Were you bullied?

It's not human nature, no one is born hating people of a certain size. :(
Not to hate people for weight, but I feel like a lot of people think that they need to be nosy and insert their opinions into other peoples lives. Like gossiping and stuff.

I just don't see how our weight effects other people? Like so many people wanna gossip about that or who you're friends with or how much money you make or what your job is. Like what I do doesn't effect anyone but people still wanna make rude comments to others.


Well-Known Member
When I finally made a friend as a kid, they always lied to me and did tricks to me cuz I'm naiive..

In school the gym teacher would say "DAMN IT, [my name]" and call me over to fix my gym jersey as the kids laughed at me.

In middle school kids made me do inappropriate motions with my hands/body.

In high school, when I threw food away the others would kick the garbage so that my food would land on the floor and the lunch tables would laugh at me. They also commonly told random girls I never met before that I have a crush on them, so that they'd go up to me and say "Ewww sorry but I'm not into guys like you."

And online I get cyberbullied and in the self-advocacy group that I'm in, I want to go around teaching others that its bad to bully people online.

And online I always call myself the "newbie defender" cuz I try to defend the newbies that others bully a lot in online games.

And I still get bullied. When I post a youtube video, it gets 44 downvotes and one comment said I'm like.. uh this guy on the internet people make fun of (idk if I should say his name so I won't) and someone else replied saying "No, [I'm] even worst than him." and another video of mine got lots of downvotes too,

and on reddit I posted one time a thread saying that people in an online game keep making fun of me for "autism," and all that happened was that a guy replied bringing up these screenshots of me that someone else posted, even though my reddit thread had nothing to do with that at all and didn't mention that at all. I also made a thread about a Hamtaro fangame I made, and someone replied to the thread saying "Aren't you the creepy guy that [something very inapprorpaite about hamsters]?" but I don't do what they claim.

I always get bullied and I always have my entire life.


Punched in the head
Yes, very much so. I've been somewhat of a target throughout my life. At home, school and work, I have been targeted for various reasons. Other students went after me because I was shy, sensitive and a bit of a nerd. All things that make a bully salivate, right? When I was in the early years of school, teachers went after me for personal/familial reasons I'd rather not get into. My father bullied me at home. When I got to the workplace.... it was like being back in school again. Most people never grow up, they just learn to dress like they have. Now I have agoraphobia and massive trust issues. I wonder why that is?

I could go into MUCH more detail, but I'm not comfortable doing that here, at least not yet. Besides, I can feel the tension knot in my stomach has reappeared after writing that out. Grrrrr.....


Has a frog in the family
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I kow how you feel @holdingon I was bullied terribly in jounior high and beaten up a lot in junior high. but against my wishes my parents went to the school. two of the three ringleaders said I would never be bothered again. 1 became a close friend for years until we lost contact and the other took me into his group. I never bullied anyone but saw them do it to others. I got tired of being bullied and joined the navy and became strong and confident. I hope that you can find a way to be confident. I think you could find confidence and trust with the right support. therapy is obviously a must and you can learn to trust people again right here. when you feel comfortable enough message someone here and tell them more. you can tell people in a message and ask them to keep it private. learning to trust again takes time. and please feel free to message me anytime. I am listening and I do care....mike...*console*hug*shake


Punched in the head
I kow how you feel @holdingon I was bullied terribly in jounior high and beaten up a lot in junior high. but against my wishes my parents went to the school. two of the three ringleaders said I would never be bothered again. 1 became a close friend for years until we lost contact and the other took me into his group. I never bullied anyone but saw them do it to others. I got tired of being bullied and joined the navy and became strong and confident. I hope that you can find a way to be confident. I think you could find confidence and trust with the right support. therapy is obviously a must and you can learn to trust people again right here. when you feel comfortable enough message someone here and tell them more. you can tell people in a message and ask them to keep it private. learning to trust again takes time. and please feel free to message me anytime. I am listening and I do care....mike...*console*hug*shake
Thanks for the kind words. :)

I was actually quite confident in myself until a few major life events 5 years ago. They had a profound effect on my life and the upshot is that it led me to the unfortunate position I am in today. Not that I was always confident. I had to overcome a lot to get to that point. Unfortunately, I can see now that I built that confidence on a house of cards that was always destined to collapse on me.

I've been in therapy, on and off, for over a decade, however, I received a significant diagnosis recently and am due to start a new type of treatment in the new year that will help me get through the damage rendered by bullying/abuse (among other things) that I never had a chance to resolve in my younger days. Maybe, I'll finally get a normal(ish, wouldn't want to go TOO far. lol) life then? Crossing everything and just trying to live day-to-day until then.
Were you bullied at school or in the work place? If so, why do you think you were targeted?

I left school in 2004 age 14, I could not face the bullies anymore,it was constant slagging and torment. I was an easy target for bullies because of my shyness and naivety. I'd rather not say what they did because it is a long story.

Feel free to share your bullying story! I'd like to hear them. I think more should be done to protect kids from bullying other kids but I have no idea as to what. Also how were you affected?
Yes kids can be cruel. I stood up to someone once so for the rest of my school life she bullied me, well her friend who I didn't even know did, if she saw me in hallway she would push me or follow me and my friend in loo just to start on us. I remember at time I was already upset coming out of loos and had been crying when she turned up she called me a tart for wearing the tiniest eye make up that was now down my cheeks and tripped me up as I tried to get past. I feel bullying affected me because it was cruel and I felt there was nothing I could do about it. I wish more schools had support groups for such things because it ruined my self esteem. It stopped eventually when I saw the same girl coming up the stairs, I knew she was going to do her normal bumping and I just snapped so as she walked upstairs and pushed I pushed her back and she fell down few steps she looked incredibly shocked but I'd just had it with her. After that it didn't happen again.
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Ivan :)

Well-Known Member
This is stupid situation, but in my country vegetarians are bullied by society... That's funny because people just don't eat meat. This is all. And don't do nothing bad. Just good things... This is of course not hard buliing. But you may be called cultist. Or just stupid person... :)

Also in my country you will be bullied if you will look not like other. I mean clothing or haircut. So if you wan't be bullied you need to wear dark one-tonned cloth and have short hair... :)


🎸🎶Metal Star🎵🥁
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This is stupid situation, but in my country vegetarians are bullied by society... That's funny because people just don't eat meat. This is all. And don't do nothing bad. Just good things... This is of course not hard buliing. But you may be called cultist. Or just stupid person... :)

Also in my country you will be bullied if you will look not like other. I mean clothing or haircut. So if you wan't be bullied you need to wear dark one-tonned cloth and have short hair... :)
Don't let them change who you are. Stay yourself and show them what a great person you are and their judgmental views are sh*te.
I wouldn't say that I was bullied, but, I was, in fact, teased by some of my friends. It was aimed at an aspect of my appearance, and, I could live with it. It only got worse when my crush at the time rejected me and vaguely implied it was my looks behind the rejection. Years later, I realize she did not mean my physical looks as in "You're ugly," but, rather, "You don't have the right skin color." I suppose that's a lot harder to admit than telling somebody they're not good looking enough. I totally understand, however, and, I wish her a good life. It's just that I've been dealing with a lot of self-image problems as a result, because I truly believed she meant to say that I'm too ugly for her. I still have no clue as to whether I'm attractive or not. Maybe that does mean I am perceived as ugly by the opposite gender, since attractive guys know that they're attractive.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I was both the bully and the bullied. I forgive my bullies but feel awful for being on the other side of the coin (felt bad before too though, "later". Always). May share the story in more detail later. If anyone cares for it.


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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If you are being bullied, speak up and tell someone responsible who you know will take it seriously. Just saying to the younger members :) Bullies are cowards and will try to drag you down with them, don't let them *hug


Well-Known Member
i was bullied in elementary school..

and at my current workplace.. people take advantage of me and dump loads of work on me.. and no way to complain as well.. i do relish the time off work for this reason.. i'm at least working away from my colleagues.. and since i don't have any accounts in social media they can't get to me..


Kangaroo Manager
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Not once. Everybody just steered clear of me because I was and still am an odd duck with strange and unsocial(not antisocial) ways and behavior. I was left out of most everything that others were doing and in some ways I would have wanted to have been thought of as someone to include but at the same time most of those things I had no interest in. I fit the phrase: Of course I want to be invited, but I have no desire to attend or be around others.

Legate Lanius

Well-Known Member
Nah, I did have to fight some guy and his cousins at the playground a couple of times. We played rough a lot during recess at that school and I liked it, we had sort of a feud since preschool me and the guy. I didn't really register it at that point, but remember literally throwing him around and him biting me first day or something lol. He then recruited his cousins to attack me sometimes and I remember accidentally choking him to save a friend that he was going to attack. I never registered it as bullying but as war/playing. Kind of hardcore for eight year-olds.

Oh, and wasn't involved in any bullying later on since I was good at blending in and never started anything. But I don't think anyone at my schools were really bullied, just excluded (which is just as bad as getting attacked in many cases).
I was bullied all of the time when i was in elementary school because of how i look and that i was autistic and mentally unstable. i was pretty ugly in elementary school and even other kids said it too about me.. and the autism part i remember one time i was having an autism episode rocking back and forth, making weird sounds and laughing like a crazy person at the lunch table while everyone looked at me like i was insane...


Has a frog in the family
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I was bullied all of the time when i was in elementary school because of how i look and that i was autistic and mentally unstable. i was pretty ugly in elementary school and even other kids said it too about me.. and the autism part i remember one time i was having an autism episode rocking back and forth, making weird sounds and laughing like a crazy person at the lunch table while everyone looked at me like i was insane...
being bullied is a terrible thing. i was bullied for a while in junior high, it's something you never forget. i hope you can put that into your past someday, and never let anyone bully you again.



Well-Known Member
I was bullied at school too starting in primary school and through to secondary school even though it was different kids. Not exactly sure why me other than I didn't have any friends. And because I was bullied, I didn't get any friends and never really learnt HOW to make friends, or socialise. People usually learn that as kids but I didn't. One of those catch 22 situations. No friends = bullied. Bullied = no friends.

There was one incident though that I should mention as relevant. There was a time, when I was still in primary, when I actually lost my temper and attacked back. I actually hurt someone as a result and I still remember sitting in the head teachers office being reprimanded. The punishment? Being told 'Don't do it again'. I clearly remember sitting there and being disillusioned and disappointed in that. That was all they did? That if that was all that ever happened to those that bullied me, no wonder they didn't stop. That if all it took was words, they wouldn't have bullied me in the first place.

Basically they bullied me because they could.

Not sure if any of that helps.
Were you bullied at school or in the work place? If so, why do you think you were targeted?

I left school in 2004 age 14, I could not face the bullies anymore,it was constant slagging and torment. I was an easy target for bullies because of my shyness and naivety. I'd rather not say what they did because it is a long story.

Feel free to share your bullying story! I'd like to hear them. I think more should be done to protect kids from bullying other kids but I have no idea as to what. Also how were you affected?
Hope you are doing good. I was bullied for a while let me explain:

I use to have a best friend in 4th grade. She was everything to me. Like a soulmate but in a friendship way. I had never ever loved someone this much. She was always here for me. Years went by and nothing had changed until we arrived to middle school. In middle school we formed a friend group with 3 other girls. This is when I saw her get really close to another girl and kind of forgot about me. I tried to understand but all she did was ignore me. The weeks went by and she had turned all of my friend group against me. That's when the bullying happenned. They would verbally assault me, spit on me, push me around, humiliate me and more. My best friend (probably shouldnt even be calling her that) was seeing all of this happen to me. She ignored it and igonred me as well not speaking a single word. The bullying kept on going so I finally had to end up changing schools. It's traumatising and even though it was years ago I still think about it from time to time.

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