safely stored in the subconscious part of our being, they accompany us from one lifetime into the other. Through our responses to the world around we work on developing our earthly personality some more. Each new lifetime offers opportunities for building up and increasing its strengths and, hopefully, overcoming and leaving behind ever more of our weaknesses.

The roles we play during every one of our earthly sojourns are very similar to play-acting in schools on the earthly plane. Each role we play during all our lifetimes are cast off like masks or costumes. As they were only needed for taking part in certain lessons and are of no other value, we just leave them behind. The only things that stay with us in all Eternity is what living on the earthly plane has taught us, the way we have grown in wisdom and understanding. Everything that once was evil and ugly, in our character and our world, through this process has steadily evolved into something that is good, right and beautiful. When at last we have reached the end of our earthly education, we realise that every one of our earthly lifetimes has been but one page in the great book of our own life. Only love remains, everything else is no more.

Updated 3rd June 2021

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘From Darkness Into Light’
• ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
• ‘Relationship Healing’
• ‘Friendship Healing’
• ‘Don’t Give Up’
• ‘You Are Special’

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

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To forgive does not mean giving in but letting go. Whether or not we believe that someone deserves our forgiveness, we deserve to forgive them because that is the only way of setting ourselves free from others. Holding onto anger is a way of trying to compensate for the powerlessness we felt whenever someone hurts us. It is important to find a way of letting go of our anger. This can be done by either talking with the offender, without attacking or blaming them for their behaviour, merely describing the effect it had on us and how we felt at the time. Listening to their point of view helps us to perceive things from another perspective and see it in a different light. More helpful still is a better understanding of the wise higher purpose that every human being’s existence fulfils. These things make more tolerant and show the way to true and lasting forgiveness that flows from our heart and not only from our head.

If, for any reason, it’s impossible to communicate with the person who have hurt and wounded us, writing down what happened the way it was experienced can also be a good way of releasing ourselves from them. Talking the matter over with a friend or a counsellor could be another method of letting go. I believe that forgiving does not have to mean forgetting. It is not easy to forget the pain we felt, but even partial forgiveness is beneficial, as unnecessarily re-living past painful incidents time and again increases our susceptibility to illness. That’s why forgiving is not only good for our body but also for the spirit/soul that dwells within in. Should that be more than we can handle on our own, at all times God and the Angels are waiting to show us intuitively how to go about it. They know better than anyone else that erring is human and forgiving Divine and that forgiveness brings inner peace. Meditations, quiet reflections and prayers are the best ways of finding both. Never forget that their help cannot come to anyone unasked.

Let’s forgive anyone who does not yet know that we are personally responsible for everything that ever enters our life because it was created by none other than ourselves, either earlier in this lifetime or a previous one. The Divine justice is perfect and that’s because it s based on the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. If you are now asking yourself: ‘What about freewill?’ The only freewill any one of us ever has had and will have is the right to decide how to react to whatever appears in our life.

This is because every human being on the earthly plane can be likened to a dog who is walking on a lead. We are the dog, our Karma is the lead and the lead’s end is firmly held by a group of Angels known as the Angels of Karma. Their task is to ensure that every last bit of Karmic debts has been made good and redeemed, by every one of us. Without this we shall never be released into the greater freedom of exploring and intimately getting to know ever higher levels of the spiritual realm.

Do not run away with the illusion that our human existence consists of the fragment of merely one lifetime. Even for so far spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/souls, who are presently moving around in our world in physical bodies, it’s unlikely to be their first time of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. As far as spiritually old and experienced spirit/souls are concerned, this lifetime could be one of many hundreds, maybe thousands of them they already have spent on this plane. God and His/Her helpers, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle alone know. They are smiling and not telling us.

Updated May 2022

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
• ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
• ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
• ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
• ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
• ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
• ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

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I Will Succeed!

‘I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered into this world in defeat and failure does not course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be attended to by a shepherd. Because my nature is of a lion, I will never talk, walk and sleep with sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I shall simply persist until I succeed.’

I have no intention of copying or imitating anyone. I forever want to be uniquely myself. How else can I discover who or what I truly am and what I am capable of because? What I have brought with me from previous lifetimes, in the hope of bringing it to full flowering in this one? I know that, with the help and will of God and the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, all things are possible and that wonders and miracles can and do happen. Because they love us and at all times are willing to assist anyone who asks for their assistance – I can’t remember how it happened – but I must once have turned to them and requested that they let me know, intuitively, how I can best serve them. Whether it were possible for me to act as one of their channels, through whom Divine wisdom and truth can without distortions flow into our world, to be freely available to anyone who is ready to understand them; it was!

Having reached the end of my present lifetime, I am looking forward to being guided by one of the Angel of transfiguration to return to my true eternal home, the spirit realm. And so will everybody else who follows in my footsteps. With their help none of us will ever fail and succeed, always.

Augustine ‘Og’ Mandino II, 1923 –1996
From ‘The Greatest Salesman in the World’
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

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Freely, Freely You Have Received

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – Part One

The Greatest Deceptions Ever!

Freely, freely you have received,
Freely, freely now give.
Go in My name and because you know
And understand who and what I truly am,
Others can do so, too.

Carol Owens 1972
Adapted by Aquarius
February 2021​

George Orwell wrote: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ And this is what Mark Twain thought: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ That’s why today I have come to share with you the truth behind some of the greatest deceptions and lies that for a long time have been the most serious obstacles on the road of humankind’s spiritual development. Together we shall look at some of the most important ones as follows:

• ‘You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’ John 8:32 True. Every word of the Bible is from God and therefore literally true. Untrue! The truth, in the form of higher esoteric meaning, has always been hiding behind the surface words of your world’s religious teachings. For a long time, that’s where they remained, but the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you and your world are moving into this age, the more of you will find their way into its freedom. It consists of believing what the wise one or living God within you, your inner guidance, tells you is true, irrespective of what may be written somewhere or what anybody else may say. The beginning of this freedom is discovering who and what I truly am, who and what every one of you is, and what kind of a relationship all of you have always had with Me, in spite of the fact that for a long time you did not know about it.

• I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and My great evolutionary plan for the Earth and humankind decrees that through some of the greatest deceptions and lies that have ever been experienced in your world, humankind should be taught the value of honesty and truth. When the right age for them to return has been reached, these qualities will gradually re-establish themselves. Since your entry into the Aquarian age that’s been happening with steadily increasing force. True!

• The Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father, his only born son Jesus, who sits at the Father’s right hand side and the Holy Ghost. Untrue! Jesus was immaculately conceived by a virgin called Mary, who gave birth to him in a stable surrounded by animals. For all times she will remain seated below Father and Son to serve them. Untrue! Approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine over the feminine have been the greatest deception that was ever experienced in your world. God and Goddess are equal partners in the creative process. Lovingly they respond to each other. The masculine provides the ideas and the love and wisdom of the feminine decides which ideas should be used, where and when. By slowing down the vibrations of the Christ light to the right frequency, matter appears. And that’s how God and Goddess harmoniously working together have always brought everything that exists on the earthly plane into being. This will forever continue.

• The false beliefs of your world’s religions have been our instruments for helping humankind to become familiar with the darkest and most evil aspects of human nature. These beliefs encouraged those in leadership positions to abuse their power by dominating their religion’s followers and relieving them as much as possible of their earthly resources, especially money. That’s why in some of your lifetimes, you generously handed out the suffering this caused. And each time My law of cause and effect returned such actions to you, you were the one who suffered. For a well balanced earthly education it’s essential that each one of you spends some of your lifetimes hurting, wounding and exploiting people, while in others you are on the receiving end of what you once did to others.

• Jesus is a historical figure who once walked on the Earth. Untrue! Jesus is a symbolism that represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. True! The tale of his life is literally true. Untrue! The story is a mere legend. It was inspired by Me and the Angels to tell humankind in picture-book format about the initiations every human being experiences, in the course of many lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. The state of your initial ignorance of your true higher God or Christ nature is described by the birth of the Christ child and no room at the inn. The story ends with the God-man, everybody’s lower nature, bleeding to death on the cross of its earthly existence, so that your spirit nature can rise and take over completely.

• Jesus was conceived immaculately by the Virgin Mary. Not literally. Immaculate conception means that the idea of the Christ spirit to come alive on the earthly plane has its origin on the highest levels of life, in My mind.

• Jesus was born in a stable, surrounded by animals. Not literally. A long, long time ago, the idea of placing a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light in every human being’s heart came forth from My mind. The stable is a symbolism for the most humble place on the Earth: the human heart. And the animals surrounding the child’s crib represent the lower animal nature of the leaders of your world’s religions.

• Heaven and hell are places where people go, either when they follow one of the other of our world’s religions or refuse to believe in them. Untrue! Heaven and hell are states of consciousness that every human being has the power of creating, for themselves and those around them.

• Every one of you is a miserable worm and sinner. Untrue! All of you, without exception, are My beloved children of the Earth. And I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ Spirit’s Light. This is the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns, the Sun behind and shining through its physical manifestation in the sky above your world.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

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Freely, Freely You Have Received

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – Part Two

Lying And Cheating

• Your earthly existence is a one-off affair, at the end of which you are snuffed out like a candle. Untrue! Each one of you is a spark of the Universal Christ’s light and the Divine Trinity is your true parent. The essence of everyone’s being is spirit/soul and like Me, they are immortal and eternal. They can and will never die. You belong to your earthly parents; you are of them. Untrue! You have come through them into this life, but you are not of them.

• If you say you believe in Jesus, you can sin as much as you like on the earthly plane. By dying on the cross he has already redeemed any sins you may ever commit and because of this you are saved, forever. Untrue! Every one of you is personally responsible for all their thoughts, words and actions. Because of My Universal law of cause and effect or Karma My justice is perfect. It decrees that whatever you send into your world in thoughts, words and actions in any given moment, must return to you. That’s why in some of your lifetimes, you find yourself at the receiving end of how you once affected those around you. And because of your personal responsibility the only one who will ever be able to redeem and save you, is YOU. It starts as soon as your Christ nature stirs from its slumber and you begin to bring forth, from the depth of your own being, the Christ characteristics of goodness and kindness, patience and tolerance towards all manifestations of life, especially your fellow human beings. Through ever more of you practising these qualities in all your daily encounters, your world quite naturally transforms itself into a more peaceful and harmonious place.

• The Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. You go to hell, unless you follow one of them – take your pick – and believe that every word of their teachings comes from God and is literally true. Those who refuse to believe it are in all Eternity condemned to roast in the fires of hell. Untrue! Esoteric higher truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of the teachings of all three religions. The age of truth is revealing ever more of what they are.

• If you surrender your whole being, mind and body, spirit and soul, to the warmongering factions of Islam, you go to Heaven. Untrue! As explained in part one, Heaven and hell never were places that anyone went to. And the word Islam means ‘surrender’. This means freely and willingly surrendering the drives and urges of your lower earthly nature, to your very own higher God or Christ nature. Its characteristics of kindness and goodness, love of honesty and truth plus tolerance for all lifeforms, especially your fellow human beings, independent of the colour of their skin and their creed, with the passing of time slowly but surely take over ever more of its earthly counterpart.

• That which is good, right and beautiful in human beings and your world, that’s God. Everything that’s dark, ugly and evil is of the devil. There is a Christ and an Antichrist. Untrue! God is part of everything and everything is part of God, the highest as well as the lowest aspects of every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world. That which to this day comes across to you as dark, ugly and evil in human beings and anywhere else are crude and unevolved manifestations. The same as everything else, they are constantly in the process of moving forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral as well as that of your world. This is why, in the fullness of time, the dark and ugly things will also have evolved into something exquisitely good, right and beautiful.

• Religions connect you with God and help you to become a better person. Untrue! The word religion has its roots in ‘religare’ connect. Your world’s religions have kept you away from the discovery of who and what I truly am and that every one of you is one of My beloved children of the Earth. And the belief that Jesus can wave some kind of a magic wand to save redeem and save you, have encouraged human beings to sin against My laws. The age of truth is bringing you the discovery that every one of you is the only one who can save and redeem you and, thorough this, the whole of humankind and your world.

• For approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, the Great Mother’s love and wisdom withdrew ever more from your world and especially from its religions. Her absence served the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of the softening and civilising influence of the feminine energies. Even though this is impossible on the inner plane of life, where all is one, on the outer plane the absence of the feminine still works only too well in some parts of the Earth.

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Freely, Freely You Have Received (2)

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – Part Three

Money, Money, Money!

• Money is the most precious commodity on the earthly plane. Untrue! Unless you spend it genuinely for the good of humankind, money has no spiritual value whatever. The only thing you can take with you, at the end of each lifetime, is the spiritual knowledge that has come your way. Yet, knowledge on its own is not enough. Without understanding it, it is of no use to you when you depart from the earthly plane. Only when knowledge is accompanied by understanding can it become your spiritual property and forever be yours. That’s why Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, wrote: ‘Any fool can know. Understanding is something quite different.’

• The Jewish race is God’s chosen people. Untrue! The whole of humankind is God’s chosen people.

• The teachings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are literally true. Follow one of these religions and all those who don’t believe that its teachings are literally true are your enemies. And that obliges you to do your best to destroy them, by whatever means available to you. Untrue! For long enough political leaders have been hiding behind the façades of religious teachings that were designed to keep you, My beloved children of the Earth, away from Me and from discovering everyone’s own Divine nature.

• Your world’s religions served exceedingly well as instruments for satisfying the patriarchy’s masculine lust for empire building and warmongering, dominance and exploitation of the masses. Part of it was that priests on both sides of any kind of your world’s conflicts, especially religious ones, blessed their soldiers and their weapons, and prayed to what they thought of as God for a victorious outcome. None of them realised that they were praying to the same God, for they did not yet understand who and what I truly am. As yet, they were unaware that every one of their thoughts, words and actions in due course would return to them that which they were over-eagerly sending into your world, and that it would do so with ever increasing strength. This is why we inspired the scribes of times gone by to compose teachings that would set people against each other, so that at any given time sufficient numbers of them would be willing to go to war and kill each other, the more the better.

• There is no Goddess, and the masculine forces are superior to the feminine ones. The feminine was created to serve the masculine. Untrue! The Angels and I created the patriarchy with its unnatural all-male religions for the wise higher purpose of teaching your world what happens without the softening and civilising influence of the feminine energies of the Great Mother and women. Every woman is one of Her earthly manifestations.

• Each religion believes that, in the fullness of time, it will be the only one that exists in the whole of your world. Untrue! The truth is that there only ever has been one God, who is in everything and who is part of everything. The highest as well as the lowest aspects of life are of Me and Mine, therefore also of you. Your earthly education consists of spending countless lifetimes of experiencing yourself as a physical being, who believes that the physical plane is all there is to life. It’s for your own protection that you have no recall of how and where you spent any of your previous lifetimes, as in many cases you would be unable to live with yourself if you knew what you had been up to in some of your previous earthly sojourns. For example, if you had spent one lifetime as somebody like Hitler, to create the necessary balance and also to redeem some or maybe all of your karmic debts, in your next lifetime you might chosen to appear as someone like Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

• Even though for a long time you are unaware of what’s happening to you, you have always been steadily moving forwards and upwards on your own evolutionary spiral and that of the whole of humankind. Being educated in the earthly school of life is compulsory and everybody at first gets to know the lower and lowest aspects of their own nature and Mine. When, in due course, you begin to develop yours and My highest and noblest characteristics, the lower ones are gradually overcome and left behind, for good. They are nailed to the cross of earthly life, so that your higher God or Christ nature can take over. Christianity’s feast of Easter represents this initiation. This is why I am telling you today that:

There is only one religion, the religion of love, honesty and truth.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.​

• Following in the footsteps of your world’s religions, one of the prime spreaders of untruths of recent times has been Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945. He was a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. To my mind, nothing describes the essence of the Piscean Age better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

• That’s how your world’s pharma industry has been outdoing the machinations of Goebbels and the Nazis. The pharma industry is responsible for the second greatest lie of all times and that is the tale that there is a virus that’s so powerful that it can remove the whole of humankind from the Earth, if it were left to its own devices. The virus was given the name Covid-19, but it’s true name is FEAR. Fear of death and the unknown. Enough has been said about this in the previous chapters of the Aquarian writings. Please follow the links at the end of this one.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
• ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
• ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
• ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’
• ‘Overcoming Our Fear Of The Unknown’
• ‘Fear – The Root Of All Evil’
• ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’

* * *

Freely, Freely You Have Received

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – Part Four

Deceptions : Creating Hell On Earth

• Through creating hell for our whole world, the Corona virus tale at present has brought about a heavenly state for the pharma industry. And hell is the state that those who belong to the driving force behind the pandemic will be creating for themselves in one of their future lifetimes, when their deception returns to them. They, and our whole world with them, will then have to endure something similar to what’s happening now. The power of doing their share of preventing this is in the hands of every one of you, because love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation.

• Therefore, if you are working hand in hand with the Angels and Me, and keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, with the passing of time you are sure to develop into an ever more formidable force. And each time these thoughts return to you, send them on their way, time and again. On every occasion their strength increases and as the Divine spark of the troublemakers is neglected and mal-nourished, it is hungry for every spark of light that comes its way. It is greedily absorbed and the more this happens, the better the person’s higher God or Christ nature can influence its earthly counterpart, to come to its senses and stop cheating and lying. Forgive them, for they are your spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. They deserve your compassion, for they really do not know what they are doing, most of all to themselves and – unless you help them – what in due course will return to them and also inflict upon your whole world.

• The wisdom ‘those who laugh last, are laughing best’ is something that has grown quite naturally from humankind’s experiences of living on the earthly plane. The saying shows that the final winners in some of its contests are likely to have more glory than those who at the beginning think of themselves as the winners, but then – surprise, surprise! – in the end are the losers. This is what’s going to happen to the pharma industry. For the moment, it is still laughing big apples all the way to its shareholders’ bank accounts. When the truth fully emerges, which it will do soon, the rest of humankind will be laughing because it will then be ‘egg-on-face’ time for the people and institutions who, for the time being, are enjoying the monetary gains of the situation.

• The pharma industry in particular will realise that their present behaviour clearly reveals what kind of intentions have been behind the sale of most of its products, and that for a long time. This is of great benefit for you and your world because ever more of you are losing their faith in these products. As a result, increasing numbers of you are returning to natural healing methods and are reaching out for our helping hands and healing energies. They are available free of charge to anyone who tunes into our frequencies and asks for them. And the pharma industry will realise too late that the pandemic has been the rope on which it has been hanging itself.

• Freely, freely you now have received the truth about Me and some of My concepts. Now go in My name and tell those around you that it is the Great Father/Mother of all life, whose only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ spirit and its light. Tell them who and what they truly are; what kind of a relationship they have always had with Me and that the life that’s been given to each one of you is a good one, in spite of the fact that it presently does not look like this.

• Let them know that it’s in everybody’s own hands to steer the boat of their life in a direction that is more to their liking. To bring this about, the only thing anyone has to do is conducting their earthly existence in keeping with My Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. Not knowing about this law has brought about your world’s present state. Every one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, is a co-creator with Me. Your thoughts, words and actions are constantly occupied with creating something, whether you are as yet aware of it or not. Whatever is in your life now was created by none other than you. And this is how all of you together, hand in hand with the Angels and Me, even though you were unaware that this was happening, created your world’s present state. It happened earlier in this lifetime and in the course of countless previous ones. If that were not the case, you would not be here and had to take part in the pandemic.

• However, the knowledge of My Universal law of cause and effect is the instrument I am placing into everybody’s own hands. All of you are invited to make their contribution to transforming your world into an increasingly peaceful and harmonious place, with the help of the right kind of thoughts, words and actions. That’s the only way true and everlasting peace can come about that no-one will ever be able to disturb or take away.

• Tell My human children of the Earth that their planet is by no means destined to remain a valley of tears, lying and cheating, deception and corruption forever. Tell them to use the truth they finding here as their tool for doing better and how, each through their own efforts, needs to contribute to making Mother Earth into a place where everybody works for the good of the whole; where people support each other; where exploiting, lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption have become things of the past and are no longer known.

• Astrology is a fortune-telling tool. Untrue! But it’s the finest instrument for getting to know yourself and your pathway through life, and also of those around you. The study of the Divine science helps your higher God or Christ nature to stir from its slumber, and with that you become kinder and more loving, tolerant and forgiving towards yourself and anyone you meet on the earthly plane.

Tell My children of the Earth that astrology is a wonderful instrument for helping them not only to discover but understand the truth about Me, their own true nature and the wise higher purpose every human being’s earthly existence has always served. Then ask them to share what they are finding here with as many as possible, but only if their inner guidance reacts to it with: ‘Yes, this is the truth!’ And because spiritual knowledge belongs to everybody and should not be sold to the highest bidders, that’s why all of it is coming your way free of charge.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
• ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
• ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
• ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
• ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
• ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
• ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

* * *​
The Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say: ‘Mother, you must come and see the daffodils before they are over.’ I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from my home to hers. ‘I’ll come next Tuesday,’ I promised, a little reluctantly when she asked me the third time. Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I drove there. When I finally walked into my daughter’s house, after hugging and greeting my grandchildren, I said to my daughter: ‘Let’s forget about the daffodils. The road is almost invisible in the clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and the children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch.’ My daughter smiled calmly and replied: ‘We drive in weather like this all the time, Mother.’ I replied: ‘You won’t get me back on the road until it clears, and then I’ll be heading for home!’

‘I was hoping you’d take me to the garage to pick up my car,’ my daughter said. ‘Okay, I’ll do it. How far is it?’ ‘Just a few blocks,’ came the reply. ‘I’ll drive because I’m used to the road conditions.’ I knew where the garage was and after several minutes in the car I asked: ‘Where are we going? This isn’t the way to the garage.’ ‘This time we’re going the long way round past the daffodils,’ my daughter smiled.

‘I don’t want to go there, can’t you hear me? Please turn the car round and let’s go home.’ ‘It’s all right, Mother. I promise you, you would never forgive yourself if you missed this experience.’ After another twenty minutes or so we turned onto a gravel road. At the end of it a small church came into view and on its far side a handwritten sign said: ‘Daffodil Garden’. We got out of the car, each took a child’s hand and we followed Carolyn down the path. When we turned a corner and I looked up, I gasped with astonishment at the glorious sight before me. It was as if someone had taken a huge vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and slopes. There were flowers everywhere. They had been planted in majestic, swirling patterns – great ribbons and swathes of deep orange, white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, saffron and butter yellow. Each colour variety has been planted as a group that seemed to swirl and flow a river with its unique hue. Altogether there were five acres of flowers.

‘Who is responsible for this?’ I asked Carolyn. ‘Just one woman,’ she replied. ‘She lives on the property, it’s her home.’ My daughter pointed to a well kept house that looked tiny and very modest in the midst of the glory before us.

Walking up to the house, on the patio we found a poster that read:

‘The Answers To The Questions You Are Going To Ask’.

• 50,000 bulbs.
• One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, not much money and very little brain.
• Started in 1958.

I realised that from now on experiences of this nature would represent the Daffodil Principle for me. They would make me think of the woman who more than forty years ago had begun to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountain top. By patiently planting one bulb at a time, year after year, she had created something of indescribable magnificence, beauty and inspiration. She truly had changed the world in which she lives and made it into a better and more beautiful place for all.

The principle behind this is one of the greatest of all. By learning to patiently move forwards towards the fulfilment of a dream one tiny step at a time, by loving what we are doing and being really interested in it, the Universal forces reward our efforts and perseverance. They smile upon us and help us to make our vision become a reality in earthly life. By combining tiny fractions of time with small but continued efforts, truly magnificent things are achievable in the fullness of time and we can indeed change our world.

I have to admit that the sight of the daffodil fields made me a bit sad, too. I couldn’t help thinking what I might have accomplished if only I had come up with a great idea thirty-five or forty years ago. What if I had worked at it ‘one bulb at a time’ in the subsequent years? It didn’t bear thinking about what I might have been able to achieve. When I told my daughter, she paused for a moment and replied: ‘Never mind. It’s not too late. How about starting tomorrow? I believe it’s pointless to think of all the lost hours of yesterday. The best way of making learning a lesson a celebration instead of a cause for regret is by asking: ‘How can I put this to use today?’

‘You can’t hit a home run unless you step up to the plate.
You can’t catch a fish unless you put your line in the water.
You can’t reach your goals if you don’t try.’

Kathy Seligman

And from small acorns great oak trees grow.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

* * *​

shattered dreams

My scars are healed, doesnt mean the pain is gone
Do you feel like a trapped spider in an upturned glass?
do these feelings come and go, do you think they might

have your insecurities doubts expanded into fears?
have these anxieties deepened and increased
in recent years?

you need more self belief, your courage you
must amass, fore the cure is in your own hands,
only you can break the glass.....
Letting Our Light Shine

Nelson Mandela in his inaugural address used a quote from the book ‘A Return to Love’ by Marianne Williamson, in which she says: ‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It’s our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: ‘Who am I to be brilliant, beautiful, talented and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the Universe and playing small doesn’t serve the world.

‘There is nothing enlightening about shrinking, so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of the Universe that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, but in everyone. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. And as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.’

As soon as we are guided by our own inner light, the living God and wise one within, our earthly self no longer has any need for signs and wonders. That’s the only power whose help we require because it is at all times ready and willing to provide us with ideas for working our way through whatever obstacles present themselves. The spiritual knowledge this brings provides us with a new understanding of God’s true nature, our own and the processes of life in which we always have been and forever will be involved. Through taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, every human being is constantly gaining in wisdom and understanding. Each can only do this with the help of their own experiences. Every bit of learning we find along the pathway of our evolutionary journey increases our own inner light and that’s how every one of us at all times continues to develop and grow. That’s the light we are meant to share unselfishly with anyone who is in need of it.

In the final analysis, it does not really matter how many earthly possessions we call our own. The only thing that truly counts is how we think and what we do, and that in each one of our daily encounters. The decisive factor is whether our behaviour comes from deep within own heart and soul. Forgiveness that does not have its origin there, has no value at all. If anything, it creates some more negative entries in our spiritual ledger. True forgiveness alone has the power of dissolving all karmic debts. They were created by each one of us ourselves, earlier in this lifetime and all previous ones when we were taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.

For long enough by now these debts have kept us and our world fastened to the limitations of the physical world with a strength that is similar to cast-iron chains. Because of this why we alone have the power of dissolving all our debts. First we need to forgive ourselves for setting the wheels of destiny in motion by hurting and wounding those around us. This needs to be followed by forgiving those who ever hurt or wounded us when the law of cause and effect or Karma returned these experiences to us, earlier in this lifetime as well all previous ones.

Updated May 2022

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

* * *​
The Tale Of The Butterfly

Once upon a time, by the side of a dusty road in India sat an old beggar who was selling cocoons. He noticed that a young boy had been watching him for many days. Finally, he beckoned the boy and asked him: ‘Have you any idea of what beauty lies within my cocoons?’ When the boy shook his head, the old man continued: ‘Every one of them is the home of a beautiful butterfly. I will give you one, so you can watch how it happens. But you must be very careful and not handle the cocoon until the butterfly emerges.’

Enchanted with his gift, the boy hurried home to await the emergence of the butterfly. He laid the cocoon on the floor and while watching it became aware of a curious thing. The butterfly seemed to be beating its wings against the hard outer shell of its chrysalis. ‘The poor little thing will surely perish before it can break free from its prison,’ thought the boy. ‘I have to help it!’

And so he pried the cocoon open. Out flopped a soggy brown and ugly thing that quickly died. After a while, the boy met the beggar again and told him what had happened. ‘Ah yes,’ the old man said: ‘It is necessary for the creature to beat its growing wings against the walls of its cocoon, until they have grown strong enough to support it when it finally emerges as a butterfly. Through its struggling alone can the creature’s wings become durable enough to carry and support it. It dies when this is denied because its only chance of developing the necessary strength was taken from it.’

The butterfly is a symbol of transformation. The life cycle of each one of them represents a microcosm of the macrocosm of humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary process. May the walls of everyone’s cocoon be just thick enough – and no more – to support us in our struggle of breaking free from the mental prison of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions about our true nature that have kept us imprisoned on in earthly life for such a long time. May ever more of us at long last discover their spiritual wings. On them let’s take flight and constantly grow in wisdom and understanding of our true nature and, everybody else’s. May sharing this with as many as possible, help the whole of humankind to evolve into the beautiful community it has always been destined to be.

* * *​

The tale of the butterfly is the best description that has ever come my way of the evolutionary journey in which every human being is required to attend the earthly school of life’s lessons. Naturally, this takes up a great many lifetimes. During stage one our spirit/soul’s earthly personality devours the experiences made possible by the ability of spreading fear wherever we go. Fear acts like juicy green leaves that life presents to us during everybody’s caterpillar developmental phase. We love devouring this food and believing that no-one can see what we are doing and therefore can get away with just about anything, one lifetime after another we eagerly pile more karmic debts into our spiritual ledger.

Unbeknown to the caterpillar, its presence enriches life on the earthly plane in quite another way. This takes us forwards and upwards on everybody’s evolutionary spiral to stage two of the chrysalis. The lifetimes we are eventually forced to spend redeeming our karmic debts, this time round we find ourselves on the receiving end of the suffering we once so enjoyed handing out to all and sundry. This is the chrysalis our spirit/soul has been weaving for itself with the help of many earthly personalities who enjoyed spreading fear. We are forced to stay within it until the law of cause and effect or Karma has returned every last shred of the karmic debts that were accumulated has been made good. And that can only be done by ourselves. Nobody can do this on anyone else’s behalf. We have to spend as many lifetimes as it takes until the contents of our spiritual chrysalis has been dissolved.

The justice of our true eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, is perfect. To ensure that every one of Its beloved children of the Earth becomes sufficiently familiar with the nature of suffering, it has to be experienced by every one of us from two sides. That’s why first this is done from the giving end and much later from the receiving one, when our earthly personality’s indwelling spirit/soul has matured sufficiently to cope with whatever comes its way. For everybody’s evolutionary development both sides of this coin are equally essential. And that’s because in truth every human being is no less than a young God in the making, even though for many lifetimes we are unaware that this is so.

Let’s no take a look at our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. They are appearing in the role of ugly caterpillars and that’s because each one of them spiritually – independent of what age their physical body has reached – a young and inexperienced spirit/soul. The ruthless and merciless behaviour of these people are the background of and the reason why the ‘pandemic’ as well as outbreaks of war, for example in the Ukraine as well as other parts of our world, are necessary. In the hope of helping our present caterpillars’ spirit/souls grow strong enough to wake up from their present slumbering state, let’s keep on sending these spiritual youngsters in our midst, as often as possible, nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. They really do not know what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, the Universal law of Karma is bound to return to them.

Maybe we can at least alleviate what’s going to happen to them somewhat. After all, they are our younger siblings in the great family of humankind and it behoves us well to try and do what we can to help them, as much as possible. Maybe our thoughts will assist bringing about an earlier end to what’s been troubling our world for such a long time. Who knows, possibly it even creates positive entries in our own spiritual ledger, helping to restore its balance. Maybe through sharing the advanced spiritual knowledge that’s coming our way through writings like this one, it might be possible that peace comes to our world more easily, because ever more people are finding a better understanding of the wise higher purpose that every human being’s earthly existence has.

The following is the essence of a White Eagle teaching that appeared in the Lodge’s calendar August 2016: ‘Through the limitations and suffering the earthly self of every human spirit/soul has to endure, in the course of many lifetimes, it eventually emerges on ever higher and eventually highest levels of life. The development is not unlike a caterpillar who first has to move through a chrysalis phase. But the further each one of you reaches on their evolutionary journey, slowly and steadily you transform your whole being. Gradually, you change into a beautiful winged creature who loves nothing better than dancing in the warmth and light of the spiritual reality of your true eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.’

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022


* * *​
God, Speak To Me

A little child whispered: ‘God, speak to me.’ And a meadowlark sang. But the child did not understand that this was the voice of God, so it spoke louder: ‘God, speak to me!’ A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky and thunder rolled through the valley. But the child still did not understand, so it looked around and shouted: ‘God, let me see you.’

A star shone brightly, but the child did not notice. In desperation it shouted: ‘God, show me a miracle!’ A new life was born, but the child could not recognise that this was another one of God’s responses, so it knelt on the Earth and prayed: ‘Touch me God, please let me know you are here and with me! Give me just one sign!’ In response God sent a butterfly that came to sit upon the child’s shoulder. Disappointedly, the child brushed it away and walked off, muttering to itself: ‘I knew it! There is no God.’

It’s worth our while to pay attention to what is happening around us and taking time for watching and listening carefully, because that which we are seeking as often as not is meant to be found just where we are. The trouble is that in many cases people are spiritually still too blind to perceive what the world around us trying to tell them. Together let’s pray to the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Please grant ever more of us the precious gift of inner vision. May it enable us to see the many blessings that are everywhere, in spite of what may still have to happen in our world. It’s because old outstanding karmic debts are in the process of being redeemed by the now spiritually old and experienced spirit/souls in our midst. These debts were created in lifetimes of long ago, when the now old ones still had to take part in the lessons that are necessary for every spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/soul, whose earthly self then has to play the part of troublemaker and scaremonger.

An Old Hindu Poem
Retold by Aquarius
Updated May 2022

Recommended Reading:
• ‘And A Meadow Lark Sang’

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

* * *​
Who Cares For The Carer?

This tale contains a message for all those loving and caring people everywhere, who are in danger of forgetting their own needs over attending to those of others.

A woman who was spending most of her life with feeding and educating people in need found that in spite of her heroic efforts, she ever more felt that the task she had set herself was merely a bottomless pit. One fine day, she became so discouraged that she decided to visit one of our world’s wise women, who these days are known as counsellors, hoping that the lady might help her to discover ways of coping better with her situation. Seated opposite the wise one, our woman started to pour out her heart and said: ‘There are so many needy people, especially children, in our world that what little I can do to ease their lot ever more feels like a mere drop in the ocean. Independent of how many people I attend to, there will always be an infinite number of them who are just as needy. The older I get, the more I get the feeling that I too could sometimes do with some help. That’s why I am here.’

After a moment’s reflection, the wise one replied: ‘The best way of finding a solution to any problem that’s too difficult to attend to on one’s own, is turning to one’s inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. Ask your question and then pay attention to how it reacts through the world of your feelings. I believe that’s the only place in the whole of Creation where truly reliable and trustworthy answers can be found. You probably feel that way because this part of your being has been asleep long enough. It wants your earthly self to wake up and start asking its questions in the right place. Not outside, but within. Alas, without asking no help can come from there to anyone. It’s the small still voice of conscience that responds whenever one of us turns to it.

A good time for asking any questions that are troubling you is while you are meditating. Ask and from then onwards pay attention to what replies come to you intuitively. This may not happen immediately, but they are sure to come and you will recognise them when they do. Any advice that comes to you in this manner can be followed without hesitation. So the next day, after meditating for a while, the woman put her question forward. To her delight, the wise one or living God within her responded straight away.

This is what came to her: ‘You have been neglecting your own desires and longings. Do not continue with this. Fulfil them and you will start to feel much more happy and content.’ Thanking for this advice, the woman sent a blessing to the wise counsellor who had helped her so much. And then she went to town and bought herself a big bunch of her favourite flowers, a large box of the finest chocolates she could find as well as a dress she had been admiring for quite a while in a shop window. On top of all that, she decided to regularly to take time off for looking after her own needs, on the inner as well as the outer level of her being.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

* * *​
Do Not Worry About The Future

A Message From The Angels

• There is no need for any of you to worry about the future, your own as well as that of the human race and your whole world. All life safely is held in and protected by the loving hands of the Great Father/Mother of all life, whose humble servants we are. Have no doubt that the Divine Architect’s great plan of life has always been unfolding as it should and forever will continue to do so. Each one of you has their allocated space in it and their particular role to play in the tragic-comedy of earthly life, in which each individual existence is carefully laid out and planned. We cannot tell you frequently enough that we are the executors of God’s great plan and in charge of every small design within it.

• The only thing that is required from each one of you is that you should learn to trust and have faith in the power of God’s love. Today we have come to draw your attention to the futility of worrying about what may happen tomorrow. If the things you imagine never come about, you would have been wasting the precious energies of life’s forces. But even if imagined things do happen, because your careless thinking has brought them about, instead of worrying some more, turn to us. We are with you and at any time of day or night willing to show the way to those who request our help. All you have to do is invite us into your life by asking for our assistance with everything you do. Go to bed in good time and never forget to communicate with us last thing, and get up early enough to start your day unrushed.

• Learn to say: ‘No!’ to projects that won’t fit into your time schedule. Failing to do so endangers the state of your mental health. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks to others who are capable of carrying them out. Simplify your life and get rid of clutter, bearing in mind that less can often be more. Although at times one of something may not be enough, two could be too many.

• Allow sufficient time for doing things and getting to places. Pace yourself. Spread big changes and difficult projects out over time. Don’t tackle all hard tasks at once and live one day at a time.

• Separate worries from concerns. Whenever you are concerned about something, consult with the living God within, your intuition, so we can tell you through it which course of action is best for you at that moment. Following our instructions will help you let go of uncertainties and the anxiety that accompanies them. If nothing can be done about a situation, place it in our hands and quietly attend to the rest of your life.

• If you are in search of peace of mind, learn to live within your budget and refuse to use credit cards for ordinary purchases. Have backups like an extra car key in their wallet, an additional house key that is hidden somewhere safe, some stamps and so forth. Every day do something that pleases your inner child and carry a good book with you to read when you have to wait somewhere. Get sufficient rest and eat the right things that have been prepared with love. Become organised and make sure that everything has its place.

• Listening to soothing music while driving lifts your spirit. Every day make time for meditating and spending time with us. Write down any ideas and inspirations we give you that are worthwhile keeping. Deal with small problems straight away. Don’t leave them to fester in your mind until bedtime. When bigger ones arise, remember that we are with you always and merely waiting for your call.

• Make friends with like-minded people who share your spiritual outlook on life. Keep a folder of your favourite quotes for hope and encouragement on hand. And remember that the best bridge between despair and a renewal of hope is often a grateful: ‘Thank you Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, for the many blessings that are in my life’. Every night at bedtime try to think with gratitude of at least one thing in your life for which you have never given thanks before.

• Humour and particularly laughing out loud is good for you, so keep on smiling and laughing. Take your work seriously and whenever you are in danger of taking yourself too seriously, think: ‘Blessed are those who can laugh about themselves, for they shall have endless fun!’

• Be kind to those who are unkind to you. For one thing this creates good Karma for you and for another people who behave in this manner are likely to need kindness from you most of all. Develop a forgiving attitude by bearing in mind that most people really are doing the best they can and that they just don’t know any better as yet. So, keep a firm hold on your ego. Don’t allow it to run your life for you and spoil it by creating unnecessary difficult Karmic situations on your behalf.

• Talk less and listen more. Keeping your mouth shut tight, refusing to indulge in careless gossip and confiding only in the right people, in the right places and at the right times can not only save you endless amounts of trouble, but also creating karmic obstacles. See the link ‘Guarding Our Tongues’ at the end.

• Slow down, you move to fast, just make the moment last – at least here and there. At regular intervals remind yourself that you are not in charge of the Universe and that it’s not your task to carry the world on your shoulders, because that’s God’s work and ours. The only things you are responsible for is every aspect of your being and especially the drives and urges of your lower earthly self. Learn to control them instead of those around you. Refuse to bear grudges, earthly life is too short for them. You can neither know someone else’s Karma nor the special lessons they are taking part in during their present lifetime. You are not responsible for them or the mistakes they make.

• Make peace with yourself, with the gift of life that has been entrusted into your care and the One, who created you and once brought you into being. Do not leave any unresolved issues behind when you depart from the earthly school of life. They will accompany you into your next lifetime, in the hope of resolving them this time round and that could turn out to be even more difficult. If you ask for our help, we can show you intuitively how to go about it.

• Make every effort to heal all your relationships, especially the difficult and traumatic ones. Forgive all those who ever hurt and wounded you, and forgive yourself for setting the wheels in motion in previous lifetimes. Forgiveness sets both parties free to move on to lessons of a more elevated nature. And never forget that with the help and the will of God and us any condition can be healed, crooked places made straight and mountains of unbelief or false beliefs moved. Whatever you do, call upon us, we shall never get tired of hearing from any one of you.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
• ‘Losing And Finding Faith’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

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Conquering Stress

During a stress management course a woman was walking round the room with a glass of water in her hand. When she raised it, her listeners thought she was going to ask the old question: ‘Is this glass half empty or half full?’ But no, she surprised them by saying: ‘How heavy do you think is this glass of water?’

The answers varied from eight to twenty ounces. Shaking her head, the lady replied: ‘The actual weight of the water in this glass does not really matter here. I am only using it in comparison with the emotional/spiritual weight of anything we carry around with us. The heaviness of this kind of load depends on the way we tackle our lives, the problems that arise along the way and how long we do something. It’s the same with this glass. If I hold it up for just a minute, there’s no problem. But if I do this for an hour, I wind up with an aching arm. If I’d hold it for a day, it might be necessary to call an ambulance for me. Although the weight in each case is the same, the longer I carry it the heavier it feels to me.

It’s the same with stress. If we carry a burden for too long, it becomes heavier and heavier, until we feel so weak that we can no longer carry anything. The same as with my glass of water, it is necessary to every so often put down for a while any load we have to carry, so we can rest until we feel sufficiently refreshed to tackle the task before us once more. The more we practise this guarding ourselves against the stress element, the better we become at it. So, in future learn to refuse to carry any of your burdens through the evening and into the night. Make an effort at leaving them behind, so you can pick them up in the morning when in dreamtime your mind and body have been refreshed.

Also during the day, whatever you may be loaded up with, from time to time let everything go for a moment and relax. When you are sufficiently rested, pick things up again. And do not forget to remind yourself frequently that a lifetime on the Earth can be very short indeed and that each one of them is a precious gift from the Universe that is meant to be cherished by us. Through learning to handle the stress in our lives in sensible ways, life becomes much more enjoyable. It enables us to make the most of every minute for growing in wisdom and understanding and thus fulfilling the ultimate purpose of our earthly existence.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

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The Seasons Of Our Life

The world around us is a mirror that reflects what is happening to us on its innermost level. And our lives are subject to a constantly repeating succession of cycles of rebirth and death. Just like our planet we are moving through seasons of spring and summer, autumn and winter. Every year that passes they seem to be the same, but imperceptibly on the earthly plane we and our world have always been moving forwards and upwards on the individual and collective evolutionary spiral, not only our own and that of our world but, at the same time, the whole of Creation.

Earthly human lifetimes usually consist of childhood and adolescence as spring, the middle years of summer and autumn, and old age as winter. On all levels of life every winter is followed by a new spring that brings the gift of resurrection and rebirth with a renewal of life’s forces. At the end of each earthly lifetime, we leave our outworn and tired physical bodies behind and our spirit/soul returns to spirit realm, humankind’s true eternal home.

That’s how time and again we are resurrected and reborn into a steadily increasing awareness of who and what God truly is and what the essence of our being is. In truth, there is no death, merely transformation or rather transfiguration. At the end of each earthly lifetime, one of the Angels of transfiguration releases our spirit/soul, who had been held captive in a physical body. It returns them into the spirit realm’s greater freedom where learning of a different kind is waiting for us. Could one ask for anything better?

The unceasing and relentless flow of our world’s and our own life’s seasons are clear evidence of who truly is in charge of humankind and its destiny. During the early parts of our earthly education we, with typical human arrogance, for a long time believe that we ourselves are. Yet, even the last and slowest one of God’s children of the Earth eventually reaches the developmental point when they realise that the only thing we can ever do is paddle the canoe of our existence. The steering is done by the Highest Forces of life. Because they are part of us and everything else that exists in the whole of Creation and are holding and executing the evolutionary plan for every manifestation of life, they really know the way of all things

Being aware of what’s going to happen to me when my time for departure from the earthly plane has come, I cannot say that the thought of growing old ever disturbed me unduly. Yet, now the winter of my life is here and leaving this plane must be coming ever closer, I sometimes cannot help wondering what’s happened and how did I get here so fast? Where have all those years gone? I remember seeing older people earlier in my life and thinking they were years ahead of me. The present season of my life was so far off in those days that I could not imagine what it would be like when I was as old as they were then. Nothing prepared me for the aches and pains that creep up on us with increasing age. There is no way of telling how long this particular season will last for me, but it’s good to know that when its end comes for each one of us, our lives are by no means over. I am sure you know exactly what I mean. New adventures are waiting for all of us in the spirit realm. Now, there’s an exciting thought for you!

If you have not yet reached the winter of your life, take it from me that it will catch up with you surprisingly quickly. Therefore, whatever you would still like to accomplish, get on with it and do it. Do not procrastinate and put things off any longer. Our earthly existence has a dreamlike quality and the whole thing passes by amazingly fast. Do what you can today, as you can never be sure when you will be going home. In any case, there is no promise for any one of us that we shall experience as many seasons of life as other people. That too is okay with me. Live for today and say all the things you want to tell your loved ones while there still is time. It will help them to appreciate and love you even more for yourself and not only for the things you have done for them over the years and what you will be leaving behind.

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Every earthly existence is a precious gift from the Universe to those who are, at any given time, taking part in it. Ideally, the way we conduct our present lifetime should be no less than a present for those around us as well as for the whole of humankind and our world. We are here to make our stay and theirs as pleasant as we can. Yet, living modestly and in a manner that cares for and nurtures Mother Earth, instead of contributing to the robbing and plundering of her precious resources that has become ever more popular. Wise ones leave this plane of life in as good a state as possible because they are aware that if, in one of their coming lifetimes, they will be required to return to this plane, they will come as their own descendants. For a long time, we are consciously unaware that this is the case.

Wise ones appreciate that in one of their previous lifetimes they themselves could have been the people they used to think of as their great-grandparents and those who came before them. What an amazing thought! It puts quite a different slant on genealogy, don’t you think? Should further earthly lifetimes be required by us, if we act in positive and constructive ways now, we can ensure that we find our planet when it has recovered from the ravages of humankind’s thoughtlessness and greed.

Today is the oldest I have ever been and when I am honest with myself, I have to admit that I do have some regrets. Mostly they are about the things I wish I had not done, but also those I should have done and somehow did not get round to. I comfort myself that this is balanced by the many things I did well and am glad about. When you take stock of your life, you may find the same. No matter what age you presently are, it’s likely that the winter of your life will sneak up on you and that in no time at all. So make the most of every day the Universe grants you and enjoy what it brings as much as possible. Be content with whatever experiences come your way, but don’t forget to have some fun, too. The awareness that everything that happens to us in the final analysis serves a wise and higher purpose can turn even the darkest day into a good one.

Live healthily and remind yourself every so often that nothing on the earthly plane truly belongs to us. Only what we are has power and value and not the things we acquire and like to think of as our possessions. A happy and loving heart and a peaceful accepting mind are the only wealth in this life that’s truly worth having and not money. The only things that are eternally ours are spiritual riches; nobody will ever even try to take them from us. They are the only things we are allowed to take with us into Eternity. All the rest stays behind and inevitably has to go to someone else. Therefore, whatever goodness is in us and our life at any given time, let’s make a special effort of sharing it with those around us. It’s never what we gather in material goods, but what we scatter and share with others that reveals the quality of our whole being.

Have you noticed that every physical body is a masterpiece of precision engineering? But even then whatever dwells within it, someone’s spirit/soul as well as our own, is of far greater importance. Our physical body is but an outer shell is part of Mother Earth and belongs entirely to her. It’s merely a vehicle we need for getting around on the earthly plane, meant to last for but one single lifetime. We are responsible for its maintenance and wellbeing. At the beginning of each new lifetime a new one of these vehicles is entrusted into our care. When this lifetime has reached its end, the vehicle should be returned to Mother Earth in as good a condition as possible.

The same as all other earthly things physical bodies are easily hurt and damaged. Frequently they are in need of being repaired and when they have reached the end of their usefulness, the cells and atoms of its components are given back to the Earth. They are recycled because nothing in the whole of Creation is ever just thrown away and wasted. Whatever dwells within every physical body, the spirit/soul, alone survives because it is immortal and eternal. Therefore it can and will never die. That’s why in truth there is no such thing as death.

At the end of each earthly lifetime, one of the Angels of transfiguration releases our spirit/soul from being imprisoned on the earthly plane. The transfiguration of Jesus never happened because the story of his life is filled with symbolisms for the many initiations in which every human being on the earthly plane has to take part in. Transfiguration happens each time when one of us moves from the spirit realm into a new lifetime and at the end returns to it. It’s the spirit/soul alone who moves on and who can and will never perish because its immortality. Yet, the degree of consciousness that has been reached by the inner self each time we leave our outer shell behind is contained in every cell and atom of our physical body.

They belong to Mother Earth, who absorbs them and because on the inner level all life is one, when one of us evolves the rest of humankind is evolving with them. So does the whole of humankind, our world and the rest of God’s Creation. This is how each one of us at all times is helping all life to move ever forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Having patiently and lovingly put up with humankind’s ignorant and unruly behaviour for far too long, isn’t it the highest time that Mother Earth, our beautiful home planet, is at last treated with the consideration and love it most surely deserves?

Updated May 2022

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Navigating The Ocean Of Life’
• ‘Drinking From The Eternal Fountain Of Youth’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’

From ‘Greetings From The Wise One Within’

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