Are there any women who have bad relationship experiences with men where they are scared from feeling like they have any chance at future relationships? Are there any men who would be willing to comment and have a civil, honest conversation and give me insight and advice?
Disclaimer: Im not trying to be hateful or argumentative in anyway- Im expressing a dissonant thought pattern I have ingrained- and I dont know if I can change it at this point- but I dont get to really talk about it and it has a huge weighing on my daily life and my future outlook and my will to live so please try not to take offense as its not directed at anyone or like an outwardly malicious thought- its more saddening.
I never had a father, never had personally known male role models or brothers, but had a tomboy mother who worked hard and was very practical. I am fine with men in casual relationships, but (this is my belief, Im not saying it is universally true)- I dont know how I could trust a man when all he deeply cares about is looks and obedience. Like- he only married the mother of his future children because she was beautiful and agreeable- if that ever changed he would be cold or cheat- so its could I having been a child put my faith in someone who at their core of relationships had this main value in mind? How could I ensure that his support of me, the child, wouldn't have been out of obligation or making face, or that he would really be there for me if I was in trouble if deep down he had shallow and such self driven interests? Again, I dont hate men who I casually know, but with a lack of a father figure and nothing but (very) bad relationships in my rear view, intimately, this is how I imagine all relationships with men are. As friends or acquaintances they're totally alright, but as soon as they gain romantic or intimate ties, their emotional avoidance and selfish status desires kick in and they become authoritative, childish and fickle. Its very strange- thats why I always keep casual and when I was young and pretty and men gave me the eye: if I indulged it was hell and if I ran I was alone so alone became much less stressful- and now that I gained 40lbs I get no attention so it makes sense. Too stressful. And when I was a size 6 I was still called too fat- now that I weigh more I am told "lose weight, its your fault you're single- if you could just lose weight men would love you"- but that's not true and I dont want men to love me just because I went on a diet. And people are quick to say "well Im sorry you had those experiences, but those were just some bad guys" or when I say "would you rather date a mean woman with a boring personality who was smoking hot or a slightly below average looking woman who was kind, and gentle, and confident, and smart" you get the " know..its like" or the quick "the average one!" Through gritted teeth. Its a no-win from me. So maybe I am a prime example of a girl from a fatherless home. It never bothered me consciously because I never knew any different, but I have never had a positive intimate relationship with a man in my adolescent or adult life either. I would love to one day be proven wrong but with my life experience thus far, its hard to change my belief. It seems silly to. Just like we learn not to put our hands on a hot stove- if someone encouraged you to touch red hot coils at 28 years old because they claimed to have touched it and they were happy as a result, youd say thats a silly belief to foster for the sake of your own safety and happiness and would walk away confused. Except for the fact that deep down you know you have a need to touch those coils for some reason to feel content and safe and to have a family, but your learned and survival instincts over ride that need so you feel cornered and defeated. Like maybe it is just you who cant touch hot stove coils but maybe that's just how it is. What everyone else grasps so easily with so many opportunities, the opportunity to date, fall in love, get married, have a family- when you reach for it it distorts like at the face of a clock in a dream but into something horrible and painful, and if you dont reach with all you've got and bend over backwards, all opportunity disappears and you are invisible. That is how it feels. As a woman its hard because we are taught all women can get men easily and that we somehow have the upper hand because of sex and consent, so there is a lot of shame when you fail as a woman- like on the most basic of levels you are not worthy, and all you can get even if you were worthy is abuse and confusion and disingenuous flirty looks.
Disclaimer: Im not trying to be hateful or argumentative in anyway- Im expressing a dissonant thought pattern I have ingrained- and I dont know if I can change it at this point- but I dont get to really talk about it and it has a huge weighing on my daily life and my future outlook and my will to live so please try not to take offense as its not directed at anyone or like an outwardly malicious thought- its more saddening.
I never had a father, never had personally known male role models or brothers, but had a tomboy mother who worked hard and was very practical. I am fine with men in casual relationships, but (this is my belief, Im not saying it is universally true)- I dont know how I could trust a man when all he deeply cares about is looks and obedience. Like- he only married the mother of his future children because she was beautiful and agreeable- if that ever changed he would be cold or cheat- so its could I having been a child put my faith in someone who at their core of relationships had this main value in mind? How could I ensure that his support of me, the child, wouldn't have been out of obligation or making face, or that he would really be there for me if I was in trouble if deep down he had shallow and such self driven interests? Again, I dont hate men who I casually know, but with a lack of a father figure and nothing but (very) bad relationships in my rear view, intimately, this is how I imagine all relationships with men are. As friends or acquaintances they're totally alright, but as soon as they gain romantic or intimate ties, their emotional avoidance and selfish status desires kick in and they become authoritative, childish and fickle. Its very strange- thats why I always keep casual and when I was young and pretty and men gave me the eye: if I indulged it was hell and if I ran I was alone so alone became much less stressful- and now that I gained 40lbs I get no attention so it makes sense. Too stressful. And when I was a size 6 I was still called too fat- now that I weigh more I am told "lose weight, its your fault you're single- if you could just lose weight men would love you"- but that's not true and I dont want men to love me just because I went on a diet. And people are quick to say "well Im sorry you had those experiences, but those were just some bad guys" or when I say "would you rather date a mean woman with a boring personality who was smoking hot or a slightly below average looking woman who was kind, and gentle, and confident, and smart" you get the " know..its like" or the quick "the average one!" Through gritted teeth. Its a no-win from me. So maybe I am a prime example of a girl from a fatherless home. It never bothered me consciously because I never knew any different, but I have never had a positive intimate relationship with a man in my adolescent or adult life either. I would love to one day be proven wrong but with my life experience thus far, its hard to change my belief. It seems silly to. Just like we learn not to put our hands on a hot stove- if someone encouraged you to touch red hot coils at 28 years old because they claimed to have touched it and they were happy as a result, youd say thats a silly belief to foster for the sake of your own safety and happiness and would walk away confused. Except for the fact that deep down you know you have a need to touch those coils for some reason to feel content and safe and to have a family, but your learned and survival instincts over ride that need so you feel cornered and defeated. Like maybe it is just you who cant touch hot stove coils but maybe that's just how it is. What everyone else grasps so easily with so many opportunities, the opportunity to date, fall in love, get married, have a family- when you reach for it it distorts like at the face of a clock in a dream but into something horrible and painful, and if you dont reach with all you've got and bend over backwards, all opportunity disappears and you are invisible. That is how it feels. As a woman its hard because we are taught all women can get men easily and that we somehow have the upper hand because of sex and consent, so there is a lot of shame when you fail as a woman- like on the most basic of levels you are not worthy, and all you can get even if you were worthy is abuse and confusion and disingenuous flirty looks.